Friday, April 17, 2009

A Child's Education is the most important project of a parents life today

Take Charge of your Children's Education
If you are in a bad School district;
Boycot the district; support politicians who
support vouchers, charters and home schooling
Put the teachers Unions out of business.
Parents have rights.
Big Government in your childs Education is bad.
They cannot even run the post office is which bankrupt.
As a parent I am concerned with my children's education. In 2003 when my oldest son started the 3rd grade, he decided he wasn't going to any of his work. As a parent think that the teacher would pick up the phone and call me and to inform me that my child is not doing his work. Well this happened to me. Not only was I dealing with that I am a wife of a soldier and this was the first year the United States Army was involved with a War in Iraq. My attended South Christian Elementary.
This was tremendously hard on me. I went after the school and I came down hard on the Principal and the teacher. I saved my son from failing the third grade I came so involved I demanded the books. So I would have the material to help him.


I was so angry with the Christian County Public School of Kentucky Which is a family school district. I placed him in the Catholic School. What a huge difference. When my son was not doing his work I got phone calls and my son received detentions. I was pleased he was getting what he deserved for not doing his work.


I have continuned to keep him in private schools. My youngest son has problems with other children and I placed him in Special Education. The problem with that was he was not getting the work he was capable of he was getting work that was matched with the slowest child in the class room. However, I know no private school was going to take him because he was dismissed from the Catholic School. Again I step up to the plate and I am home schooling my child.


[Also one other problem, when my youngest would get into trouble, they would tell my oldest to bring notes home and I told them if they do that again I would sue. My oldest did not need to be involved with his brothers problems.]
Home Schooling a child is not easy, because it takes up my time as well, I have to do three hours of preparation every night to teach my son. And it is also not cheap either. My enrolled him in accredit home school program: I am not procient in English as well. So twice a week he sees a licensed teacher to work with the writing and grammer.
I wish we had great public school district. However, we don't its about politics first and the child last. I am a Christian and I am tired of my faith which is Catholic being knock my some politician mostly and Especially by our Commander and Chief Barack H. Obama. He has no respect. Especially when he didn't support African American Students in Washington D.C. for vouchers for children who attend failing schools. He stole vouchers from poor families to go to decent schools. Especially black families. He claims to be African American. I do not believe him when he says he believes in Christ when he said we are not a Christian nation. However, he can bow to the Saudi King who is a Muslim.
Parents; for those in failing public schools if you don't have the money; home school your child. There are so many organizations out their and parents to connect to. Start supporting politicians who support alternatives.


Teacher Unions are there only to collect a pay check. Send a message to your politician who supports failing programs. Let the President Obama know you are displeased with him on his stance on faling school programs.

Parents need to take charge of their children's education. One other thing its a parents right to home school parents should get together and boycot their failing districts and pull their children out and give them the education that they deserved. In Christian County Kentucky it takes almost ten thousand dollars to educate one child. However, with that ten thousand dollars they do not even provide them with the so badly needed text books and the class room to one teacher is 50 kids. They also the teachers get badly disrespected. And they cannot fight back fear of the almighty lawsuits.
My oldest son attends private at the cost of $4,600 a year and in that price are his text books. He is getting the best education and the classes are small.
Take Charge of your child's education. I have and I proud that I have. My husband has been to Iraq 5 times to defend this country. Yet his children are in a failing school district. What is wrong with the picture.
Well our Super intend Mr. Link and I will say this again. Mr. Link if you come across this you are the problem and you are extreme failure.
So I live in a failing district, Go to the Library and pull the paper from September 12, 2007 where it states the average reading levels of the Middle and High school between 4 and 2 grade. Drop out rates are also hi.
So parents do what you have to do for your child. Also Public Schools and Our President is doing his best to erase GOD out.
Keep GOD as your right and your child's right. Protest and take charge of your child's Education. It's not easy. However: 2010 is coming around the corner start supporting politicians who support better education alternatives to public school.
It's time to put the Monoply of Garbage education where it belongs in the Dump. Public School is a terrible Monoply that should be buried with the Garbage.



Jeannette K. Rook
PS one other thing, With Charter Schools, Private Schools and Home Schooling parents are more involved with their Child's education there is no way of getting around that part.. Public school only cares about the money if the child shows up. I know personally first hand of both situations.


bigperm said...

So true. There are so many options for educating a young mind. I just read a blog by a teacher who swears by having kids play chess. Activities that constantly challenge the mind are certainly underutilized. I just came across this online trial for BrainSpark which helps kids develop their cognitive skills. ( There are so many ways to keep young minds engaged so they can develop to their full potential.

bigperm said...

Great advice! Activities that constantly challenge the mind are certainly underutilized. I just came across this online trial for BrainSpark which helps kids develop their cognitive skills. ( There are so many ways to keep young minds engaged so they can develop to their full potential.

Jeannettekmr said...

It is a parents responsiblity to Speak up.

I also believe teachers Unions are destroying the public school system. Also public schools are the governments biggest monopolies.

Unions are destroying this country. One time Unions were great to protect the workers and now they destroy and caught are our children.

Just like Ten year where the teacher is job is saved. However, to many times bad teachers are protected by that and they can do what they want. For example Ward Church a college professor in Colorado. He lied about his work.

My children I make sure they have the best. I home school my youngest son. However, my oldest goes to a private school. The public school system here in Christian County Kentucky doesn't have books for all its students. I have to pay $300 for my sons books at the private school.. However, he has books to learn from. My son is in the 8th grade he reads at 2nd year of College the Average reading level in the County among Middle Schoolers is between 4th and 2nd grade reading leve.

So our district is a huge let down. So yes Our children are our most important things in our lives and especially my life. I want to make sure they have the best.

Also with private they don't have nearly the problems or discplinary. They are not of afraid of being sued. That means if the child is a problem there is the door and they are asked to leave a parent knows that. Unlike public they are forced to take children who are discpline problems and lawsuits are held against the schools.

That is why parents need to protect traditions and family values.


Great Excuse HaHA😁