Friday, May 15, 2009

Fordham Manor Reformed Church Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary

Dr. REV Oliver Paul Barnhill
Fordham Manor Reformed Church
Source: Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Pages 30, 44, 47, & 50

On September 19, 1923 an informal call was issued to Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill, D.D.., the official call being issued on September 24th 1923, and he was installed as Pastor on October 7, 1923 at P.M. A quotation from the “ Messenger”

History of Fordham Manor Reformed Church :
2703 Reservoir Avenue,
Bronx, New York, 1696-1946

Source: Website:
Religion Presbyterian
History of Fordham Manor Reformed Church : 2703 Reservoir Avenue, Bronx, New York, 1696-1946
· Presbyterian

History of Fordham Manor Reformed Church : 2703 Reservoir Avenue, Bronx, New York, 1696-1946

Fordham Manor Reformed Church
Source: Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary

On September 19, 1923 an informal call was issued to Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill, D.D.., the official call being issued on September 24th 1923, and he was installed as Pastor on October 7, 1923 at P.M. A quotation from the “ Messenger”

“The Church was crowded to the doors, extra seats and benches being brought in, and even then the audience overflowed into the Sunday school room. The choir box was filled to capacity with an excellent chorus.”

“The writer has seldom witnessed a more impressive and inspiring service. Dr. Goodell Sermon was a masterpiece that touched us all profoundly.”

The Single embarrassing moment came when the members of the Church had to be asked to stand. We hope to live down that revelation by the swelling numbers and militant conduct of the coming congregation.

Marble Collegiate Church
212 686 2770
1 W 29th ST
New York, NY 10001
Marble Collegiate Church is a church of the Reformed Church in America located at Fifth Avenue and Twenty-Ninth Street in New York City.
And in the New York Evening Telegram:

Dr. Barnhill was born in La Grange Kentucky and receiving his early education in the Poplar Grove Academy. He was graduated from Center College, Danville, Ky., in 1900, and from Princeton in 1903. He also studied at Princeton University, where he received his M.A. Before his graduation he was called to be assistant at the Memorial Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, where he had a pastorate of twelve years. In 1916 he became associate pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church, where he remained until this time. Dr. Barnhill has made three trips to Europe and lectured on English History and literature. He has also been a delegate to the Presbyterian Church Organizations and President of the Ministers’ Associations, both of New York and Staten Island. He is a man of exceedingly agreeable personality and will attract many people into this old colonial Church founded in 1696, in a section where the rapid increase in population is creating unusually favorable conditions for Church growth. Dr. Barnhill succeeds the Rev Joseph Merlin Hodson, who was pastor for many Years.

It is easy to understand from the above why the consistory and congregation of the Church believed it to be worth their while and in the best interests of the Church to obtain such a as their pastor. That his salary was more than the Church could afford at the time was well known, but the times were beginning to improve and it was believed that with this man at its head the church would increase its Membership and go forward to greater heights.

The years of Dr. Barnhill’s pastorate were very happy ones. The Worship services Company has passed title on this piece of property, but not on the rest. It all depends on where the fee is. The Mortgage papers are about complete and will be signed fully”

And on November 5, 1928

A Check for $14,829.25 has been received from the Emigrant’s saving Bank.”

This was the remainder of the $20,000.00 loan, after the Collegiate Church Mortgages and all fees for Title, etc has been paid.

The Church buildings were badly in need of repair by this time and by September 23, 1929, the cash from the loan had been reduced to $6,783.31 Not only was the money being rapidly used up, but the Church had the added burden of paying $1000.00 interest every year, and no way of paying the principle except through sale of some of its property. Then came the depression of the 1930s.

On June 8, 1931, Dr. Barnhill reported to the Consistory on having conferred with Mr. Kile regarding the proposed sale of the church property, that Mr. Kile stated appraisals of $125,000.00 to $130,000.00 of the said property had been made.

Mr. Matheson appraised the land as being worth $2,000.00 to $2,500.00 per front foot. Then land values began drop because of the depression.

In the year 1934 Dr. Barnhill died as he had lived, in the faithful performance of his duties, and passing was deeply mourned by the congregation.

Among the papers of Josiah A. Briggs, his family found the following original draft of the Consistory’s Resolution on the Death of Dr. Barnhill.

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Great Excuse HaHA😁