Sunday, June 22, 2014

THE FIRST PERSON Commentary and to criticize Social Media ELLA CHEEVER THAYER

THE FIRST PERSON Commentary and to  criticize Social Media  ELLA CHEEVER THAYER 
The Hidden story of Wired Love Dots and Dashes.  This novel was published in 1879 about the first online Romance.  Ella Cheever Thayer by occupation was a telegraph operator in Boston Massachusetts to Support herself..
She writes this cute story about a Romance between Nettie Rogers  and Clem Stanwood whom are Telegraph operators.  They first start communicating through the first social network the Morse Code.  Nettie didn't know Clem his handlers name was C.  That is how they communicating through their handlers names.
In the book she does point out the dangers of Online flirtation when the:  Chapter VI Collapse of Romance  THE DARK SIDE ON NOT KNOWING WHO IS ON THE OTHER SIDE
Drunken fat Red hair Dutchman
Page 58-62
A frightful man whom Nattie believes in Operator C.  He is scary, smelly and drunk.  Nattie is scare by this encounter.  Due to this meeting, she brushes off Clem.  Quimby tells Nattie that something like this could have ended in tragedy and this was dangerous.  Quimby has a romantic interest in Nattie and he felt the need to protect her.
That fat Dutchman knows Clem.  He takes it upon himself to impersonate as C.  Fraudulent meeting which causes Nattie to ignore C.
Note: Chapter VI Collapse of Romance
 The dark side of the Online Romance
The Dark side of this tail is that this fat red breaded smelly drunken man decided upon himself to pose as somebody that he is not C that Nattie picture. And this placed a terrible scare and fear into her heart and soul that this monstrous man poses as the dark side of unfortunate Consequences of an online Romance of a party she has not seen face to face.  To this point she discontinues the Romance with C.
However, Clem doesn't understand why Nettie breaks it off with him and this is what he does:
C  Clem Stanwood
Page 9, 15, 72, 80 & 81
C stands for His handler’s name--First Nettie Knows him as Handler C.
     Stranger handsome young man Pg 72--Since she doesn't return any communication with Clem he appears to her as the handsome stranger and he doesn't tell her who he is.
     Clem Stanwood is reveals  Operator C  Page 80 & 81 and a college buddy of Quimby.  At the Sunday Feast Clem tells Nettie who he is.
However, in the Book She drops three  hints  through novels written by Charles Dickens.
Special Note: the Author is influenced heavily by Charles Dickens  She mentions three  novels by Mr. Dickens
1.       The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit of Social Criticisms Published 1844 pg 26
Social Criticism
2.       Our Mutual Friend Published 1864 pg 99
               Social Commentary

3.        Dombey & Sons 1848 Pg 74
                                           Social Criticism
Two Novels by Dickens are about Criticism and one is commentary.  Today we do get a lot of Commentary about the Internet and through the fact we use a lot of Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter. 
Social Media can be used for positive information for example a recall on a bad product.  Or it can be used from Fraud or something more sinister.  It all comes down to buyer be aware.  If something sounds to good to be true always research or walk away.
In the Story Cyn tells Nettie they should wired the rooms up so they can socialize with one another which creates the first chat room among friends.  So Chat Rooms are not new.  Its just more used today to talk with people all over the world.
Also I like how Ella, brings to the front as commentary about the dangers online Communication with someone that was a total Stranger.  In this world we have seen to many online stories that don't always end on positive note.
Wired Love I believe is the book to deal with the Positives and negatives online Romances.  People call this book cute.  I do think its cute, however, I have addressed the positives and negatives.  She clearly by using Charles Dickens who was a social commentator and Criticizer in her book.  Was that clever of her?
Yes that was very clever of Ella to use Charles Dickens novels to express how she felt about online romances and communicating with friends. 
 The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit of Social Criticisms Published 1844
Our Mutual Friend Published of Social Commentary 1864
Dombey & Sons  Social Criticisms 1848
These novels are available for Purchase the following Novels through
The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit of Social Criticisms Published 1844
Our Mutual Friend Published of Social Commentary 1864
Dombey & Sons  Social Criticisms 1848
Wired Love Dots and Dashes by Ella Cheever Thayer


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