Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Brady Campaign To Prevent Weapon accidents

The Brady Campaign

To Protect Children from finding weapons that they are not suppose to play with; this can happen to anyone. We must educate families on the danger of weapons.

State Senator Joseph Allen Pendleton

Senator Joey Pendleton (D) Senate District 3 Christian Logan & Todd

Official Website:

Capitol Address:
702 Capitol Ave, Room 257, Frankfort, KY 40601
Capitol Address:

700 Capitol Ave, Capitol Room 330, Frankfort, KY 40601

District Address:
905 Hurst Drive, Hopkinsville, KY 42240

(502) 564-2470

Contact by E-mail

Email Contact Form:

When I was a child, my father had five daughters, he also had number of rifles in the home. All of my sister knew they were there and were my father kept the ammunition. He kept the weapons unlocked in the house in our bedroom and the ammunition in the kitchen above the stove.
Our father taught us at an early age how to fire the weapon. He also taught us not to touch any of the weapons. They were not ours to play with. We did what our father told us. We did not touch the weapons.
So much is lost in today's parenting and so much discpline is also lost. Parents are human and with today its hard to be in two places at once. This is a sad story and with Education in Zachary Memory contact Mr. Pendleton and tell him to pass The Brady Campaign to prevent another accident from happing.
Jeannette K. Rook

Mailing Address 905 Hurst DrHopkinsville KY 42240

Frankfort Address(es) 702 Capitol AveAnnex Room 255Frankfort KY 40601

Phone Number(s)
Home: (270) 885-1639
Home: (270) 885-0640
fax)Annex: (502) 564-8100 Ext. 622
Email Address(es) Annex: click here
Service Senate 1993 - Present

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