Saturday, June 7, 2014

OBITUARY Death of Mrs. HARRIET JANE WHITE Woodhouse September 21, 1899

Death of Mrs.  HARRIET JANE WHITE Woodhouse
Death of Mrs. Woodhouse
                Mrs. Harriet Jane Woodhouse, wife of J.V. Woodhouse, died Sunday at the family home in this city, at the age of 70 years and 9 days.  Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse came here nearby ten years ago, and after buying a tract of land from the late William Allard, constructed a cozy of dwelling and converted their acquisition into a model home, where they have since lived.  The health of Mrs. Woodhouse had not been good for a long time before her death, and upon one or two former occasions she had been so low that it was thought impossible for her to revive, but her naturally robust constitution told in her favor and she each time recovered.  Although at times she suffered intensely, she bore it all bravely and was considered by her many friends as unusually cheery and jolly.
                Mrs. Woodhouse was born September 8, 1829[1830], at Roxbury Massachusetts, and on her eighteenth birthday was married to Mr. Woodhouse. It was married to Mr. Woodhouse It was her pride to relate that in the course of their long married life they had never been apart for longer than four months at any one time, and that they had seldom been apart at all.  She was the mother of ten children, all but two whom survive her, as one also one an adopted Son.  One daughter Mrs. Robinson, resides in Anacortes.
                The Funeral Services were conducted from the residence on Tuesday afternoon, interment being in Grandview Cemetery.  The REV Charles Godsman conducted the services, Mrs. Woodhouse having become a member of his church about a year ago, prior to that time having been an Universalist.  There was quite a gathering of friends of the family at the services and all have the deepest Sympathy for the bereaved husband and others of the family
September 21, 1899
Title: Weekly American, Anacortes, Washington Thursday
Anacortes Museum
1305 8th
Anacortes, WA 98221-1833
[360] 293-1929

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