Friday, October 23, 2009

First In Flight Orville Wright Death Record

Orville Wright Death Record First in Flight 1903
History was made at Kitty Hawk , North Carolina on 3 Dec. 1903 , and from the Wright brothers submission to the U.S Patent Office ,' To all whom it may concern : Be it known that we , Orville and Wilbur Wright , citizens of the United States , residing in the city of Dayton , Montgomery Co . , and the state of Ohio , have invented certain new and useful improvements in flying machines ,of which the following is a specification . Our invention relates to that class of flying machines in which the weight is sustained by the reactions resulting when one or more aeroplanes are moved through the air edgewise at a small angle of incidence , either by the application of mechanical power or by the utilization of the force of gravity '. U. S. Patent # 821393 . WJD .

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