Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Babies Sanchez Melvina and Garfield ADOPT

Go to your local shelter and adopt Cat or Dog. As a person can see I adopted three baby kitten's and I love them Garfield is the orange kitten, the middle kitten is Melvina and the last one is Sanchez.

These babies are a blessing and they are such a pleasure to have. There more lovable animals out there that did not asked to be born. However, they need good homes. I opened my heart up and I took home three of them.

They give so much love and I love them. I cannot imagine my life without them. So go to your local shelter and take a baby home or if a person prefers they have older cats that need homes as well.

Shelters accept donations. However, the best thing a person can do is take one home and give it love. Also shelters help with the cost of Spaying and nuetering. So open your hearts up and please take a baby home and give it love.

As you can see I took three of them and I love them. I say it again open your hearts up and adopted a baby dog or cat.

As you can see I chose three little kittens.

Jeannette K. Rook

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