Sunday, May 31, 2009


Chapter IX Animal Farm
Study Guide

1. What is Boxer’s ambition after the Battle of the Windmill?

Rebuilding the windmill Pg 84.
To see the windmill well under way before he reached the age for retirement. Pg 84
2. How do the animals’ lives become harder after the windmill is blown up?

They knew that life nowadays was harsh and bare, that they were often hungry and often cold, and that they were usually working when they were not asleep. Pg 85 & 86
3. How does Squealer convince them that their lives are better?

Squealer reminds them this “in those days they had been slaves and now they were free, and made all the difference. Pg 86
4. What is a “Spontaneous Demonstration”?

Napoleon had commanded that once a week there should be held something called a Spontaneous Demonstration, the object of which was to celebrate the struggles and triumphs of Animal Farm. Pg 87

It was animals leave their work and March around to worship Napoleon in a military march.
Long live Comrade Napoleon PG 88
5. What new information does Squealer reveal about Snowball?

That Snowball, complicity with Jones. . That he was fighting on the same side with Mr. Jones Pg 88 & 89
6. What purpose does Moses the raven’s return to the farm serve?

He reminds the about Sugar Candy Mountain Pg 89 ANINAL HEAVEN Pg 13
7. How do the pigs react to Moses’ return?

This time the animals believed him. Their lives now, they reasoned, were hungry and laborious; was it not right and just that a better world should exist somewhere else? Pg 89

At this point life on the Farm has become hard and the animals at this point welcome death.
8. What happens to Boxer?

He is sent to the Knacker to be slaughter Pg 93. Just as Major predicted in Chapter 1 Pg 6 & 7. However, Major was wrong about man putting to down Boxer.

It was at the hand of animal once Boxer was no longer useful. Napoleon had him slaughtered. Pg 93.
9. How does Squealer explain the events surrounding...death of Boxer.

When Squealer went onto give further graphic details of Boxer’s death-bed, the admirable care he had received and the expensive medicines for which Napoleon had paid without a thought as to the cost, their last doubts disappeared and the sorrow that they felt for their comrade’s death was tempered by the thought that at least he died happy. Pg 95.

Another False proper gander put out by Squealer who is the elaborate speaker.

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Great Excuse HaHA😁