Saturday, September 29, 2007

Heritage Christian Academy

Harvest Fall Festival
Heritage Christian Academy; my oldest son Robert attends Heritage in the 7th grade. September 28, 2007 was their annual Fall Festival.
My sons had a great time. They like the hey ride pulled my a monster tractor. Also they had a blast with the games and concessions stand.
I also want to thank the Pepsis Cola Company for their Donation to my sons school. So when a thirst hits just pick up a Pepsis Product.

Friday, September 28, 2007

RMS Titanic A Ship of Everyone's Dream

October 8th, 2007
Branson Missouri

No Filthy Ads

No Filthy Advertisement will be
I will check my blog, I will delete filthy Ads and Comments from my blog.----------------------------------------------I will report to Google anyone who violates my space. This is a family space.-----------I may not understand different languages however, I know when something is not write.-----Since I do not speak any other language I will delete what is forgien to me.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Molly Brown of The RMS Titanic

Molly Brown of The RMS Titanic


Molly Brown of The RMS Titanic The Victorian era spawned much new wealth in industrialized America, and a popular way the nouveau rich spent their money was to take the "Grand Tour" of Europe often extending the trip to more exotic destinations such as Egypt and Japan. Without the speed of today's airplanes, these trips usually took three months or more to complete. (Such a trip was satirized in Mark Twain's book Innocents Abroad.) In the early months of 1912, Molly and her daughter Helen, who had been attending the Sorbonne in Paris, were taking such a tour with John Jacob Astor and his second wife, 19 year old Madeline (after a rather scandalous divorce.)Molly had been writing her sister Katie back in Hannibal, that she intended to come for a few weeks' visit that spring. But then she received a telegram from her son Larry that her five-month-old first grandchild was ill. She decided to book passage at the last minute on board Titanic. Daughter Helen decided to stay in Paris for a few more parties. So Molly was traveling without family, but she was joining her friends the Astors.The cost of the most expensive first-class accommodations was $4350 for the six-day voyage. Other celebrities, who were part of this social event of 1912, included millionaire Benjamin Guggenheim; Charles Hayes, president of the Grand Trunk Railway; Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Straus, owners of Macy's Department Store; and J. Bruce Ismay, co-owner of the White Star Line which had built Titanic. The April 10, 1912 Hannibal Courier Post front page reported the embarkment of Titanic from South Hampton, England. Molly and the Astors boarded at the Cherbourg, France stopover. It was the largest ship ever made--four city blocks long and reaching as high as an eleven -story building. Built with 16 watertight compartments that could stay afloat even if four were flooded, publications of the day referred to Titanic as "unsinkable."The degree of luxury for passengers like Mrs. J.J. Brown was unsurpassed. Some staterooms had four poster beds and coal-burning fireplaces. The public rooms included palm verandahs, a gymnasium, Turkish bath, swimming pool and library. We do not know the exact cabin number for Molly because she booked her passage at the last minute, she was not on the printed roster of passengers. But we know she was on the forward right side of Deck B--the first class deck.Molly was in bed reading a book, when at 11:40 p.m., April 14, 1912, the lookout, Frederick Fleet, in Titanic's crow's nest phoned the bridge, "Iceberg right ahead!" The impact threw Molly to the floor. Most passengers were unaware of the collision until they noticed the hum of engines had stopped. By 12:15 a.m., the ship was preparing the lifeboats. Molly wisely put on six pairs of wool stockings, a wool suit, fur coat, hat and muff. She put $500 cash in one pocket, and a good luck amulet she had purchased recently on her Egyptian tour in her other pocket.After helping other women, Molly found herself thrown into Lifeboat No. 6 by two American merchants who said, "You are going, too." The boat with capacity for 65 held fewer than 30 when it was lowered to the water, including lookout Fleet and Quartermaster Hichens who had been at the pilot wheel upon impact.Frightened Hichens warned the lifeboat would be sucked down when Titanic sank. Molly took charge and grabbed the oars and ordered the women to row toward the light onthe horizon, which they hoped was a rescue ship. Adrift on the cold Atlantic, Molly shared her extra pairs of stockings, and kept the women warm by having them take turns rowing. They watched in horror as the steamer sank at 2:20 a.m., April 15th. She was appalled that Hichens refused to turn the lifeboat back to pick up more survivors.After almost 6 hours of terror, the ship Carpathia answered the distress call. Once on board, Molly helped organize relief efforts. Her knowledge of foreign languages enabled her to aid the frightened immigrants who had lost everything, including their husbands. Molly voiced her opinion that the "women and children first" policy was tragically immoral. "Women demand equal rights on land--why not on sea?" she asked.Even when the Carpathia arrived in New York, Molly stayed on board to reassure the terrified foreign women. Since the White Star Line provided no relief to these widows and orphans, nor for the families of the dead crewmembers, Molly raised $10,000 of private money from the wealthy passengers, including the $500 cash she donated, to aid these poor victims. Molly returned to New York on May 29, 1912 to present Captain A.H. Rostron a token of esteem of the Titanic survivors. She also had a medal struck for each of the crew of Carpathia, which depicted a ship plowing through icebergs toward a tossing lifeboat. The story circulated that when first interviewed by reporters in New York, they asked to what she attributed her survival. "Typical Brown luck," she supposedly said, "We're unsinkable." The label stuck, and she became a national celebrity. Even back in Denver, Mrs. Crawford Hill deigned to host a luncheon in her honor.Molly had to postpone her trip to visit her sister, Katie Becker, in Hannibal. It was reported in the December 18, 1915 Hannibal Courier Post that Molly came to spend the winter with Katie to improve her health as she had been suffering from nervous trouble since she had witnessed the horrible scene of Titanic sinking. It was also reported that Molly finally settled her claim against the White Star Line after almost four years for the sum of $10,000 for the loss of her jewelry, clothes, etc. Titanic turned Molly into a political figure. She spoke out for maritime reform, women's right to vote, and improved conditions for miners. In 1914 she ran for the U.S. Senate on the Democratic-Progressive ticket in the state of Colorado, albeit unsuccessfully.During the Mexican War, she advocated a military regiment for women, but was dismissed as eccentric. During WWI, Molly went back to France on her own to volunteer at the American Hospital in Paris, working with wounded soldiers. She helped raise money with Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt to import ambulances to France for the war effort. She also entertained the troops, specializing in Sarah Bernhardt roles. For these services, she was named to the French Legion of Honor.Molly continued to be active, surviving two more ship disasters, and a hotel fire at the Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida. She spent much of her later years in New York where she stayed at the Barbizon Hotel…a place where actresses often roomed. That is where she died on October 25, 1932 at age 65. Her fortune had dwindled to $1500 and her house in Denver, which sold the next year for only $5000. In her last act of charity, she wanted the poor mining children of Leadville, Colorado to have Christmas presents of woolen mittens and boots. She did not live to see her wish carried out by her nephew who distributed the gifts.Facts about Titanic __________________________________________________________________,, History and
Facts About Titanic
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Molly Brown Biography (1867–1932)
The Molly Brown House
The Birth Place of Molly Brown
John Jacob Astor Biography (1864–1912)
Other celebrities, who were part of this social event of 1912, included millionaire Benjamin Guggenheim; Charles Hayes, president of the Grand Trunk Railway; Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Straus, owners of Macy's Department Store; and J. Bruce Ismay, co-owner of the White Star Line which had built Titanic.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Captain Edward John Smith



Personal life
Edward John Smith was born on January 27, 1850 in the town of Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. His parents were Edward Smith, a potter, and Catherine Hancock née Marsh, who married in 1847 in Wolstanton. His parents later owned a shop. Smith attended the Etruria British School until the age of 13 when he went to Liverpool to begin a seafaring career. He apprenticed with Gibson & Co., Liverpool.
On July 12, 1887, Smith married Sarah Eleanor Pennington. Two years later, they had a daughter Helen Melville Smith. The family lived in an imposing red brick, twin-gabled house, named "Woodhead", on Winn Road, Portswood, Southampton. According to his daughter, Captain Smith loved cigars and the smoke from them. He wouldn't let anyone into his study while he was smoking because he didn't want the ring of smoke to be disturbed.
As a Captain
Smith joined the White Star Line in March 1880 as the Fourth Officer of the Celtic. He served aboard the company's liners to Australia and to New York, where he quickly rose in stature. In 1887, Smith received his first White Star command, the SS Republic. In 1888, Smith earned his Extra Master's Certificate and joined the Royal Naval Reserve (thus enabling him to append his name with "RNR"), qualifying as a full Lieutenant. This meant that in a time of war, Smith and his ship could be called upon to serve by the Royal Navy. Because of his position as a Commander in the Royal Naval Reserve, Smith had the distinction of being able to fly the Blue Duster of the R.N.R.; most ships flew the Red Duster of the merchant marine.
Bigger commands
Smith was Majestic's captain for nine years commencing in 1895. When the Boer War started in 1899, Smith and the Majestic were called upon to transport troops to Cape Colony. Two trips were made to South Africa, both without incident, and for his service, King Edward VII awarded Smith the Transport Medal, showing the "South Africa" clasp, in 1903. Smith was regarded as a "safe captain".
As he rose in seniority, Smith gained a reputation amongst passengers and crew for quiet flamboyance. Eventually Smith became the commodore of White Star Line, or one who all other captains reported to. Some passengers would only sail the Atlantic in a ship commanded by him. He became known as the "Millionaires' Captain" due to the fact that England's upper class were usually the ones who requested he be in command of the cruise liners they sailed on. After he became commodore of the White Star fleet in 1904, it became routine for Smith to command the line's newest ships on their maiden voyages. In 1904, he was given command of the largest ships in the world at the time, White Star's new Baltic. Her maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York, sailing 29 June 1904, went without incident. After three years with the Baltic, Smith was given his second new "Big Ship", the Adriatic. Once again, the maiden voyage went without incident.

During his command of the Adriatic, Smith received the Royal Naval Reserve's "Long Service" medal along with a promotion at White Star to Commander. He would now sign his name as "Commander Edward John Smith, R.D., R.N.R.", with "R.D." meaning "Reserve Decoration."
Olympic Class command
Smith had built a reputation as one of the world's most experienced sea captains, and so was called upon to take first command of the lead ship in a new class of ocean liners, the Olympic — again, the largest vessel in the world. The maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York was successfully concluded on 21 June 1911, but as the ship was docking in New York harbour, it experienced a small incident which would foreshadow future events. Docking at Pier 59 under command of a harbor pilot, the Olympic was being assisted by twelve tugs when one got caught in the backwash of the Olympic's starboard propeller. The tug was spun around, collided with the bigger ship, and for a moment was trapped under the Olympic's stern, finally managing to work free and limp to the docks.
The Hawke incident
On 20 September 1911, Olympic's first major mishap occurred during a collision with a British warship, HMS Hawke, in which the warship lost her prow. Although the collision left two of Olympic's watertight compartments filled and one of her propeller shafts twisted, she was able to limp back to Southampton. At the resultant inquiry, the Royal Navy blamed Olympic for the incident, alleging that her massive size generated a suction that pulled HMS Hawke into her side. At the helm during this incident was Captain Smith.
The Hawke incident was a financial disaster for White Star, and the out-of-service time for the big liner made matters worse. Olympic returned to Belfast and, to speed up the repairs, Harland and Wolff was forced to delay Titanic's completion, in order to use her propeller shaft for the Olympic.

Back at sea in February 1912, Olympic lost a propeller blade and once again returned to her builder for emergency repairs. To get her back to service immediately, Harland & Wolff yet again had to pull resources from Titanic, delaying her maiden voyage from 20 March to 10 April.
RMS Titanic

White Star's most prized captain was yet again at the helm of the greatest steamship when Titanic left Southampton for her maiden voyage. Although some sources state that Smith had decided to retire after commanding the RMS Titanic on its maiden voyage, an article which appeared in the Halifax Morning Chronicle on 9 April 1912 stated that Captain Smith would remain in charge of the Titanic "until the Company (White Star Line) completed a larger and finer steamer".
On April 10, 1912, Smith, wearing a bowler hat and a long overcoat, took a taxi from his home to Southampton docks. He came aboard the Titanic at 7AM to prepare for the board of trade muster at 8.00AM. He immediately went to his cabin to get the sailing report from Chief Officer Henry Wilde.
After departure at 12:00PM, the wash from the propeller caused the laid-up New York to break from her moorings and swing towards the Titanic. Quick action from Smith helped to avert a premature end to the maiden voyage. The unfortunate incident was seen by some as an ill omen and it was reminiscent of the Hawke incident in 1911 when that vessel collided with the Olympic, under the command of Captain Smith.
At 11:40PM, on 14 April, the Titanic struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic. The ship sank two hours and forty minutes later killing an estimated 1,500 people. Smith refused to be rescued and went down with his ship. His body was never recovered.

It is not known how Smith died on the night of the sinking. Some survivors reported seeing him in the water with a life jacket, while others reported seeing him in the bridge wheelhouse as the open bridge flooded. In Robert Ballard's book, The Discovery of the Titanic, he claims that Captain Smith went into the bridge to await his fate at 2:13AM, three minutes before the final sinking. This idea is used by the 1997 film. Still, one other passenger claimed to have seen Smith swim back into the the A Deck Promenade, soon after which he was sucked back inside the Grand Staircase when the windows gave way. The Titanic struck the iceberg at around 11:40PM, but did not sink until around 2:20AM the following day. This would make Captain Smith's date of death April 15, 1912. Also in question were his last words. Reports include "Be British Boys, Be British!", "Every Man for Himself!" or, after supposedly delivering a baby to a lifeboat, he refused to be brought aboard, saying "Good-Bye Boys, I'm going to follow the ship!".
Walter Lord mentioned in A Night to Remember that one passenger heard a swimmer cheering on and encouraging those struggling to survive the freezing night. Then the unknown swimmer died. That passenger always thought Captain Smith was the man who urged him to live. However, in the film based off of the book, Smith steps into the open bridge and grabs onto the helm with his left hand, staring out the windows at the approaching sea. As the bow goes deeper, Smith grips the helm tighter and the waves of the Atlantic quickly spill into bridge before it goes under completely. If this did in fact happen, it is unknown if Smith was washed clear of the bridge and made it to the surface only to die of hypothermia, or if he became trapped and drowned inside.

RMS Titanic April 14, 1912 Passenger List

Abbing, AnthonyAbbott, EugeneAbbott, RosaAbbott, RossmoreAbelseth, KarenAbelseth, OlausAbelson, Mr. SamsonAbelson, Mrs. HannaAbramson, AugustAdahl, MauritzAdams. J.Adolf, HumblinAhlin, JohannaAhmed, AliAks, FillyAks, LeahAldworth, Mr. C.Alexander, WilliamAlhomaki, IlmariAli, WilliamAllen, Miss Elizabeth WaltonAllen, WilliamAllison, Master T. and NurseAllison, Miss LAllison, Mr. H. J.Allison, Mrs. H. J. and MaidAllum, Owen G.Anderson, AlbertAnderson, AlfredaAnderson, AndersAnderson, CarlaAnderson, Ebba (child)Anderson, EllisAnderson, ErnaAnderson, Ida AugustaAnderson, Ingeborg (child)Anderson, Mr. HarryAnderson, Paul EdvinAnderson, SamuelAnderson, Sigrid (child)Anderson, Sigvard (child)Anderson, ThorAndrew, Mr. EdgarAndrew, Mr. FrankAndrews, Miss Cornelia I.Andrews, Mr. ThomasAngheloff, MinkoAngle, Mr. WilliamAngle, Mrs.Appleton, Mrs. E. D.Arnold, JosephArnold, JosephineAronsson, Ernest Axel A.Artagaveytia, Mr. RamonAshby, Mr. JohnAsim, AdolaAspland, Felix (child)Asplund, Carl (child)Asplund, CharlesAsplund, Gustaf (child)Asplund, JohanAsplund, Lillian (child)Asplund, Oscar (child)Asplund, SelmaAssaf, MarianAssam, AliAstor, Colonel J. J. and ManservantAstor, Mrs. J. J and MaidAttala, MalakeAubert, Mrs. N. and MaidAugustsan, AlbertBackstrom, KarlBackstrom, MarieBaclini, EugeneBaclini, HeleneBaclini, LatilaBaclini, MariaBadman, EmilyBadt, MohamedBaily, Mr. PercyBaimbridge, Mr. Chas. R.Balkic, CerinBalls, Mrs. Ada E.Banfield, Mr. Frederick J.Banoura, AyoutBanous, EliasBarbara, CatherineBarbara, SaudeBarkworth, Mr. A. H.Barry, JuliaBarton DavidBateman, Mr. Robert J.Baumann, Mr. J.Baxter, Mr. QuiggBaxter, Mrs. JamesBeane, Mr. EdwardBeane, Mrs. EthelBeattie, Mr. T.Beauchamp, Mr. H. J.Beavan, W. T.Becker, Mrs. A. O. and three childrenBeckwith, Mr. R. L.Beckwith, Mrs. R. L.Beesley, Mr. LawrenceBehr, Mr. K. H.Benson, John ViktorBentham, Miss Lilian W.Berglund. IvarBerkeland, HansBerriman, Mr. WilliamBetros, TannousBilliard, A. vanBilliard, James (child)Billiard, Walter (child)Bing, LeeBishop, Mr. D. H.Bishop, Mrs. D. H.Bjorklund, ErnstBjornstrom, Mr. H.Blackwell, Mr. Stephen WeartBlank, Mr. HenryBonnell, Miss CarolineBonnell, Miss LilyBorebank, Mr. J. J.Bostandyeff, GuentchoBotsford, Mr. W. HullBoulos, Akar (child)Boulos, HannaBoulos, NourelainBoulos, SultaniBourke, CatherineBourke, JohnBowen, DavidBowen, MissBowenur, Mr. SolomonBowerman, Miss ElsieBracken, Mr. Jas. H.Bradley, BridgetBrady, Mr. John B.Braf, Elin EsterBrandeis, Mr. E.Braund, LewisBraund, OwenBrayton, Mr. GeorgeBrewe, Dr Arthur JacksonBrito, Mr. Jose deBrobek, Carl R.Brocklebank, WilliamBrown, Miss E.Brown, Miss MildredBrown, Mr. S.Brown, Mrs. J. J.Brown, Mrs. J. M.Brown, Mrs.Bryhl, Miss DagmarBryhl, Mr. CurtBuckley, DanielBuckley, KatherineBucknell, Mrs. W. and MaidBurke, JeremiakBurke, MaryBurns, MaryBuss, Miss KateButler, Mr. ReginaldButt, Major Archibald W.Byles, Rev.nomas R. D.Bystrom, Miss KarolinaCacic, GregoCacic, LukaCacic, MandaCacic, MariaCalderhead, Mr. E. P.Caldwell, Master Alden G.Caldwell, Mr. Albert F.Caldwell, Mrs. SylviaCalie, PeterCameron, Miss ClearCanavan, MaryCandee, Mrs. ChurchillCann, ErenstCannavan, PatCar, JeannieCaram, JosephCaram, MariaCarbines, Mr. WilliamCardoza, Mr. T. D. M and ManservantCardoza, Mrs. J. W. M. and MaidCarlson, Carl R.Carlson, Mr. FrankCarlsson, August SigfridCarlsson, JuliusCarr, EllenCarran, Mr. F. M.Carran, Mr. J. P.Carter, Master William T. and ManservantCarter, Miss LucileCarter, Mr. William E.Carter, Mrs. LillianCarter, Mrs. William E. and MaidCarter, Rev. Ernest C.Carver, A.Case, Mr. Howard B.Cassebeer, Mrs. H. A.Cavendish, Mr. T.W.Cavendish, Mrs. T. W. and MaidCbronopoulos, DemetriosCelotti, FrancescoChaffee, Mr. Herbert F.Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert F.Chambers, Mr. N. C.Chambers, Mrs. N. C.Chapman, Mr. CharlesChapman, Mr. John H.Chapman, Mrs. ElizabethChartens, DavidChehab, Emir FarresCherry, Miss GladysChevre, Mr. PaulChibnafl, Mrs. E. M. BowermanChip, ChangChisholm, Mr. RobertChristmann, EmilChristy, Miss JuliChristy, Mrs. AliceChronopoulos, ApostolosClark, Mr. Walter M.Clark, Mrs. Walter M.Clarke, Mr. Charles V.Clarke, Mrs. Ada MariaClifford, Mr. George QuincyCoelho, Domingos FernardeoCohen, GurshonColbert, PatrickColeff, FotioColeff, PeyoColeridge, Mr. R. C.Collander, Mr. ErikCollett, Mr. StuartColley, Mr. E. P.Collyer, Miss MarjorieCollyer, Mr. HarveyCollyer, Mrs. CharlotteCompton, Miss S. P.Compton, Mr. A. T., Jr.Compton, Mrs. A. T.Conlin, Thos. H.Connaghton, MichelConnors, PatConolly, KateConolly, KateCook, JacobCor, BartolCor, IvanCor, LudovikCorbett, Mrs. IreneCorey, Mrs. C. P.Corn, HarryCornell, Mrs. R. G.Cotterill, Mr. HarryCoutts, Leslie (child)Coutts, William (child)Coutts, WinnieCoxon, DanielCrafton, Mr. John B.Crease, Ernest JamesCribb, AliceCribb, John HatfieldCrosby, Miss HarrietCrosby, Mr. Edward G.Crosby, Mrs. Edward G.Cummings, Mr. John BradleyCummings, Mrs. John BradleyDahl, CharlesDahl, MauritzDahlberg, GerdaDakic, BrankoDaly, EugeneDaly, MarcellaDaly, Mr. P. D.Danbom, ErnestDanbom, Gillber (infant)Daniel, Mr. Robert W.Danoff, SigridDanoff, YotoDantchoff, KhristoDavidson, Mr. ThorntonDavidson, Mrs. ThorntonDavies, AlfredDavies, EvanDavies, JohnDavies, JosephDavies, Mr. CharlesDavis, Master John M.Davis, Miss MaryDavis, Mrs. AgnesDavison, MaryDavison, Thomas Villiers, Mrs. B.Deacon, Mr. PercyDean, Bertran (child)Dean, Mr. Bertram F.Dean, Mrs. HettyDean, Vera (infant)del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiandel Carlo, Mrs.Delalic, RegyoDenbou, Mr. HerbertDenkoff, MitoDennis, SamuelDennis, WilliamDerkings, EdwardDevanoy, MargaretDewan, FrankDibden, Mr. WilliamDibo, EliasDick, Mr. A. A.Dick, Mrs. A. A.Dimic, JovanDintcheff, ValtchoDodge, Dr. WashingtonDodge, Master WashingtonDodge, Mrs. WashingtonDoling, Miss ElsieDoling, Mrs. AdaDooley, PatrickDouglas, Mr. W. D.Douglas, Mrs. F. C.Douglas, Mrs. W. D. and MaidDowdell, ElizabethDownton, Mr. William J.Doyle, ElinDrachstedt, Baron vonDrapkin, JenieDrazenovie, JosipDrew, Master MarshallDrew, Mr. James V.Drew, Mrs. LuluDriscoll, BridgetDugemin, JosephDulles, Mr. William C.Duran, Miss AsimcionDuran, Miss FlorentinaDyker, AdoffDyker, ElizabethEarnshew, Mrs. BoultonEcimovic, JosoEdwardsson, GustafEitemiller, Mr. G. F.Eklunz, HansEkstrom, JohanElias, JosephElias, JosephElsbury, JamesEmanuel, Ethet (child)Emmeth, ThomasEnander, Mr. IngvarEndres, Miss CarolineEustis, Miss E. M.Evans, Miss E.Everett, Thomas J.Fabini, LeeniFahlstrom Mr. Arne J.Farrell, JamesFat-ma, MustmaniFaunthorpe, Mr. HarryFaunthorpe, Mrs. LizzieFillbrook, Mr. CharlesFinote, LuigiFischer, EberhardFlegenheim, Mrs. A.Flynn, JamesFlynn, JohnFlynn, Mr. J. I.Foley, JosephFoley, WilliamFoo, ChoongFord, ArthurFord, M. W. T. N.Ford, Maggie (child)Ford, MargaretFord, Mr. E. W.Ford, Mrs. D. M.Foreman, Mr. B. L.Fortune, Miss AliceFortune, Miss EthelFortune, Miss MabelFortune, Mr. CharlesFortune, Mr. MarkFortune, Mrs. MarkFox, Mr. Stanley H.Fox, PatrickFranklin, CharlesFranklin, Mr. T. P.Frauenthal Mr. T. G.Frauenthal, Dr. Henry W.Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry W.Frolicher, Miss MargueriteFunk, Miss AnnieFutrelle, Mr. J.Futrelle, Mrs. J.Fynney, Mr. Jos.Gale, Mr. HarryGale, Mr. ShadrachGallagher, MartinGarside, Miss EthelGarthfirth, JohnGaskell, Mr. AlfredGavey, Mr. LawrenceGee, Mr. ArthurGerios, AssafGerios, YoussefGerios, YoussefGheorgheff, StanioGibson, Miss D.Gibson, Mrs. L..Giglio, Mr. VictorGilbert, Mr. WilliamGiles, Mr. EdgarGiles, Mr. FredGiles, Mr. RalphGilinski, LeslieGill, Mr. JohnGillespie, Mr. WilliamGilnegh, KatieGivard, Mr. Hans K.Glynn, MaryGodwin, FrederickGoldenberg, Mr. S. L.Goldenberg, Mrs. S. L.Goldschmidt, Mrs. George B.Goldsmith, Emily A.Goldsmith, Frank J. W.Goldsmith, Frank J.Goldsmith, NathanGoncalves, Manoel E.Goodwin, AugustaGoodwin, Charles E.Goodwin, Harold (child)Goodwin, Jessie (child)Goodwin, Lillian A.Goodwin, Sidney (child)Goodwin, William F. (child)Gordon, Lady Duff and MaidGordon, Sir Cosmo DuffGracie, Colonel ArchibaldGraham, Miss MargaretGraham, Mr.Graham, Mrs William GGreen, GeorgeGreenberg, Mr. SamuelGreenfield, Mrs. L. D.Greenfield, Mrs. W. B.Gronnestad, Daniel D.Guest, RobertGuggenheim, Mr BenjaminGustafson, AlfredGustafson, AndersGustafson, JohanGustafsson, GideonHaas, AloisiaHadman, OscarHagardon, KateHagarty, NoraHagland, Ingvald O.Hagland, Konrad R.Hakkurainen, ElinHakkurainen, PekkoHale, Mr. ReginaldHamalainer, Mrs. Anna and InfantHampe, LeonHankonen, ElunaHanna, MansourHansen, ClausHansen, Henry DamgavdHansen, JannyHarbeck, Mr. Wm. H.Harder, Mr. George A.Harder, Mrs. George A.Harknett, AliceHarmer, AbrahamHarper, Miss NinaHarper, Mr. Henry Sleeper and ManservantHarper, Mr. JohnHarper, Mrs. Henry SleeperHarris, Mr. GeorgeHarris, Mr. Henry B.Harris, Mr. WalterHarris, Mrs. Henry B.Harrison, Mr. W. H.Hart, HenryHart, Miss Eva -- Eva Hart died on February 15, 1996, she was 91.Hart, Mr. BenjaminHart, Mrs. EstherHaven, Mr. H.Hawksford, Mr. W. J.Hays, Mr. Charles M.Hays, Mrs. Charles M. and MaidHays, Miss MargaretHead, Mr. ChristopherHealy, NoraHee, LingHeininen, WendlaHemming, NorahHendekevoic, IgnazHenery, DeliaHenriksson, JennyHerman, Miss AliceHerman, Miss KateHerman, Mr. SamuelHerman, Mrs. JaneHervonen, HelgaHervonen, Hildwe (child)Hewlett, Mrs. Mary D.Hickkinen, LainaHickman, Mr. LeonardHickman, Mr. LewisHickman, Mr. StanleyHilliard, Mr. Herbert HenryHillstrom, HildaHiltunen, Miss MarthaHipkins, Mr. W. E.Hippach, Miss JeanHippach, Mrs. Ida S.Hocking, Miss NellieHocking, Mr. GeorgeHocking, Mr. Samuel J.Hocking, Mrs. ElizabethHodges, Mr. Henry P.Hoffman, Mr. and two children (Loto and Louis)Hogeboom, Mrs. John C.Hold, Mr. StephenHold, Mrs. AnnieHolm, John F. A.Holt, Mr. W. F.Holten, JohanHolverson, Mr. A. O.Holverson, Mrs. A. O.Hood, Mr. AmbroseHorgan, JohnHosono, Mr. MasabumiHoward, MayHoward, Mr. BenjaminHoward, Mrs. Ellen T.Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M.Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M.Humblin, AdolfHunt, Mr. GeorgeHyman, AbrahamIlett, Miss BerthaIlieff, YlioIlmakangas, IdaIlmakangas, PistaIsham, Mrs. A. E.Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce and ManservantIvanoff, KonioJacobsohn Mr. Sidney S.Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy P.Jakob, Mr. BirnbaumJansen, CarlJardin, Jose NettoJarvis, Mr. John D.Jean Nassr, SaadeJefferys, Mr. CliffordJefferys, Mr. ErnestJenkin, Mr. StephenJensen, CarlJensen, Hans PeterJensen, Nilho R.Jensen, Svenst L.Jenymin, AnnieJervan, Mrs. A. T.Johann, MarkimJohannessen, BerntJohannessen, EliasJohansen, NilsJohanson, Oscal L.Johanson, OscarJohansson, ErikJohansson, GustafJohnson, AliceJohnson, Eleanora (infant)Johnson, HaroldJohnson, Jakob A.Johnson, Mr. A.Johnson, Mr. W.Johnsson, CarlJohnsson, MalkolmJohnston, A. G.Johnston, Mrs. C. H. (child)Johnston, Mrs.Johnston, William (child)Jones, Mr. C. CJonkoff, LazorJonsson, Nielo H.Joseph, MaryJulian, Mr. H. F.Jusila, ErikJusila, KatrinaJusila, MariJutel, Henrik HansenKalil, BetrosKallio, NikolaiKalvig Johannes H.Kantor, Mr. SehuaKantor, Mrs. MiriamKarajic, MilanKarlson, EinarKarlson, Nils AugustKarnes, Mrs. J. F.Karun, Anna (child)Karun, FranzKassan, M. HousseingKassein, HassefKassem, FaredKeane, Miss Nora A.Keane, Mr. DanielKeefe, ArthurKekic, TidoKelly, Annie K.Kelly, JamesKelly, JamesKelly, MaryKelly, Mrs. F.Kennedy, JohnKent, Mr. Edward A.Kenyon, Mr. F. R.Kenyon, Mrs. F. R.Kerane, AndyKhalil, ZahieKiernan, JohnKiernan, PhillipKilgannon, ThomasKimball, Mr. E. N.Kimball, Mrs. E. N.Kink, AntonKink, LouiseKink, Louise (child)Kink, MariaKink, VincenzKirkland, Rev. Charles LKlaber, Mr. HermanKlasen, Gertrud (child)Klasen, HildaKlasen, Klas A.Mona, Mae A.Kraeff, ThodorKvillner, Mr. John HenrikLahtinen, Mr. WilliamLahtinen, Mrs. AnnaLaitinen, SofiaLaleff, KristoLam, AliLam, LenLamb, Mr. J. J.Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher FellowsLamore, Mrs. AmeliarLandegren, AuroraLane, PatrickLang, FangLangley, Miss Gretchen F.Laroche, Miss LouiseLaroche, Miss SimonneLaroche, Mr. JosephLaroche, Mrs. JulietLarson, ViktorLarsson, Bengt EdvinLarsson, EdvardLeader, Mrs. F. A.Lefebre, FrancesLefebre, Henry (child)Lefebre, Ida (child)Lefebre, Ida (child)Lefebre,Mathilde (child)Lehman, Miss BerthaLeinonen, AnttiLeitch, Miss JessieLemberopoulos, PeterLemom, DenisLemon, MaryLeonard, Mr. LLester, J.Levy, Mr. R. J.Lewy, Mr. E. G.Leyson, Mr. Robert W. N.Lindablom, AugustLindahl, AgdaLindell, Edvard B.Lindell, ElinLindqvist, EinarLindstroem, Mrs. J.Linehan, MichelLines, Miss Mary C.Lines, Mrs. Ernest H.Ling, LeeLingan, Mr. JohnLingrey Mr EdwardLithman, SimonLobb, CordeliaLobb, William A.Lockyer, EdwardLong, Mr.. Milton C.Loring, Mr. J. H.Louch, Mr. CharlesLouch, Mrs. Alice AdelaLovell, JohnLulic, NicolaLundahl, JohnLundin, OlgaLundstripm, JanMack, Mrs. MaryMacKay, George W.Madigan, MaggieMadill, Miss Georgette AlexandraMadsen, FridjofMaenpaa, MattiMaguire, Mr. J. E.Mahon, DeliaMaisner, SimonMakinen, KalleMalachard, Mr. NoelMalinoff, NicolaMallet, Master A.Mallet, Mr. A.Mallet, Mrs.Mampe, LeonMangan, MaryMangiavacchi, Mr. EmilioMannion, MargarethMantvila, Mr. JosephMarechal, Mr. PierreMarinko, DmitriMarkoff, MarinMarshall, Mr.Marshall, Mrs. KateMarvin, Mr. D. W.Marvin, Mrs. D. W.Matthews, Mr. W. J.Maybery, Mr. Frank H.McCaffry. Mr. T.McCarthy, KatieMcCarthy, Mr. Timothy J.McCormack, ThomasMcCoy, AgnesMcCoy, AliceMcCoy, BernardMcCrae, Mr. Arthur G.McCrie, Mr. JamesMcDermott, DeliaMcElroy, MichelMcGough, Mr. J. R.McGovern, MaryMcGowan, AnnieMcGowan, KatherineMcKane, Mr. Peter D.McMahon, MartinMcNamee, EileenMcNamee, NealMeanwell, Marian O.Mechan, JohnMeek, Annie L.Meeklave, EllieMelkebuk, PhilemonMellers, Mr. WilliamMellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth and ChildMeme, HannaMeo, AlfonsoMessemacker, EmmaMessemacker, GuillaumeMeyer, Mr. AugustMeyer, Mr. Edgar J.Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J.Midtsjo, CarlMikanen, JohnMiles, FrankMillet, Mr. Frank D.Milling, Mr. Jacob C.Minkoff, LazarMirko, DikaMissahan, Dr. W. E.Missahan, Miss DaisyMissahan, Mrs. W. B.Misseff, IvanMitchell, Mr. HenryMitkoff, MitoMoch, Mr. Phillip E.Moch, Mr. Pkdtp E.Moen, Sigurd H.Molson, Mr. H. MarklandMonbarek, HannaMoncarek, Gonios (child)Moncarek, Halim (child)Moncarek, OmineMoor, BeileMoor, MeierMoore, Leonard C.Moore, Mr. Clarence and ManservantMoran, BerthaMoran, JamesMorawick, Dr. ErnestMorgan, Daniel J.Morley, WilliamMorrow, ThomasMoss, AlbertMoussa, MantouraMoutal, RahaminMudd, Mr. Thomas C.Mulder, TheoMullens, KatieMulvihill, BerthaMurdlin, JosephMurphy, KateMurphy, MaryMurphy, NorahMyhrman, OliverMyles, Mr. Thomas F.Naidenoff, PenkoNaked, MariaNaked, SaidNaked, WaikaNancarrow, W. H.Nankoff, MinkoNasr, MustafaNasser, Mr. NicolasNasser, Mrs.Natsch, Mr. CharlesNaughton, HannahNedeco, PetroffNemagh, RobertNenkoff, ChristoNesson, Mr. IsraelNewell, Miss AliceNewell, Miss MadelineNewell, Mr. A. W.Newsom, Miss HelenNichan, KrikorianNicholls, Mr. Joseph C.Nicholson, Mr. A. S.Nicola, Elias (child)Nicola, JamilaNieminen, MantaNiklasen, SanderNilson, BertaNilson, HelminaNilsson, August F.Nirva, IsakNorman, Mr. Robert D.Nosworthy, Richard C.Novel, MansouerNye, Mrs. ElizabethNyoven, JohanNyston, AnnaO'Brien, DenisO'Brien, HannahO'Brien, ThomasO'Connell, Pat D.O'Connor, MauriceO'Connor, PatO'Donaghue, BertO'Dwyer, NellieO'Keefe, PatO'Neill, BridgetO'Sullivan, BridgetOdahl, MartinOLeary, NorahOlsen, ArthurOlsen, CarlOlsen, HenryOlsen, Ole M.Olson, ElonOlsson, ElidaOlsson, JohnOmont, Mr. F.Oreskovic, JekoOreskovic, LukaOreskovic, MariaOrman, VelinOrsen, SirayanianOrtin, ZakarianOsman, MaraOstby, Miss Helen R.Ostby, Mr. E. COtter, Mr. RichardOvies, Mr. S.Oxenham, Mr. P. ThomasPacruic, MatePacruic, TomePadro, Mr. JulianPain, Dr. AlfredPallas, Mr. EmilioPanula, EinoPanula, ErnestiPanula, JuhoPanula, MariaPanula, SanniPanula, Urhu (child)Panula, William (infant)Parker, Mr. Clifford R.Parr, Mr. M. H. W.Parrish, Mrs. L DavisPartner, Mr. AustinPasic, JakobPaulsson, Alma CPaulsson, Gosta (child)Paulsson, Paul (child)Paulsson, Stina(child)Paulsson, Torborg (child)Pavlovic, StefoPayne, Mr. V.Peacock, AlfredPeacock, Treasteall (child)Peacodc., TreasteallPearce, ErnestPears, Mr. ThomasPears, Mrs. ThomasPeduzzi, JosephPekonemi, E.Pelsmaker, Alfons dePeltomaki, NikolaiPenasco, Mr. VictorPenasco, Mrs. Victor and MaidPengelly, Mr. FrederickPentcho, PetroffPerkin, John HenryPernot, Mr. RenePerson, ErnestPeruschitz, Rev. Jos. M.Peter, AnnaPeter, Catherine JosephPeter, MikePeters, KatiePeterson, EllenPeterson, JohanPeterson, MariusPetranec, MatildaPetterson, OlafPeuchen, Major ArthurPhillips, Miss AlicePhillips, Mr. RobertPinsky, Miss RosaPlotcharsky, VasilPonesell, Mr. MartinPortaluppi, Mr. EmilioPorter, Mr. Walter ChamberlainPotchett, GeorgePotter, Mrs. Thomas, Jr.Pulbaun, Mr. FrankQuick, Miss PhyllisQuick, Miss Vera W.Quick, Mrs. JaneRadeff, AlexanderRafoul, BaccosRaibid, RaziRath, SarahReed, James GeorgeReeves, Mr. DavidRenouf, Miss LillieRenouf, Mr. Peter H.Reuchlin, Mr. Jonkheer, J. G.Reynolds, HaroldReynolds, Miss E.Rheims, Mr. GeorgeRice, Albert (child)Rice, Arthur (child)Rice, Eric (child)Rice, Eugene (child)Rice, George (child)Rice, MargaretRichard, Mr. EmileRichards, Master GeorgeRichards, Master WilliamRichards, Mrs. EmilyRidsdale, Miss LucyRintamaki, MattiRiordan, HannahRisien, EmmaRisien, SamuelRobert, Mrs. Edward S. and MaidRobins, AlexanderRobins, CharityRoebling, Mr. Washington A., 2ndRogers, Miss SelinaRogers, Mr. HarryRogers, William JohnRolmane, Mr. C.Rood, Mr. Hugh R.Rosblom, HeleneRosblom, Salfi (child)Rosblom, ViktorRosenbaum, MissRoss, Mr. J. HugoRothes, the Countess of and MaidRothschild, Mr. M.Rothschild, Mrs. M.Rouse, Richard H.Rowe, Mr. AlfredRugg, Miss EmilyRummstvedt, KristianRush, Alfred George J.Ryan, Edw.Ryan, PatrickRyerson, Master JackRyerson, Miss EmilyRyerson, Miss SusanRyerson, Mr. ArthurRyerson, Mrs. Arthur and MaidSaad, AminSaad, KhalilSaalfeld, Mr. AdolpheSadlier, MattSadowitz, HarrySage, Ada (child)Sage, AnnieSage, Constance (child)Sage, DorothySage, DouglasSage, FrederickSage, GeorgeSage, JohnSage, StellaSage, Thomas (child)Sage, William (child)Salander, CarlSaljilsvik, AnnaSalonen, WernerSamaan, EliasSamaan, HannaSamaan, YoussefSandman, JohanSandstrom, AgnesSandstrom, Beatrice (child)Sandstrom, Margretha (child)Sarkis, LahowdSarkis, MardirosianSather, SinonSaundercock, W. H.Sawyer, FrederickScanlan, JamesSchabert, Mrs. PaulScrota, MauriceSdycoff, TodorSedgwick, Mr. C. F. W.Seman Betros (child)Seward, Mr. Frederick K.Shabini, GeorgesSharp, Mr. PercivalShaughnesay, PatShedid, DaherSheerlinck, JeanShellard, FrederickShelley, Mrs. ImanitaShine, EllenShorney, CharlesShutes, Miss E. W.Sihvola, AnttiSilven, Miss LyyliSilverthorne, Mr. S. V.Silvey, Mr. William B.Silvey, Mrs. William B.Simmons, JohnSimonius, Mr. Oberst AltonsSincook, Miss MaudeSinkkenen, Miss AnnaSivic, HusenSjoblom, AnnaSjostedt, Mr. Ernest A.Skoog, AnnaSkoog, Carl (child)Skoog, Harald (child)Skoog, Mabel (child)Skoog, Margret (child)Skoog, WilliamSlabenoff, PetcoSlayter, Miss H. M.Sleiman, AttallaSlemen, Mr. Richard J.Slocovski, SelmanSloper, Mr. William T.Smart, Mr. John M.Smiljanic, MileSmith, Miss MarionSmith, Mr. AugustusSmith, Mr. J. ClinchSmith, Mr. L P.Smith, Mr. R. W.Smith, Mrs. L P.Smyth, JulianSnyder, Mr. JohnSnyder, Mrs. JohnSobey, Mr. HaydenSohole, PeterSoloman, Mr. A. L.Solvang, Lena JacobsenSomerton, Francis W.Sop, JulesSpector, WoolfSpedden, Master R. Douglas and NurseSpedden, Mr. Frederick O.Spedden, Mrs. Frederick O. and MaidSpencer, Mr. W. A.Spencer, Mrs. W. A. and MaidSpinner, HenryStahelin, Dr. MaxStaneff, IvanStankovic, JovanStanley, AmyStanley, E. R. Mr.Stanton, Mr. S. WardStead, Mr. W. T.Steffanon, H. B.Steffanson, B. B.Stehli, Mr. Max FrolicherStehli, Mrs. Max FrolicherStengel, Mr. C. E. H.Stengel, Mrs. C. E. H.Stewart, Mr. A. A.Stokes, Mr. Phillip J.Stone, Mrs. George M. and MaidStorey, T. Mr.Stoyehoff, IliaStoytcho, MihoffStrandberg, IdaStranden, JulesStraus, Mr. Isidor and ManservantStraus, Mrs. Isidor and MaidStrilic, IvanStrom, Selma (child)Sunderland, VictorSutehall, HenrySutton, Mr. FrederickSvensen, OlafSvensson, CoverinSvensson, JohanSwane, Mr. GeorgeSweet, Mr. GeorgeSwift, Mrs. Frederick JoelSyntakoff, StankoTannous, DalerTannous, ThomasTaussig, Miss RuthTaussig, Mr. EmilTaussig, Mrs. EmilTaylor, Mr. E. ZTaylor, Mrs. E. Z.Thayer, Mr. J. B.Thayer, Mr. J. B., Jr.Thayer, Mrs. J. B. and MaidTheobald, ThomasThomas, AlexThomas, Assad (infant)Thomas, CharlesPThomas, JohnThomas, TaminThorne, Mr. G.Thorne, Mrs. G.Thorneycroft, PercivalThorneycrolt, FlorenceTikkanen, JuhoTobin, RogerTodoroff, LalioTomlin, Ernest P.Tonfik, NahliTonglin, GunnerToomey, Miss EllenTorber, ErnestTorfa, AssadTrant, Miss JessieTrembisky, BerkTronpiansky, Mr. Moses A.Troutt, Miss E. CeliaTucker, Mr. G. M., Jr.Tunquist, W.Tupin, M. DorothyTurcin, StefanTurgo, AnnaTurpin, Mr. William J.Twekula, HedwigUruchurtu, Mr. M. R.Useher,BaulnerUzelas, JovoVagil, Adele JaneVan de Velde, JosephVan de Walle, NestorVan der Hoef, Mr. WyckoffVan der Planke, Augusta VanderVan der Planke, Emilie VanderVan der Planke, Jules VanderVan der Planke, Leon VanderVan der Steen, LeoVan Impe, Catharine (child)Van Impe, JacobVan Impe, RosalieVartunian, DavidVassilios, CatavelasVeale, Mr. JamesVereruysse, VictorVestrom, Huld A. A.Vook, JankoWaelens, AchilleWalcroft, Miss NellieWalker, Mr. W. AndersonWare, FrederickWare, Mr. John JamesWare, Mr. William J.Ware, Mrs. Florence LWarren, Charles W.Warren, Mr. F. M.Warren, Mrs. F. M.Watt, Miss BerthaWatt, Mrs. BessieWazli, YousifWebber, JamesWebber, Miss SusieWeir, Mr. J.Weisz, Mr. LeopoldWeisz, Mrs. MatildaWeller, AbiWells, Master RalphWells, Miss J.Wells, Mrs. AddieWende, Olof EdvinWennerstrom, AugustWenzel, ZinhartWest, Miss BarbaraWest, Miss ConstanceWest, Mr. E. ArthurWest, Mrs. AdaWheadon, Mr. EdwardWheeler, Mr. EdwinWhite, Mr. Percival W.White, Mr. Richard F.White, Mrs. J. Stuart and Maid and ManservantWick, Miss MaryWick, Mr. George D.Wick, Mrs. George D.Widegrin, CharlesWidener, Mr. George D. and ManservantWidener, Mr.. HarryWidener, Mrs. George D. and MaidWiklund, Jacob A.Wiklund, Karl F.Wilkes, EllenWillard, Miss ConstanceWilley, EdwardWilliams, HarryWilliams, LeslieWilliams, Mr. DuaneWilliams, Mr. R. N., Jr.Windelov, EinarWirz, AlbertWiseman, PhilipWittenrongel, CamilleWoolner, Mr. HughWright, Mr. GeorgeYalsevae, IvanYazbeck, AntoniYazbeck, SaliniYoung, Miss MarieYoussef Georges (child)Youssef, BrahimYoussef, HanneYoussef, Maria (child)Zabour, HileniZabour. TaminiZakarian, MapriederZievens, ReneeZimmermann, Leo

New York Times RMS Titanic The Disaster

Extra Extra Branson Missouri

October 8, 2007
Join my sons and myself
on our tour of the
Doomed Oceanliner


3235 Western 76 Country
Branson, MO 65616

October 8, 2007 RMS Titanic 1912

Modern Marvels of The RMS TITANIC engineering disaster Titanic Video 2 minutes 58 seconds. We all seen Leo and Kate, but modern marvels looks into What really Happened when the Titanic Sank.

History Channel on the RMS Titanic
2. History Channel Stories on the Ill Faded Luxury Liner the Titanic.

RMS Titanic The Unsinkable April 13, 1912 Museum

October 8, 2007

Join my sons and I on our trip to Branson MO. Our first attraction will be the ill fated RMS Titanic April 13, 1912

The ill Fated Titanic April 13, 1912 Visit Branson's phenomenal Titanic museum for an interactive experience that will allow you to become a passenger on the giant ocean liner’s tragic maiden voyage. As you enter, you'll be handed a ticket with the name of one of the Titania’s passengers. Make your way through the exhibits to the Memorial Room, where you'll find out if your passenger died or lived through the disaster. While inside the museum, you'll encounter hundreds of authentic artifacts taken directly from the ships decks, halls, and rooms, as well as dozens of interactive activities to make learning about the Titanic fun for kids and adults alike.
There are over 400 unique artifacts on display, each one with the story of its owner. Popular exhibits within the museum include the opportunity to touch a real iceberg, stroll up the life-sized replica of the magnificent Grand Staircase, and experience see how long you can last with your hand in the chilly waters of the cold northern seas.

Many of the exhibits are interactive, including a special interactive area for children. Another exhibit is dedicated to James Cameron's blockbuster Titanic, and features the underwater wreckage replica used to film the underwater scenes of the movie. Don't miss this opportunity to experience one of history's greatest and most unfortunate legacies.

October 7-11 2007; My sons, and I going to take a trip to; Branson Missouri. The first tourist attraction on our List will be the RMS Titanic October 8. We will be handed a ticket and at the end of the Tour my son’s and myself will find out if our passenger survived the ill fated luxury liner.
Our Choice of Hotel Best Western, When I called to make my reservation they meet all five of my wants. So call Best Western and tell them what you want.

1 [800] 528-1234
1 [417] 334-6464 Branson Mo

Landing View Inn & Suites
Address: 403 W Highways 76
Branson Missouri 65616

1. Military Rate $65.00 Sales Tax 11.5%
2. Continental Breakfast
3. Indoor Pool
4. Refrigerator /Micro wave
5. Near the Special Attractions

Join my sons and myself, October 7-11 2007 on our Journey to Branson Missouri. Check out my Blog and my son’s Robert and Andrew opinion. My sons will tell about the points of fine dining, attractions, and their stay at Best Western.

Andrew’s Choice of our first Visit to Branson will be the RMS Titanic the ill fated Luxury Liner. So join us October 8, 2007.

This Attraction that is located in Branson MO is only Six Hours from FT Campbell KY. So Join my sons and myself on our journey. Check out my dailey blog October 7-11 2007

Location: RMS Titanic Museum 3235 West 76 Country BLVD, Branson MO 65616 Price Admission Adult 13& up $24.95 Children 5-12 $15.10 and Children 4 & Under free.

The Grand Stair Case to
RMS White Star Line
3235 West Country 76 BLVD
Branson MO 65616

RMS Titanic Movies

There are many books, movies and documents about the RMS Titanic. However, I chose my three favorite movies of the Titanic.
Titanic ----1997
Leonardo DiCaprio,
Kate Winslet
I enoyed the Titanic Movie Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet and the love story. The effects of the movie was outstanding and it was a believeable movie. I give this movie a Five Star. *****

Titanic ~ 1953
Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck,
Robert Wagner, and Audrey Dalton

This movies was also a heart felt Movie. Barbara is married to Clifton Webb, in the movie. She took the Titanic to get away from her husband. However, Clifton Webb didn't realize that she was trying to get away from him. She has a son by another man. She confronts Clifton Webb. He then shuns the boy. However, in the End the boy chose Clifton Webb in this epic of the Doom ill fated RMS Titanic. I give this a 4 1/2 Star rating. ****1/2
A Night to Remember: The Sinking of the Titanic (1958)
Kenneth More, Ronald Allen
Roy Ward Baker Rating

A Night to Remember is by all means my favorite Titanic Movie. It may not have the same effects as the 1997 version. However, I remember the Newly Wed couple trying to survive this ill fated Luxury Liner. The RMS Titanic White Star Line. I give the movie two thumbs up and five stars *****.

All three versions of the movies are available at and also

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AVAILABLE AT AMAZON.COM

Monday, September 24, 2007

Dots American Resturant

Dots American Resturant


125 Turtle Creek, Hopkinsville KY 42240 Tele: 270 881 6065


Hours of Operation: Monday Closed, Tuesday 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Wednesday 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Thursday 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Friday 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Saturday 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Sunday 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Categories: Catering Services, American Restaurants




Dots American Resturant

Dots American Resturant
I enjoyed a nice dinner salad with a nice ranch dressing. I chose the Grilled Mesquite Pork Chops with a nice simple Baked potato. The pork chops were cooked very nice and they were not dry. I rate this dish 8.-----------------------The dining was simple and the atmosphere is great to have a family conversation. It's simple and the focus of this resturant is the family.--------------------------------------The service was wonderful. The prices of the resturant are nice and reasonable for a nice family. My Children also have opnions and check them out and their voice.

Dots American Resturant

Dots American Resturant
Robert is enjoying a nice Cheeseburg and it is also served with Potato Slice. He said he like that the hamberburg was a perfect size and it was not greasy. He also like the presentation.------------------------------------------------He gives the Cheeseburg at Dot's a 8.-----------------------He also enjoyed the family atmosphere--He said it's perfect for a family outing and it's very comfortable and he said the service was great.

Dots American Resturant


My Son Andrew chose the Turkey & Ham Club sandwich served with Dot's potato's. It's served on a nice wheat bread.-------------------------------------------------------Andrew say's the sandwich has a nice flavor and the portion was big. He gives the sandwich a 7. He enjoys the family setting. He said the resturant is a nice place for family and he said he enjoyed the resturant because it has a nice atmosphere. ------------------------------------------------He enjoyed the time we spent as a family in the resturant.

Dots American Resturant

Dots American Resturant

125 Turtle Creek
Hopkinsville Kentucky
270 881 6065


Dots is a All American Resturant with nice simple classic Foods. The Atmosphere inside resturant is of a wonderful family Dining Area. Also with the finest Classic Foods Budwiser Beer is the Beer of Choice. There is a little wine list to also to Choose from.

Dots American Resturant & Nice Family Dining Area Nice Beautiful Setting. Remember have a nice Dinner at Dots and have that family Conversation. This is a nice place to connect with family. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Map to Knockum Hill Barbeque

A Map to Knockum Hill Barbeque
Check out
Also Check out Road Food's Blog on Knockhill BBQ

Knockum Hill The Story of the Big Pork Chop

11185 Highway 107 South
Herndon, KY 42236
270 271 2957

I decided to try the big Pork Chop. When I first saw the pork chop, I said you got to be kidding. I said that I can feed three people. They told me that was a single serving. I could not possibly eat the big pork chop. So I took it home and the next I cut it all up and I made a nice Spaghetti
dinner out of it.
The Big Pork Chop plate only cost $10.00 includes two side and a drink.

Knockum Hill Barbeque

270 271 2957

Now take a look @ the food. They always say we eat with our eyes. I enjoyed this nice pork plate $6.50 includes two sides and a drink in the price.

My Son Andrew is enjoying his typical and favorite food is BBQ Ribs Price $8.50 Includes two sides and a drink. My Son rated the ribs on a scale of 1-10 he gives them 8. Check Andrew's other experience with BBQ Ribs.


My Robert is enjoying a nice pork
sandWhich with a nice drink of cold Coca Cola. $3.50 My Son said the Pork is so nice and tender and the BBQ flavor is the best.

Knockum Hill Barbque

Knockum Hill Barbeque
11185 Highway 107 South
Herndon Kentucky 42236
270 271 2957

Knockum Hill Barbecue has excellent Barbecue Food despite their weird Hours

Friday 9 a.m. to 7 pm
Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 pm

The food is wonderful and the prices are wonderful and the location is also nice. It's located out in the Country side of Herndon Kentucky. My Sons love Knockum Hill.


The Service is wonderful and the folks who run Knockum Hill are very earthy people.

The dining area has a nice Homey feel to it. It's nice and a very relaxing atmosphere to Enjoy BBQ Food and the Price is extremely reasonable. It's nice place to have family dinner.
The price of the is also reasonable.

Andrew Rook

Andrew Rook

Well I am always buying crayons, paints & makers for the kids and I am always doing art with my children. Especially for my son Andrew.
Well the Kentucky Era News paper {Hopkinsville Kentucky} liked Andrew’s silly little Boat because he made the paper today’ with his silly boat art work. Take a look at news cast for today. 9-17-07. My son Andrew attends Indian Hill Elememtary School. He is in the 4th grade.
I was always laughing at his art work because I think his boats are funny. Well I thank the Kentucky Era who published my sons Art. He made me so proud that his art makes other people happy. I am so proud of my sons work.
So parents take the time to sit down with your children and color with them. When shopping for a coloring book buy one that interest you as a parent and color with your children.
My son was excited about his accomplishments.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Take Your Kids to Borders

Take Your Kids to Borders
Take Your Kids to Borders, why because it's fun and my sons love that they get to choose a book they want to read.

Also they have a little snack bar, after we are done shopping we sit together and a have little bite to eat. We also talk about the books we buy and talk them over.
My Sons love it when I take them to Borders, they love the fact they can choose any book, Music and Movie. Most of all the love the fact they can also sit down as a family and talk about their books over a snack. The snacks are upscale, they sell coffee, nice bakery treats, nice chocolates and different kind of healthy drinks.


I enjoyed a nice flavor Green Tea that was peach flavored with a pretzel, I am going to rate the pretzel on a scale of 1 to 10 I am going to give the pretzel a 5. Why because it was a like on the dry side for a soft pretzel.


However, on the Green Peach tea made by Tazo on a scale of 1 to 10. I will give the product a 9. It's served with a nice cup of Ice and when it's nice and chilled the flavors are awesome.


Tazo Giant Peach Green Peach Drink. Try one at Borders. The flavor is wonderful. It's like almost eating a fresh Peach. The taste is on target.

Also what brings to mind about the lable that was on the bottle. Did you know?

In China, peaches were thought to confer long life. They say the 800 year old tea Shaman Wang Yung doesn't look a day over 90. This reminds me of a movie, that I loved about China. The Story was Called The Good Earth. Because in the beging The wife a chinese man plants the peach seed.

Impoverished farmer Wang Lung (Paul Muni) is overjoyed when his father buys him a bride, a former kitchen slave named O-Lan (Luise Rainer). They toil in the fields, surviving bad weather and a troublesome uncle (Walter Connolly), eventually having three boys and a girl and increasing the size of their farm. Then famine comes, and Wang Lung's neighbors accuse him of hoarding food, although he is starving as well. Rather than sell out, Wang Lung takes his family to the South where revolution is brewing. When the Manchus are overthrown O-Lan is injured in a riot and almost shot as a looter, but saves a bag of jewels that allows the family to return in style. Good times bring riches; Wang Lung buys the house of a lord and takes a concubine, dancer Lotus (Tilly Losch). But he's losing something at home, as his sons grow distant and O-Lan wastes away in silence.

The Good Earth Warner DVD 1937 / B&W / 1:37 flat full frame / 138 min. / Starring Paul Muni, Luise Rainer, Walter Connolly, Tilly Losch Cinematography Karl Freund Montages by Slavko Vorkapich Art Direction Cedric Gibbons, Arnold Gillespie, Harry Oliver, Edwin B. Willis Film Editor Basil Wrangell Original Music Herbert Stothart Written by Talbot Jennings, Tess Slesinger, Claudine West from a play by Donald Davis, Owen Davis from the book by Pearl S. Buck Produced by Albert Lewin, Irving Thalberg Directed by Sidney Franklin. This can be purchased through

This is my son Andrew enjoying his nice Cold Rootbeer.
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Family is important and the things I do with my children, are memorable and when I don't take them to Borders they get mad at me. They enjoy that fact that I take them. So I take them once a month. Reading is important. Also I want people to know by doing this my oldest son is in the 7th grade and he can read on the 9th grade level and my youngest is in the 4th grade he reads on the 7th grade level. So Borders is a nice outing and it encourages reading. Reading is important. Also unlike a library, the child gets to keep the books as their own. Also the Holidays are coming up. A nice Idea instead of a toy. Which have had major recalls, just think a nice book is the perfect gift so remember the gift card.

Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life