Thursday, October 3, 2019

To ignorant Young Woman named Naomi Pacheco said her 9 who refuse to Answer a math Question about Women's Weight

Young Woman named Naomi Pacheco 
who refuse to Answer a math Question about Women's Weight
Should get a big Fat 
On Her paper 
Rhythm Pacheco, from Salt Lake City, Utah, annotated the math question with ‘What!!!! This is offensive!  I call her stupid.

She found this Question offensive.  I don't find it offensive.  Because she will be ask in the future about these types of Question.  In the Medical Field or Designing Equipment such as life boats,  Or How much weight a plane, Boat ,automobiles, Building and Etc.  Any Where weight has to be included .  So answering a Question about anyone's weight is import.

‘How much heavier is Isabel than the lightest student.’

This young would should get  marked with a big fat F by not answering the Question.

By allowing ignorant Students to dictation what Questions they refuse to answer is dangerous it can cause people lives.  

A Great example of ignoring Weights can cause death example the death of Singer Aaliyah who died in a plane crash August 25, 2001.

Two main cause of the Plane was over loaded and the weight capacity  was ignored and pilot error

I would fail this child 100%  

Schools are producing to many Stupid and dictating Students who refuse to answer questions that she may have answer down the ROAD
I hope her stupid  parents see this and the Stupid Snowflake sees this as well for being Dumb.

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