Monday, May 14, 2018

Richard Finocchi The Family Genealogy of AKA Rachel S. Harlow Billebault Italian Transgender Heritage Romance with John Brendan Kelly Jr. PrinceSS Grace Younger Brother.

Richard Finocchio  the famous AKA Rachel S. Harlow Billebault  Italian Transgender Heritage
Romanced John Brendan Kelly Jr AKA Jack Jr. [1975-1976]
Younger Brother of HRH PrincesS Grace Formerly
Actress Grace Patricia Kelly
Former wife of Famous Chef Gerard Billebault [1981-1993]


The Philadelphia Inquirer  Apr 18, 1989  Tue Pg. 2  Richard Finocchio AKA Mrs. Rachel Billebault
Section: E-1

Section: E-5



Richard Finocchi AKA Rachel S. Harlow Billebault


Name: Joseph Anthony Finocchio
Alias: Joseph Fennel Curly/ Curley
Born: June 12, 1904 Philadelphia, Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, USA
Died: October 27, 1968 1620 South Juniper Street  Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Residence: 1930-1968  
                     1620 South Juniper Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Spouse: Rose Ann Mignogna
Parents: Innocenzo Finocchio, Maria Vincenza Fidelia’s

Occupation: Butcher Felix Spatula and Sons
Cause of Death: Peripheral Circulatory Collapses
                              Due to  Chronic  Cirrhosis of the liver
Age at Death: YRS: YRS: 64 MOS: 7  DYS: 13
Date of Burial: October 30, 1968
Pennsylvania, Death Certificate# 103712-68
Number: 181-10-9875; Issue State: Pennsylvania; Issue Date: Before 1951
Physical Description: Weight: 157 Complexion: Light Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Height: 5 6
Funeral: Annunciation Church
               1511 10th Street
              Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Mortuary:  Carto Funeral Home
                   22145 South Broad Street
                 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,  USA 19145
WWII:  Serial #965 Order # 10758
Residence: February 14, 1942  1620 Juniper St Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Informant: Mrs. Rose Finocchio Deceased Wife
                    1620 South Juniper Street
                   Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Find A Grave Memorial #189721908
Interment: Holy Cross Cemetery Yeadon, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA

Find A Grave Memorial 189721908


The Philadelphia Inquirer October 28, 1968 Mon Page 28 Joseph Fennel Curly Finocchio

FINOCCHIO Fennel-Curly
JOSEPH, husband of Rose [Mignogna], father of Kathleen Alberici and Joseph, Jr., brother of Harry, Rose Tuzio, Katie DiSanto, Lillian DiJohn, & Sidney Marie Lanzilotta, Relatives and friends invited to funeral Wed., 8:30 A.M., CARTO FUNERAL HOME,  2214 S. Broad St. Solemn Requiem Mass.  10 A.M., Annunciation Church.  Int. Holy Cross Cemetery. Viewing Tues., 7-10 P.M.

Pennsylvania, Death Certificate# 103712-68


Name: Rose Anna Mignogna
Born:  February 9, 1905  Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Died:  January 14, 1996  Methodist Hospital Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Residence 1930-1996
                    1620 South Juniper Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Spouse: Joseph Anthony Finocchio
Parents: Michael Angelo Mignogna, Catharine Bertolino
Occupation:  Housewife
Cause of Death:  Heart Failure
                               Cerebral Vascular Accident
                                NIDDM.-- A subclass of DIABETES MELLITUS
Date of Burial:  July 17, 1996
Pennsylvania Death Certificate# 074618
Age At Death: YRS: 91 MOS: 5 DYS: 5
Social Security #: Number: 167-20-8985; Issue State: Pennsylvania; Issue Date: Before 1951
Funeral: Annunciation Church
               1511 10th Street
              Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Mortuary:  Carto Funeral Home
                   22145 South Broad Street
                 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,  USA 19145
Informant: Mrs. Katherine P. Raymond
                    1620 Juniper Street
                    Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Find A Grave Memorial 189722575
Interment: Holy Cross Cemetery Yeadon, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA

Find A Grave Memorial 189722575

The Philadelphia Inquirer Pennsylvania  PA July 16, 1996 Pg 16  Tue  Rose Mingnogna Finocchio
Finocchio—[Nee’ Mignogna]
Rose, July 14, 1996, age 91, beloved wife of the late Joseph “Curley”; dearest Mother of Kathy Raymond, Rachel Billebault and the late Joseph “Toddy”; grandmother of Debbie Finocchio and Christopher Giordano; aunt of Francis, Junior and Sonny Cozzi. Relatives and friend invited to Funeral Wed. 8 A.M.  Carto Funeral Home, INC., 2212-14 S. Broad St. Mass of Christian Burial 9:30 A.M.  Annunciation Church. Int.  Holy Cross Cemetery Viewing Tues. 7-9:30 P.M.

Pennsylvania Death Certificate# 074618

Married: 1932 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
License Number# 613708
Issues: Joseph Jr.  Kathleen, & Richard [AKA Rachel]



Web Source Image:

Richard Finocchi AKA Rachel S. Harlow Billebault

March 9, 1988

Richard Finocchio
Born: May 15, 1948  Southside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Rachel S. Harlow
Reborn:  Transited to Female Full operation 1971-1972
Partner:  John “Jack Kelly Jr. [1975-1976]
Spouse: Gerard Billebault
               Married: April 18, 1981  Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
               Divorced: 1993
Occupation:  Actress, Hostess, Business Woman.

Acknowledged as a woman by Judge Ned Hirsh September 19, 1973 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Special Notes:  Richard Chose his name as a dedicate to the Late Jean Harlow.  On June 30, 1981 She won a Costume Contest Dressed and Inspired by the late Actress. 

Rachel, has two siblings.  Kathleen and a deceased brother Joseph Anthony Finocchio Jr.  AKA Toddy. who is deceased.  He in 1995.  A Year before their Mother Rose who was 91 when she passed away from a Stroke.

Rachel is of Italian Heritage.  He is Second Generation.

About Zagria

Richard Finocchio was raised in South Philadelphia and bullied at school for being too pretty. A friend of the family was a gay man who introduced young Finocchio to the gay subculture, where acceptance was found.

Finocchio started winning drag contests. The Hotel Philadelphia (now demolished) at Broad and Vine Streets was the site of the annual Miss Philadelphia contest. The contest was organized by
Sabrina (Jack Doroshow). The big winner in 1967 was Finocchio using the name Harlow (in homage to Jean Harlow, the 1930s movie star). Harlow did a few times visit The Stonewall Inn when in New York but preferred the straight uptown scene.

Harlow won the Miss All-American Camp Beauty Pageant held in New York in 1967 (again organized by Sabrina). This was filmed, and released as The Queen, 1968. The contestants are shown chatting in their hotel rooms, discussing how they were not called in the draft, their boyfriends, why they would never have a sex change. Harlow throws a fit because he does not have a suitable wig (although her own hair is quite feminine enough). The other standout among the contestants is Miss Manhattan (
Crystal LaBeija, who later founded the House of LaBeija) who stages a tantrum when Harlow wins. The film includes shots of only Harlow arriving and departing, and on stage she gets longer and better-lit close-ups than the other contestants.

She went to Cannes International Film Festival with the film and was a center of attention. David Bowie, in his androgynous phase, cited her influence. A few other minor film roles followed, and, especially in Philadelphia, she became a night-life personality. Bar owner Stanley Rosenbleeth opened Harlow's in the Old City area in 1970, with Rachel as hostess. The place was an immediate sensation. A short time later, a second Harlow's was opened in Atlantic City. There were also interviews, endorsements, modeling jobs and television appearances.

Rachel Harlow completed gender correction in 1972.

The Philadelphia disco-nightclub was a place that attracted celebrities, and one person who came was John B. Kelly Jr., brother of
Grace Kelly, film star and Monaco princess. In his own right Kelly was an accomplished rower, a four-time Olympian, and an Olympic medal winner. He was also a businessman and was 12 years on Philadelphia council. He separated from his first wife in 1969. In 1975 he began a well-publicized affair with Rachel. He ran to be the Democratic candidate  but his mother publicly and financially supported his opponent. This combined with the publicity over his affair led to his dropping out. He claimed that he intended to marry Rachel, but a year later, after his mother threatened to disinherit him, he ended the relationship.

Rachel was having problems finding her identity. She dropped out of the night-life business and the gay subculture. She did continue to work as a model in New York but avoided publicity.

"I was burned out. I was tired of being on all the time. I began to dread meeting new people, having to talk about my life.  Even now, the only way I can talk about my life is to think of it as just a story. It's as if it all happened to somebody else, and I'm just telling about it."

One night in 1979, she and a woman friend stopped for a drink in a small bistro, got into conversation with two men, and a year later Rachel and Gerard Billebault were married. On the wedding day:

“I came out of my mother's South Philadelphia house and there were 500 to 600 people waiting in the street for me to leave the house. It wasn't the neighbors, it was the neighborhood. I turned to my mother and said `Look mom, it's all the neighbors - I guess they have forgotten, too' ''.

Billebault was a chef and had founded a bakery. After a trip to Paris Mr. & Mrs. Billebault opened Harlow's, a restaurant, in 1988, with Mrs. Billebault as the hostess.

However later both the marriage and the restaurant failed.


The Philadelphia Inquirer September 20, 1973  Page 13, Richard Finocchio AKA Rachel Legal Harlow


Harlow Another Switch
He Changed Sex; Now She Changes Name

Harlow, once Richard is now Rachel.

Richard Finocchio became Harlow after a sex change operation in 1972.  She has operated a popular nightclub.  By the name at 32 S. Bank St.

Wednesday, September 19, 1973had her name changed to Rachel.  Common Pleas Judge New Hirsh approved the Petition, which asked for the change for  “personal and business reason.”

 John Brendan Kelly Jr.

During the course of the marriage, Kelly had a number of affairs and the couple separated in 1969. In 1975, Kelly began a well-publicized relationship with a 28-year old transsexual named Rachel Harlow after meeting her at the Philadelphia nightclub she owned. Harlow, born Richard Finocchio, had sex reassignment surgery in 1972 and was well known in Philadelphia. Shortly after beginning the relationship, Kelly decided to run as the Democratic candidate in the 1975 Philadelphia mayoral election. The publicity over the relationship coupled with Kelly's mother's decision to publicly and financially support Kelly's opponent were factors in his decision to drop out of the election before he was nominated. Kelly reportedly wanted to marry Harlow but ended the relationship after a year when his mother threatened to disinherit him.[11][12] Kelly and Freeman finally divorced in 1980.[10]



The Philadelphia Inquirer  Apr 18, 1989  Tue Pg. 2  Richard Finocchio AKA Mrs. Rachel Billebault


Section: E-1

Section: E-5


April 1, 1990


 June 30, 1981



Msc said...

Is this the Harlow that had a club in center City. What a fabulous place. I use to go all the time!
Was reminiscing about the dancing days. Hope u r well and safe in this horrible situation in the world today!

Jeannettekmr said...

Yes she is

Jason Walsh said...

Wish people would refer to Rachel as Rachel instead of Richard or he.
Hi Jeanette... I first met Rachel when I was 16 after the Philadelphia magazine article came out. Wish I had that edition. I was walking through a small town near Bucks County and ran into her waiting for a cab. She was so beautiful I said hi and how I knew who she was. Then I ended up tending bar at DCA where the contests were until it burned down.
We waited at Rachel's wedding reception at LaCamargue 1119 Walnut Street. I still have the thank you note she wrote me.
Interesting article. I never knew Sonny and Rachel were cousins. Last time I saw Rachel she was with Sonny about 1995?
I think about her often and hope she's well. I miss Philly. ��
If you know Rachel please say hello and ❤️ for me? Jason ��

Jeannettekmr said...

I am genealogist I post as much information on the person. It took a lot to find about her family. A lot people have thanked me for the work and most of all I made no judgement.

It's just pure Genealogy and that is all it is.

My work stands.

Jeannette K. Rook
PS it took a lot of Doing to find about her family. I have 30 Binders on her family alone and her. Genealogy is a different audience I share what I have.

Jeannettekmr said...

Thank you for sharing your story. I found researching her as fun. She is amazing person.

On I have 3.9 million people who read and answer Transgender Questions about Jesus and God. Will GOD accept me.

I answer yes Jesus will take a Transgender to Heaven Why?

John 6:37, NIV: "All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." ...

John 6:37, KJV: "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."

Comes down to John 3:16 Believe

Jesus shuts no one out because we are all sinners and the day Jesus died he paid for our sins.

God Loves all. So I learned allot and most of all her mother accepted her right up until her mother passed she was mentioned In the mother's ob however not in the fathers.

Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life