Saturday, February 24, 2018

Greeley Tibune December 23, 1963 PAGE 10 THE GIRAFF STARTED IT



Sunday, February 18, 2018

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Inventeur de l'histoire afro-américaine par le nom de George Crum 1824-1914 Le créateur de la Pomme de terre La collation la plus populaire au monde

Inventeur de l'histoire afro-américaine par le nom de George Crum 1824-1914 Le créateur de la Pomme de terre La collation la plus populaire au monde


J'ai une histoire à raconter. Il s'agit d'un homme afro-américain nommé George Crum. Qui est George Crum [1824-1914] Saratoga NY. Il n'était pas seulement votre Blackman typique. Il était un chef très populaire. Il était un génie culinaire. Eh bien, il avait mal au cul pour un client Il s'appelait Cornelius Vanderbilt [1794-1877] du Railroad Empire. Eh bien, Cornélius se plaignait toujours de ses pommes de terre frites, toujours détrempées. George était si fatigué de lui se plaindre de si même avec son client de la douleur de l'âne, il a rasé les pommes de terre si mince et il les frit profondément jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient si croustillants et il entassé sur un tas de sel. Et il a dit ici Maintenant, ils ne sont pas détrempés. Il a créé la puce de la pomme de terre par dépit. Corneille aimait le croustillant et la friandise salée. Le mot est sorti. Alors George a placé sur chaque table un panier de croustilles sur chacune de ses tables. Il avait son propre restaurant qui est toujours là. La première puce de pomme de terre s'appelait la puce Saratoga. L'histoire est que la nourriture populaire Snack Food du monde, qui s'appelle la Pomme de terre a été créée par un homme noir nommé George Crum juste pour obtenir même avec une douleur dans le client de cul.


Афро-американский исторический изобретатель по имени Джордж Крум 1824-1914 Создатель картофельного чипа Самая популярная в мире закусочная

Афро-американский исторический изобретатель по имени Джордж Крум 1824-1914 Создатель картофельного чипа Самая популярная в мире закусочная

У меня есть рассказ Tell. Его о афро-американском человеке по имени Джордж Крам. Кто такой Джордж Крум [1824-1914] Саратога Нью-Йорк. Он был не просто твоим Типичным Блэкменом. Он был очень популярным шеф-поваром. Он был кулинарным гением. У него была боль в попке для клиента. Его звали Корнелиус Вандербилт (1794-1877) Империи железных дорог. Хорошо, Корнелиус всегда жаловался на его жареный картофель, где всегда сыровато. Джордж так устал от того, что он так жаловался на то, что даже с больным клиентом он побрил картошку так тонко, и он глубоко пожарил их, пока они не были так хрустящими, и он навалился на кучу соли. И он сказал здесь. Теперь они не сырые. Он создал картофельный чип из злости. Теперь Корнелиус любил хрустность и соленое удовольствие. Слово вышло. Итак, Джордж разместил на каждом столе корзину картофельных чипсов на всех своих столах. У него был собственный ресторан, который все еще вокруг. Первый картофельный чип назывался чином Саратога. История состоит в том, что популярная в мире закуска, называемая чипсом картофеля, была создана чернокожим человеком, названным Джорджем Крумом, чтобы получить даже боль в клипе.



Princess Grace’s Brother Marries 2nd time to Wilmington banker Sandra Lee Worley May 29, 1981 at the former estate of the Wharton Sinkler

Princess Grace of Monaco, Sandra Lee Worley & John Brendan Kelly Jr.  May 29, 1981

Princess Grace’s Brother 

PHILADELPHIA [AP]—John B. Kelly Jr., 1 brother of Princess Grace of Monaco 2 and formerly an Olympic oarsman, has married Wilmington banker Sandra Lee Worley 3.

The ceremony was Thursday night at the former estate of the Wharton Sinkler Family 4 with royalty, friends, business and political leaders attending.

Princess Grace was one of the First to kiss her brother and his new wife, and she stood with them in the receiving line.

Among the 150 guests were Mayor and Mrs. William Green: 5 Secretary of the Navy John Lehman: 6 William Simon: 7, former Secretary of the Treasury and President of the U.S. Olympic Committee, and U.S. Rep Thomas Foglietta. D-Pa. 8 a longtime friend of the bridegroom.

The bride, a former executive in the Wilmington Savings Fund Society, met Kelly three years ago when they took part in a television auction.

Kelly, who is president of a brick and construction firm, celebrated his 54th birthday Sunday.  His new wife is about 20 years younger than he is. 

It was her first marriage and Kelly’s second.

The Morning Call/Weekend Allentown PA May 30, 1981 Page 6 


African American History Inventor by the Name of George Crum 1824-1914 The Creator of the Potato Chip The World's most Popular Snack Food.

African American History Inventor by the Name of George Crum  1824-1914  The Creator of the Potato Chip The World's most Popular Snack Food

I have a story to Tell. Its about a African American man named George Crum. Who is George Crum [1824-1914] Saratoga NY. He was not just your Typical Blackman. He was very popular Chef. He was a culinary Genius. Well he had a pain in the ass for a customer His name was Cornelius Vanderbilt [1794-1877] of the Railroad Empire. Well Cornelius would always complain his fried potatoes where always soggy. George was so tired of him complaining to so to even with his pain ass customer he shaved the potatoes so thin and he deep fried them until they where so crispy and he piled on a heap of salt. And he said here Now they are not soggy. He created the potato chip out of spite. Now Cornelius loved the crispiness and the salty treat. Word got out. So George Placed on every table a basket of Potato Chips on everyone of his tables. He had his own restaurant which is still around. The first potato Chip was called the Saratoga Chip. The Story is that the world's popular Snack Food which is called the Potato Chip was created by a black man Named George Crum just to get even with a pain in the ass customer.

Cornelius Vanderbilt

George Crum
Where to buy the original Potato Chip


The Buffalo Commercial Buffalo, New York Aug 18, 1914 Tue Page


Monday, February 12, 2018


The Family Death Records of John Henry Kelly The Paternal Grandfather of John Henry Kelly

The Family Death Records of John Henry Kelly 
The Paternal Grandfather of John Henry Kelly

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 about John H Kelly
Name: John H Kelly  Gender: Male  Race: White  Age: 65  Birth Date: 29 Jul 1852  Birth Place: Ireland  Death Date: 24 Feb 1917  Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: John Kelly  Father Birth Place: Ireland Mother Name: Hanora Mc Laughlin  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Certificate Number: 38133


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Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 about Mary Ann Kelley
Name: Mary Ann Kelley [Mary Ann Cartella]   Gender: Female  Race: White  Age: 73  Birth Date: Oct 1853  Birth Place: Ireland  Death Date: 21 Sep 1926  Death Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: Walter Cartella Father Birth Place: Mayes Ireland  Mother Name: Ann Burke  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Spouse Name: John Kelley  Certificate Number: 97808


Web Source Image:

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 about Patrick H Kelly 
 Name: Patrick H Kelly  Gender: Male  Race: White  Age: 65  Birth Date: abt 1872  Birth Place: Rutiand Vermont  Death Date: 25 Jan 1937  Death Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: John H Kelly  Father Birth Place: Ireland  Mother Name: Mary A Castells  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Certificate Number: 10843


Web Source Image:

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 about Walter C Kelly 
 Name: Walter C Kelly  Gender: Male  Race: White  Age: 63  Birth Date: abt 1876  Birth Place: New York  Death Date: 6 Jan 1939  Death Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: John Kelly  Father Birth Place: Ireland Mother Name: Mary Costello Mother Birth Place: Ireland Certificate Number: 13669


Web Source Image:

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 about Mrs Anne Frommeyer 
Name: Mrs Anne Frommeyer [Mrs Anne Kelly]   Gender: Female  Race: White  Age: 61  Birth Date: abt 1876  Birth Place: New York  Death Date: 4 May 1937  Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Father Name: John H Kelly Father Birth Place: Ireland  Mother Name: Cath Costello  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Certificate Number: 47301

Web Source Image:

"Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915,"
John Kelly in entry for John Joseph Kelly, 1888 Name: John Joseph Kelly event:  Death event date:  26 Jul 1888 event place:  Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania gender:     Male race:  age:  10 Estimated birth year:  1878 father:  John Kelly mother :Mary Ann Costello film number: 2079265 digital folder number:       004010375 image number:               00417 reference number:      
Citing this Record

"Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 03 Oct 2012), John Kelly in entry for John Joseph Kelly, 1888.


Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 about Charles V Kelly
Name: Charles V Kelly  Gender: Male  Race: White  Age: 77  Birth Date: 11 Dec 1879  Birth Place: Rutland, Vermont  Death Date: 11 Jan 1957  Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: John Kelly Mother Name: Mary A Cartello  Spouse Name: Mary M Kelly  Certificate Number: 7938

 Web Source Image:


Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 about Marya C Ruick
Name: Marya C Ruick [Marya C Kelly]  Gender:Female  Race: White  Age: 80  Birth Date: 19 Feb 1882  Birth Place: Vermont  Death Date: 31 May 1962  Death Place: Domans Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: John Kelly Mother Name: Mary Costello  Spouse Name:Joseph Cruice  Certificate Number: 050466-62


Web Source Image:

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 about Elizabeth V Kelly
Name: Elizabeth V Kelly  Gender: Male  Race: White  Age: 36  Birth Date: 26 Jul 1885  Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  Death Date: 22 Feb 1921   Death Place: Hevpy Pd Mearl, Hevpy Pd Mearl, Pennsylvania, USA Father Name: John H Kelly  Father Birth Place: Ireland  Mother Name: Mary Castelle  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Certificate Number: 13288

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 about Elizabeth V Kelly
Name: Elizabeth V Kelly  Gender: Male  Race: White  Age: 36  Birth Date: 26 Jul 1885  Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  Death Date: 22 Feb 1921   Death Place: Hevpy Pd Mearl, Hevpy Pd Mearl, Pennsylvania, USA Father Name: John H Kelly  Father Birth Place: Ireland  Mother Name: Mary Castelle  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Certificate Number: 13288

Web Source Image:

Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985 about George E Kelly 
Name: George E  Kelly  Event Type: Burial   Death Date: abt 1974  Burial Date: 21 Jun 1974  Burial Place: Bala Cynwyd, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA Organization Name: Westminster Cemetery Co. Source Citation: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records.


Web Source Image:

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 about John B Kelly
Name: John B Kelly  Gender: Male  Race:White Age:70  Birth Date: 4 Oct 1890  Death Date: 20 Jun 1960 Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Father Name: John Kelly Mother Name: Mary Costello  Spouse Name: Margant M Majer Kelly Certificate Number: 60003
  Web Source Image:

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944  about Grace T Kelly
Name: Grace T Kelly  Gender: Female  Race: White  Age: 24  Birth Date: 3 Jan 1883  Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  Death Date: 9 Nov 1917  Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: John H Kelly Father Birth Place: Ireland  Mother Name: Mary A Kelly  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Certificate Number: 124572

Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944  about Grace T Kelly
Name: Grace T Kelly  Gender: Female  Race: White  Age: 24  Birth Date: 3 Jan 1883  Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  Death Date: 9 Nov 1917  Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Father Name: John H Kelly Father Birth Place: Ireland  Mother Name: Mary A Kelly  Mother Birth Place: Ireland  Certificate Number: 124572


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Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life