Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A Wrinkle in Time Quiz

1. In what is Mr. Murry imprisoned?

B. A transparent Column: Page 137: Transparent column, and inside this column was a man. “FATHER!” Meg screamed
2. Which of the following is not one of Meg’s greatest faults?

A. Impatience: Page 61: But I' not patient!" Meg Cried passionately. "I've never been patient."

B. Anger Page 94: Mrs. Whatsit Whisper “You will still need your anger NOW!

C. A need to understand everything Page 66:

D Suspicion of her brother’s unusual powers. The book made no mention of Charles Wallace of having powers.
3. Where does the final scene of the book take Place?

A. On the lawn outside the Murry’s house
Page 201: Mr. Murry was running across the lawn Mrs. Murry running toward him, and they were in Each others arms.
4. What do the beast on Ixchel use to communicate?

A. Their numerous tentacles Page 184: Tentacles in greeting

5. Calvin O’Keef in popular in school as a[n]

A. Athlete Page 45: But you’re good at basket ball
Page 33: I am a sport

6. Which of the following characters never leaves Earth?

A. Mrs. Buncombes
Page 17: They were saying at the post office this afternoon that a tramp stole Mrs. Buncombes Sheets

B. Whatsit Page 60: takes Meg, Charles Wallace and Calvin to Uriel, the third planet of the star.

C. Aunt Beast Page 178: Ixchel

D. Mr. Murry Page 158: Calvin why you on Camazotz?


7. Which of the following is NOT true of Mrs. Murry

A. She writes letters to her husband every night.
Page 51: I think mother still writes him every night

B. She sometimes cooks dinner for her family on her Bunsen burner
Page 39: Mrs. Murry—Over a Bunsen burner bubble a big earthenware dish of stew.

C. She is a Physicist working on a top-secret government project.
Page 28: Mrs. Murry is a Scientist she has degrees in both biology & bacteriology
Mr. Murry is the Physicist Page 27:
Page 50: He did some work for the Government
Top Secret

D. She believes that her son Charles Wallace is special? Page 12: Prodigious: Definition—Someone who has extra ordinary talent or ability


8. Where was Mr. Murry trying to tesser to when he inadvertently landed on Camazotz?
B. Mars Page 158: “Father” I was heading for Mars. Tesser is even more complicated than we had Expected.


9. All of the following Characters are associated with goodness and light EXCEPT?
C. The man with Red Eyes. Chapter 8
Page 114: On the Platform was a chair, and on the chair was a man.
Page 115: [RED EYES] Meg starred at the man horrified fascination. His eyes were bright and had a REDDISH GLOW

10. Which of the following characters transforms herself into a beautiful Centaur?

A. Mrs. Whatsit Page 62-63
Page 63: Greek Centaur


11. Which is NOT true of this novel?
D It was written exclusively for children and young adults

A. THE CENTRAL central Intelligence Building
Page 104: All Camazotz knows our record. That is why we are the capital City of
Camazotz. That is why CENTRAL; central intelligence is located here.

NOTE: That is why IT makes IT’s home here


C. The transparent Column Page 137: Transparent Column were Meg’s father was imprisoned on Camazotz

D. The paper delivery boy Page 103: News Paper delivery boy [Paper Route Boy]


13. All of the following characters usually wear Glasses EXCEPT

A. Meg Page 7: “Go back to Sleep”, Meg said. “Just be glad you’re a kitten and not a monster like me.” She looked at herself in the wardrobe mirror and made a horrible face, barring a mouthful of teeth covered with braces. Automatically she pushes her glasses into position

B. Mr. Murry Page 41: The one with glass?
Page: 138: Oh father “She whispered longingly, but the man in the Column did not move to look at her. The Horn rimmed glasses which always seemed so much a part of him were gone. For him to see Meg gives her father Mrs. Who’s Spectacles Page 142:
C. Mrs. Who Page 36, 37 Spectacles Page 58 Page 61 Page 97 Mrs. Who gives Meg her glasses

D. Calvin O’Keefe—In the book it never mention Calvin wearing glasses
14. What kind of food does the man with the RED EYES serve to the children?

A. Turkey
Page 123: It was covered with a white cloth, like the tables used by room service in hotels, and held a metal hot box containing something that smelled delicious, something that smelled like “TURKEY” dinner.
15. Which of the Following Characters is most Vulnerable to the danger of tessering through the BLACK THING?

B Meg Page 96: Because of Her faults.
Also Meg Has low self esteem. She looks down on herself and she doesn't recognize her strength's
16. Who is the oldest of the following characters?

B Mrs. Which Page 81: Mmrs. Whattsitt,” came Mrs. Which’s voice severely , just because yyou arre very young iss nno excuse for talking too much.
17. Mrs. Whatsit compare life to a

A. Sonnet
Page 189: I know, in your language you have a form of poetry called the Sonnet
18. A Wrinkle in Time is classified as belonging to all of the following genres EXCEPT:


Book list
B. Science Fiction
C. Fantasy
D. Young
19. Meg Receives all of the following gifts EXCEPT:

A. Mrs. Whatsits love. Page 198: Meg said, Automatically, “Mrs. Whatsit loves me;

B. Mrs. Who’s Spectacles
Page 97: Mrs. Who gives Meg her spectacles.

C. An excerpt from the New Testament
Page 89: John 1:5 “And the light shineth in darkness: and the darkness Comprehended it not”

D. Stolen Bed Sheets
Page 30: Meg tells Charles you know she’s going to get in awful trouble—Mrs. Whatsit, I mean if they find out she’s broken into the haunted house. And taking Mrs. Buncombe’s Sheets and everything and they could send her to jail.
20. L’ Engle theory of time was influenced by all of the following EXCEPT?

A. Albert Einstein relativity theory Chapter 5 Tesseract Page 75: I know it ‘s got something to do with Einstein.

Two-dimensional projection of a three-dimensional analogy of space-time curvature described in General Relativity

B. Max Planck’s quantum Theory

The term "theory of relativity" was coined by
Max Planck in 1908 to emphasize how special relativity (and later, general relativity) uses the principle of relativity.

Quantum mechanics is the study of
mechanical systems whose dimensions are close to the atomic scale, such as molecules, atoms, electrons, protons and other subatomic particles. Quantum mechanics is a fundamental branch of physics with wide applications. Quantum theory generalizes classical mechanics to provide accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained phenomena such as black body radiation and stable electron orbits. The effects of quantum mechanics become evident at the atomic and subatomic level, and they are typically not observable on macroscopic scales. Superfluidity is one of the known exceptions to this rule.

C. The Greek concept of Kairos
Kairos (καιρός) is an
ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment. The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a time in between, a moment of undetermined period of time in which something special happens. What the special something is depends on who is using the word. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.[1]

D. Nostradamu’s predictions
21. The Children see all of the following through the Happy Medium Crystal ball EXCEPT.
A Mrs. Murry Page 92: Meg began to recognize her mother’s lab at home
B Mrs. O’Keef Page 91: Calvin’s mother first Meg Whispers to the medium
C The Earth engulfed by a dark shadow Page 91: Darken Earth
Page 153 with an immense effort she tried to breathe against the RHYTHM OF IT
22 What is Meg’s Strongest Subject at School?

A. Math Page 42 & 43
23. Meg’s father has worked at all of the following places EXCEPT?

A Smithsonian Institute for Astrophysics at Harvard
This was not mentioned in the Book

B The Institute for higher learning in Princeton Page 50:

C New Mexico Page 50:

D Cape Canaveral Florida Page 41 in a picture & Page 50
24. At different points in the Novel, the various Characters Mrs. Whatsit as all of the following EXCEPT?
A. TRAMP—PAGE 19 I’ll bet she is a tramp Title: Chapter 1 Mrs. Whatsit
B .A Witch Page 141
C A Shadow
D A Star Page 88 Charles Wallace went up to Mrs. Whatsit “I see Now I understand. You were a Star.
Page 89: But only my dears, I did so love being a Star
25. Which of the following NOT a reason why Charles Wallace is Considered an unusual child?

A He did not begin speaking until very late Page 10: And it was true that he hadn’t talked at
all until he was almost four.

B He has EXCEPTIONALLY large Vocabulary Page 34

C. He taught himself to read before he entered school Page 31 inadvertently. That’s a good word, isn’t it? I got mother to look it up in the dictionary for me this morning. I really must learn to read, except I’m afraid it will make it awfully hard for me in school next year
Charles Wallace doesn't know how to read yet.

D He can read his sisters Mind

Page 7: Charles Wallace, the “Dumb” baby brother”, who had an uncanny way of knowing when
she was awake and unhappy and who would come so, many nights tip toeing up the attic stairs too her.

26. Which of the following NOT used as a weapon against it?

A. The Declaration of Independence Page 153
B. Love Page 198
Page 199 Meg Could not Love IT. It was too much to ask
However, She Could Love Charles Wallace
She brings Charles Wallace back for she loves her little brother.
C. The Periodic Table Page 155: “The periodic table of Elements, Meg! Say it!
D. Nuclear Power not mention in the Book
27. Who is Fortinbras?

A. The Murry’s pet dog page 7-8 Fortinbras, the big black dog starting to bark
I am a parent who home schools my youngest child. He is in accredit Home School progam Laurel Springs
He is in the 5th Grade and My Oldest Son who attends Heritage Christian Academy in Hopkinsville Kentucky.
Well both of my sons had to read Wrinkle in Time it was a requirement. Well it was a requirement for me. If am going to teach my son I had to read the book.
I enjoy the book and It also helped my oldest son get a good grade at school.
The point I am making read the novels your children read. And talk about the book. This will help your child do well.
What did I think of Wrinkle In Time. I strongly Identified with Meg. Why she is protector of her little brother. She fought for him. As he would for her.
Margaret Murry- She is a teenager, smart in Math and misses her father. In Love with Calvin O'Keef.
Sandy and Denny are the twin's who are ten years old and they think they are better then anyone.
Charles Wallace is 4 years old, people look at him like is dumb and stupid. However, he is a smart young man. Also in the book his father would not have saved him from IT. Because he was not apart of his life. He didn't know his father
My youngest son can Identify with Charles Wallace, because his father has been to Iraq and Korea and missed all of his birthdays. I remember when his father came home from Korea when he was three. I said their is your father. He said I have no dad. What is a dad?
Mrs. Murry is a scientist and she is lonley woman who misses her husband she writes him letters every night with no response
Fortinbras-Family Dog
Calvin O'Keef a baskball athlete who is fond of Meg and tells Meg that her mother is a beautiful mother.
Following individuals were not of the earth
Mrs. whatsit
Mrs. Who
Mrs. Which
Mr. Jenkins School Principal who puts Meg Down and questions her about her parents.
Miss Potter Meg teacher who sends her to Mr. Jenkins
Postmistress the town Gossip
Mrs. Buncombes Sheets were stolen by Mrs. Whatsit
Aunt Beast--Helped Nursed Meg bag they have tenticals
Paper Boy on Camazotz
Boy who miss bounce boy is found at the Central Intelligence next to Meg's father.
The Man with the Red EYES Controlled by IT
IT a Embodies Ugly brain
Read up with your kids and talk about the book at Super time.

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Happy 79th Birthday Dolly Rebecca Parton