Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lucy's drummer of I love Lucy Play by Keith Thibodeaux A.K.A. Richard Keith of Lafayette Louisiana. May 25, 1956

child drummer

Richard he was born Keith Thiebodeax 
Richard Keith
His first Hollywood assignment with the role of Ricky Cardo Jr. on the "I Love 'Lucy' Show.


LOS  ANGELES--Five-year-old- Richard Keith whose, parent's don't Consider his drumming a nuisance, pounds on his skins for newsman as he appears in court to get judicial approval of his new $300-a-week contract with the "I Love Lucy TV Series.

Richard he was born Keith Thiebodeax in Layafette, La. began pounding drums at the age of 10 months and has become a professional two years.  His first Hollywood assignment with the role of Ricky Cardo Jr. on the "I Love 'Lucy' Show.

PS Desi Arnaz to "Keith" because "Thibodeaux" was too difficult to pronounce. 

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