Saturday, May 16, 2009

James William Barnhill joins the Presbyterian Church March 27, 1892 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

James William Barhill and Julia Jane Mc Williams Barnhill his wife joined the Presbyterian Church at La Grange Oldham County Kentucky. March 27, 1892

James William Barnhill 1848 La Grange Oldham County CO- 1927 Manhattan New York

James William Barnhill was ordained elder in the La Grange Oldham County Kentucky Presbyterian church June 26, 1898.

On March 27, 1892 Oliver Paul Barnhill the 1st son of James William Barnhill was 14 years old. This is the beginning Day for REV Oliver Paul Barnhill introduced to the Presbyterian Religion. He became a preacher in this Relgion.

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Great Excuse HaHA😁