Friday, July 28, 2017

The Genealogy of Fern Anderson The daughter of Irwin McLain Anderson Sr. and Emma Jane Smith. Sister of Sherwood Anderson American Novelist and Karl Anderson American Painter

The Genealogy of Fern Anderson The daughter of Irwin McLain Anderson Sr.  and Emma Jane Smith.  Sister of Sherwood Anderson American Novelist and Karl Anderson American Painter


Name: Fern Anderson
     Born:  January 21, 1890 Spring Street, Clyde Sandusky,  Ohio, USA
     Died: December 9, 1891 Clyde, Sandusky, Ohio, USA
     Parents:  Irwin McLain Anderson
                   Emma Jane Smith
     Cause of Death: Congestion of the Brain
     Age at Death: YRS: 1 MOS: 11, DYS: 18
      Certified Copy of Death Record: Vol: 3 PG: 16 No. 6
     Funeral: Family Residence
                    Presbyterian Church Officiated: REV George E. Wilson
                   Spring Street, Clyde, Sandusky, Ohio, USA
     Find A Grave Memorial# 120629992
     Interment: McPherson Cemetery, Clyde, Sandusky, Ohio, USA

Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Fern Anderson
Name: Fern Anderson Death Date: 9 Dec 1891 Death Place: Clyde, Ohio Parents: J M Newspaper: Sandusky (Oh) (Daily) Register, Sandusky, Ohio Newspaper Date: 15 Dec 1891 Newspaper Page: p. 2, col. 6 Years Indexed: 1860's-1932, 1980's, 2000-current Newspaper Repository: Hayes Presidential Library - Fremont, Oh; Hayes Presidential Library - Fremont, Oh Source Information: Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.  Original data: Hayes Presidential Center Obituary Indexers and Volunteers. “Ohio Obituary Index.” Database. Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center. : 2009.


Ohio Obituary Index
Basic information for person: Last Name:  ANDERSON First Name:  FERN City of Death:  CLYDE State of Death:  OH Parent's First Name(s):  J M  Month of Death:  12   Day of Death:  9   Year of Death:  1891 


Fern, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. [I.M.] Anderson, died on Wednesday Last.  Funeral Friday at the residence of on Spring Street, Rev Geo E. Wilson Officiating.  A bright and lovely bud to bloom in the better world.

Web Source Image:

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
The Anderson settled down in this house, which was to be their Clyde home at least until mid-1895 and perhaps later.  Here a second daughter, Fern, the last of the children of Irwin and Emma, was born on January 21, 1890.

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Pg 669:  The University Press of Wisconsin Press  ISBN: 0-209-21530-x  Date: 2006

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
A two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.M. Anderson died yesterday [December 9, 1891] of congestive of the brain.  The little one had been ill for a week, but the parents thought nothing serious was the matter and failed to call a physician until two hours before the child died, when too late to save its life.  The funeral will be held at the house on Friday at two O’clock Burial at Clyde.

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Pg 41:  The University Press of Wisconsin Press  ISBN: 0-209-21530-x  Date: 2006

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Fern was nearly two years old when she died.  Tar is said never to have seen the baby during the three weeks of her life because he is sick

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Pg 42:  The University Press of Wisconsin Press  ISBN: 0-209-21530-x  Date: 2006

Fern Anderson Ohio Births and Christenings
Name Fern Anderson  Gender Female  Christening Place Sandusky, Ohio  Birth Date 21 Jan 1890  Birthplace Clyde, Sandusky, Ohio  Race White  Father's Name Erwin Anderson Mother's Name Emma Smith


Ohio Births and Christenings, 1821-1962
Indexing Project (Batch) Number C54665-2
System Origin Ohio-VR
GS Film number 511731
Reference ID p 16 rn 309

Citing this Record
"Ohio Births and Christenings, 1821-1962," database, FamilySearch ( : 8 December 2014), Fern Anderson, 21 Jan 1890; citing Clyde, Sandusky, Ohio, reference p 16 rn 309; FHL microfilm 511,731.


Congestion (Cong. of Lungs/ Congestion of Brain/ Congestion of Liver/ Conjestion) - Overfullness of the capillary and other blood vessels, etc., in any locality or organ (often producing other morbid symptoms); local hyperaemia, as, arterial congestion, venous congestion, congestion of the lungs.


 Name: Irwin M. Anderson Rank: [BLANK] Company: G Regiment:
129 State: Ohio Arm of Service: Infantry Publication Title: Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900 NARA Publication Number: T289 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration Collection Title: Civil War Pensions Source of Information: Publication Number: T289  Publication Title: Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900.  Publisher: NARA  National Archives Catalog ID: 2588825  National Archives Catalog Title: Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900, compiled 1949 - 1949, documenting the period 1861 - 1942  Record Group: 15 Short Description: NARA T289. Pension applications for service in the US Army between 1861 and 1900, grouped according to the units in which the veterans served.  Collection Title: Civil War Pensions  State: Ohio Arm Of Service: Infantry  Regiment: 129  Company: G  Name: Anderson, Irwin M.  Rank: [BLANK]  Date: 10-JUL-1919  State/Arm Of Service: Ohio Inf.  Company/Regiment: G,129  Roll Number: 429

 Documentation Fern Anderson Birth and Death Record

222 Meigs Street
Sandusky, OH 44870
419.627.5844 (Phone)
419.627.5825 (Fax)


Apprentice Seaman Earl Jason Anderson The Youngest brother of Karl Anderson Famous American Painter and Sherwood Anderson American Novelist Best Know for Winesburg Ohio. The Son of Irwin McLain Anderson & Emma Jane Smith

Apprentice Seaman Earl Jason Anderson The Youngest brother of Karl Anderson Famous American Painter and Sherwood Anderson American Novelist Best Know for Winesburg Ohio.  The Son of Irwin McLain Anderson & Emma Jane Smith

Apprentice Seaman Earl Jason Anderson

 Earl, Sherwood & Irwin Jr
[1885-1927] [1876-1941] [1878-1934]



Name: Earl Jason Anderson

    Born: June 16, 1885 Clyde, Sandusky. Ohio. USA

    Died: March 16, 1927 Naval Hospital New Port; Newport, Rhode Island, USA

    Spouse: Never Married
    Parents Irwin McLain Anderson
                Emma Jane Smith
    Occupation: Wandering Poet / Undocumented Merchant Marine
    Cause of Death: Chronic Myocarditis
                               Due to: Hemiplegia
                     Contributing Factor: Paralytic Stroke
    Date of Interment:  March 19, 1927
    Residence September 9, 1918: Training Ship Iris USS Broad San Francisco California, USA
    Certificate#: BK7/PG 224 / 04280944
    Age at Death: YRS: 41 MOS: 9 DYS: 0
    Military Serial #: WWI 571 Order # 959
                                 September 9, 1918
    Rank: Apprentice Seaman
              United States Shipping Board Recruiting Service, Shore Station Foot Army Street San Francisco, California,      
    Physical: Ht: Medium 5’7” Build Medium Color of Eyes Brown Color of Hair. Brown
                    WWI September 9, 1918
    Issued: Newport Rhode Island
    Filing Date: April 4, 1927
    Informant: Karl Anderson
                      Westport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
    Funeral: Central Presbyterian Church
                  Officiated by Rev. Mr.  W. Edward Stokesberry
                                         Clyde, Sandusky, Ohio, USA
    Military Service: Undocumented Merchant Marine—During WWI
    Disable American Veteran: Yes 120630170 
    Interment: McPherson Cemetery  Lot 23 1/2  Green Creek Township Clyde, Sandusky, Ohio, USA      

Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009 
Clyde, Ohio Newspaper Date: Mar 1927 Newspaper Page: p. 1;4, col. 2;6 Years Indexed: 1878-current Newspaper  Repository: Hayes Presidential Library - Fremont, Oh; Hayes  residential Library - Fremont, Oh Other Sources: Fiser Register, Hpc - Lh16: Local History Manuscript Collection Other Source Data: 1925-30, P 81 Source Description: Fiser Funeral Home Records, Clyde - 1914-1971
Notes: Formerly Of Clyde;


Ohio Obituary Index
Basic information for person: Last Name:  ANDERSON  First Name:  EARL Age at Time of Death:  42  City of Death: 
NEWPORT State of Death:  RI  Month of Death:  3   Day of Death:  16   Year of Death:  1927 

Web Source Image:

Clyde Enterprise March 17, 1927
Died In Eastern City
R.B. Jones East evening received a Long distance call from New York calling telling of the death of Earl Anderson brother of Sherwood Anderson noted author and Carl Anderson a well know artist.  He passed away yesterday at Newprt, R.I.

The body will be sent to Clyde probably arriving Saturday Funeral services will doubtless be held Sunday.  Carl Anderson expected here tomorrow.


Sandusky RegisterSunday, March 20, 1927, Sandusky, Ohio

...19-(Special)- Funeral services for Earl Anderson, 41, brother of Sherwood Anderson, author and native of... ..., were conducted hero today. Sherwood Anderson attended rites, coming here from the east. Anderson died on... ...will be in Scott cemetery. ANDERSON'S KIN BURIED IN CLYD Accept only "Bayer" package which

Web Source Image:



CLYDE, March 19—[Special]—Funeral services for Earl Anderson, 41, brother of Sherwood Anderson, author and native of Clyde, were conducted here today.  Sherwood Anderson attended rites, coming here from the east.

Anderson died on Wednesday in Marine Hospital, Newport, R.I. he served in Military service during the World War, and former service men attended rites in a body.

Services were conducted in the Presbyterian Church at 5:30 O’clock this afternoon, the late hour being chosen to permit the brother to attend.  The Rev. Mr.  W. Edward Stokesberry officiated and burial was in McPherson cemetery by the side of his mother.  A sister also preceded him in death.

Sherwood Anderson left late tonight for Memphis, Tenn.  It was his first visit to his native heath in three years.

Three brothers, besides Sherwood, survived.  They are Carl, an artist; Ray of Chicago, and Irwin of Baltimore, Md.

Rhode Island Deaths and Burials, 1802-1950 for Earl AndersonName: Earl Anderson Gender: Male Burial Date:  Burial Place: Clyde, Ohio Death Date: 16 Mar 1927 Death Place: Newport, Newport, Rhode Island Age: 41 Birth Date: 16 Jun 1885 Birthplace: Occupation:  Race:  Marital Status:  Spouse's Name:  Father's Name:  Father's Birthplace:  Mother's Name:  Mother's Birthplace:  Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B03098-5 System Origin: Rhode Island-EASy Source Film Number: 1940558 Reference Number: Reg No. 40 (16)


Sandusky Star JournalMonday, March 21, 1927, Sandusky, Ohio

.... E. church, Sandusky, Friday night. EARL ANDERSON BURIED AT CLYDE Was Brotlier of Sherwood Anderson, Noted... .... 21-Funeral services for Farl Anderson, 41, brother or Sherwood Anderson, author, who died in Marino... ...made in McPherson cemetery. Sherwood Anderson .attended tlie funeral, coming hero fi-om the east-He...

Web Source Image:

Earl Anderson Buried At Clyde
Was Brother of Sherwood Anderson, Noted Author: Died In East. 
Clyde, March 21,--Funeral services for Earl Anderson, 41, brother of Sherwood Anderson, author, who died in Marine Hospital, Newport R.I., Wednesday, were held at 5:30 p.m. Saturday from the Presbyterian Church, here the Rev. W. E. Stokesberry Officiating.  Burial was made in McPherson Cemetery.

Sherwood Anderson attended the Funeral, coming here from the east.  He left late Saturday night.

Besides Sherwood, three other brothers survive.  They are Carl, an artist; Ray of Chicago and Irwin of Baltimore

Special Note:  The last two years of Sherwood's marriage to Cornelia.  Sherwood became very close to Earl..  They would Take long walks and they talk a lot.  When Sherwood had his nervous break down that is when Earl and Sherwood broke contact with one another.

Earl disappeared for 14 years  In 1926 In New York City Earl suffered a  paralytic Stroke February 28, 1926 He was admitted to the Roosevelt Hospital in NYC.then transferred to Military Hospital in Rhode Island.  They search Earl for information  In his wallet was Sherwood's address which  placed him in New Orleans.

The reason Earl never married is because Sherwood knew deep down that what he referred to his little brother as Queer.

Sherwood was suppose to help with living cost in the Military Hospital in Rhode Island.  However, Sherwood skipped out on his baby brother.  Leaving His Brother Karl to pick up the Tab.  Karl was not to pleased.

However, Sherwood did give Earl one of his Books Tar: A Midwest Childhood (1926, semi-autobiographical novel)

Earl Anderson  in the Ohio, Soldier Grave Registrations, 1804-1958
Name: Earl Anderson Birth Date: 16 Jun 1885 Death Date: 16 Mar 1927 Death Place: Newport, R. I. Burial Date: 19 Mar 1927 Burial Place: Clyde, Ohio, USA Cemetery: McPherson Source Information:  Ohio, Soldier Grave Registrations, 1804-1958


Web Source Image:

Earl Anderson  in the U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: Earl Anderson Race: White Birth Date: 16 Jun 1885 Residence Place: San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA Physical Build: Medium Height: Medium Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Source Citation":Registration State: California; Registration County: San Francisco; Roll: 1543846; Draft Board: 02


Web Source Image:


News Paper

, Clyde, Ohio Newspaper Date: Mar 1927 Newspaper Page: p. 1;4, col. 2;6 Years Indexed: 1878-current Newspaper  Repository: Hayes Presidential Library

Sandusky RegisterSunday, March 20, 1927, Sandusky, Ohio



Sandusky Star JournalMonday, March 21, 1927, Sandusky, Ohio 

 Title:  Earl Anderson Buried At Clyde Was Brother of Sherwood Anderson, Noted Author: Died In East

Department of Health
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-222-5960
RI Relay 711


McPherson Cemetery

West McPherson Highway (US Rt. 20 ) at East Maple Street 
Last Name First, Middle Burial Date Section Lot No. Site
ANDERSON EARL 3/19/1927 4 023 4


Thursday, July 27, 2017

RAY MAYNARD ANDERSON with Wife Alma Bernadine Woeckner & Son Sherwood Fenton Anderson I The Nephew of Karl Anderson American Painter and Sherwood Berton Anderson American Novelist best known for Winesburg Ohio The Son of Irwin McLain Anderson Sr. and Emma Jane Smith

RAY MAYNARD ANDERSON with Wife Alma Bernadine Woeckner & Son Sherwood Fenton Anderson I The Nephew of Karl Anderson American Painter and Sherwood Berton Anderson American Novelist best known for Winesburg Ohio

The Son of Irwin McLain Anderson Sr. and Emma Jane Smith

Name: Ray Maynard Anderson  
Alias: Raymond M. Anderson
     Born: May 23, 1883 Caledonia, Marion, Ohio, USA
     Died: November 9, 1946; R R 2nd Ludlow St.
                            Limaburgh Florence, Boone, Kentucky, USA
         Spouse: Bernadine Woeekner or Bernhardina Woeckener  
                    Full Name: Alma Bernadine Woeckner
     Parents: Irwin McLain Scherer
                      Emma Jane Smith
     Occupation: Journalist-Publisher—General Office Clerk
     Cause of Death: Cerebral Hemorrhage
     Date of Burial: November 13, 1946
     Age at Death: YRS: 63 MOS: 5 DYS: 18
     Kentucky Death:   Certificate#:77-2308- 230890
     Informant: Sherwood Anderson [Son]
     Military Serial #: WWI Serial # 1787 Order # 3626
     Military Serial #: WWII 3518
     Funeral: St. Martin’s Evangelical Protestant Church at Cincinnati, O.
    Mortuary : Chambers & Grubbs
                      Florence, Boone, Kentucky, USA
      Age at Death: YRS: 63 MOS: 5   DYS: 18
      Physical Build: WWI Physical Build: Stout Height: Medium Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
                                  September 12, 1918
            Physical Build: WWI Race: White Ht 5'7" WT 169 Complexion Ruddy
                                      April 27, 1942
      Social Security #: 044-07-7531 116550285
     Interment: Odd Fellows Cemetery Burlington Boone County Kentucky

Ray Maynard Anderson in the Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1964
Name: Ray Maynard Anderson Gender: Male Race: White Death Age: 63 Birth Date: 23 May 1883 Birth Place: Ohio Death Date: 9 Nov 1946 Death Place: Boone, Kentucky, USA Father: Irwin Anderson Mother: Meyers  Spouse: Bernadine Woeekner Anderson


Web Source Image:

Ray M Anderson  in the Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000
Name: Ray M Anderson Death Date: 9 Nov 1946 Death Place: Boone Age: 63 Residence: Ludlow  Volume: 47 Certificate: 23080 Source Information:  Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000


Ray M Anderson  in the U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Ray M Anderson SSN: 044077531 Birth Date:  21 May 1883 Birth Place: Caladonia, Ohio Death Date: 10 Nov 1946 Claim Date: 19 Nov 1946 Type of Claim: Death Claim Notes: 06 Aug 1976: Name listed as RAY M ANDERSON Source Information: Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.


Clyde Enterprise November 28, 1946 Pg 1 Column 3
Ray Anderson Dies

Ray M. Anderson 63, retired newspaperman and brother of the late Sherwood Anderson, noted author, and Carl Anderson, widely known [portrait painter, died earlier this month at the home of a son Sherwood Anderson near Limaburg Boone County; Kentucky.  According to word reaching Herman Hurd.  Mr. Anderson formerly was associated with the Hearst chain of newspapers and lived at Westport Connecticut, until last March when he went to make his hime with the son.  The burial was made in the Odd Fellows Cemetery Burlington Kentucky.

Mr. Anderson is survived by the one brother of Westport, Connecticut, the son and two grandsons Sherwood and Carl.

Word of Mr. Anderson’s death was to Mr. Hurd by the Rev. Earl F. Schottke, minister of St. Martin’s Evangelical Protestant Church at Cincinnati, O. who with his wife spends part of each summer at their home north town.  The old Chippewa school which they have converted to a dwelling

Ray M Anderson  in the Ohio, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center Obituary Index, 1810s-2016
Name: Ray M Anderson Death Age: 63 Birth Date: abt 1883 Death Date: Nov 1946 Death Place: Limaburg, Kentucky, USA Newspaper Information: Newspaper: Clyde Enterprise, Newspaper Date: 28 Nov 1946, Newspaper Page: 1 Column: 3; Repository: Hayes Presidential Library - Fremont, OH; Years Available: 1878-current Source Citation Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center; Spiegel Grove, Fremont, Ohio; Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s to 2011


The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
800 Vine Street Cincinnati, OH 45202-2009


Pub date

Post 11/11/1946 17:3
Location: Main - 2nd Floor - Magazines & Newspapers

Ray M. Anderson---Final rites for Ray M. Anderson retired Hearst newspaper man  and brother of the late Sherwood Anderson, famous American Author will be conducted at 2 P.M. Wednesday at the Grubbs & Chambers funeral Home, Florence, KY. Another Brother Carl Anderson widely known portrait painter, is living in Westport Connecticut.

Mr. Anderson, who was 63, died Saturday of heart attack in Limaburg, Boone County Kentucky where he had been living with his son, Sherwood Anderson.  He resided in Westport until March when he went to northern Kentucky to live with his son.

Besides his brother and son, he leaves two grandchildren.  Burial will be in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Burlington Kentucky.

Alma Bernadine Woeckner ,Parents Father: Frederick [Fred] Woeckner  & Sohphia F. Uhlenhake.

Name: Alma Bernadine Woeckener

Born: August 23, 1890 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA

Died:  February 15, 1960 Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA 

Spouse: Ray Maynard Anderson

Parents: Mr. Fred Woeckener  , Sophia Federicka.  Uhlenhake 

Occupation: Housewife/Hotel Clerk 
Cause of Death: Cancer of the Colon
Date of Burial: February 18, 1960 
Age at Death:  YRS: 69 MOS: 5 DYS: 22 
Residence: 936 Marion Avenue
                    Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Informant: Sherwood Fenton Anderson [Son]
                     114 Gregory St, Hamilton, Ohio, USA  
Burial Date: February 18, 1960
Funeral: Wrassman Funeral Home
               2625 Gilbert Avenue
               Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Ohio Death Record CERTIFICATE#: 12687; VOLUME: 16060 63254205
Interment:--Greenwood Cemetery  Plot: Section V Lot 73 Space1  Cincinnati, Hamilton,  Ohio, USA

DEATH NOTICE: The Cincinnati Enquirer  February 16, 1960
Alma Bernadine Woeckener Anderson death notice. She was born Cincinnati, August 23, 1890 daughter of Fred and Sophia Uhlanhake Woeckener.  She received her education in the Hamilton public school.  She died Feb 15, 1960.  She leaves one son Sherwood Anderson [Sherwood Fenton Anderson father]

Greenwood Cemetery Association Name:  ALMA B. ANDERSON 
Date of Birth: 00/00/0000 Location: Greenwood Cemetery Association GREENWOOD CEMETERY SECTION V Lot :73_A Space :1 Age: 069 Place of birth:  Gender:  F Veteran:  No  Place of death:   CINCINNATI, OHIO  Date of death:  02/15/1960  Spouse name:  Father name:  FREDERICK WOECKNER  Mother name:  SOPHIA WOECKNER  Funeral director:  Service date:   02/18/1960  Cremated: N  Relation to owner:  SELF

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Alma B Anderson 
Name: Alma B Anderson Birth Date: 1891 Gender: Female Race: White Residence City: Cincinnati Residence County: Hamilton Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 15 Feb 1960  Hospital of Death: Good Samaritan Hospital City of Death: Cincinnati  County of Death: Hamilton Certificate: 12687 Age at Death: 69  Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Divorced Census Tract: 0000 Source Citation: Certificate: 12687; Volume: 16060

is a shortage of park area in The question is what is to be done with the land to be Park land is a very pre cious Once you sell it is gone I am opposed to selling jhe 52 acres unless I know what is going to be used Anderson Taken By Death Alma Bernadine Woeckener  936 Marion a former resident of Mon day in Good Samaritan where she had been a patient the last three Andersen had been in failing health for some She was born in
Refine by:


Mrs. Anderson Taken By Death
Mrs. Alma Bernadine Woeckener Anderson, 69, 936 Marion Ave., Cincinnati, a former resident of Hamilton, died at 10:30 a.m. Monday in Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, where she had been a patient the last three weeks.  Mrs. Anderson had been in failing health for  sometime.

She was born in Cincinnati, Aug 23, 1890.  A daughter of Fred and Sophia Uhlandhake Woeckener.  She received her education in the Hamilton Public Schools.

For a number of years, the deceased resided in Hamilton where she was a member of the St. Paul United Church of Christ and had been active in church affairs.  She resided at 421 Lockwood Ave. Before to Cincinnati  10 years ago.

Greenwood Cemetery

Married: March 12, 1910 Oxford Butler County Ohio
Divorced:  Before 1930 [Bernadine was single in 1930 In Chicago as a Hotel Clerk]

Ohio Marriages, 1800-1958 
Groom's Name: Maynard Anderson Groom's Birthplace: Caledonia, Ohio Bride's Name: Bernhardina Woeckener Marriage Date: 12 Mar 1910 Marriage Place: Butler Co., Ohio Groom's Father's Name: I.M. Anderson Groom's Mother's Name: Emma Smith Bride's Father's Name: Fred Woeckener Bride's Mother's Name: Sophia Ulenbach Groom's Marital Status: Single Groom's Previous Wife's Name:  Bride's Marital Status: Single Bride's Previous Husband's Name:  Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00006-4 System Origin: Ohio-VR Source Film Number: 0355786 Reference Number: 2:3HX3KR4


Issues: Sherwood Fenton Anderson


Issues: Sherwood Fenton Anderson

1.      Sherwood Fenton Anderson Sr.
BORN: January 7, 1911 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio,  USA
DIED: December 27, 1963 Bethesda Hospital Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
SPOUSE:  Grace Jeannette Kappes 1st
                 Adeline Ada  Goggins 2nd
OCCUPATION: Electrician
                   Alma Bernadine Woeckner
Age at Death: YRS: 52 MOS: 11 DYS: 20
Burial Date: December 30, 1963
Informant: Mrs. Adeline Anderson 2nd Wife
                    1114 St. Gregory Street
                    Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, US
Funeral: Wrassman Funeral Home
                2625 Gilbert Ave
                Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Ohio Death Certificate: 3101-8430-91529
Residence:  1114 St.  Gregory St
                      Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Social Security #: 268 37 7008 103222359
INTERMENT: St. Mary’s Cemetery St. Bernard , Hamilton, Ohio, USA

St. Mary's Catholic
Servno:  56650 Sertype: B Pidno:  56650 Cemcode: STMARY  Last Name: Anderson First Name: Sherwood F Gender: M  Died: 27 December 1963 Funeral Date: 30 December 1963 Funeral Time: : Born: 31 December 1969  Age:  52 Years Level1: 33 Level3:  93

Burial Source:

Sherwood Anderson: Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Death Record
Name: Sherwood Anderson Date of Birth: Saturday January 07, 1911 Date of Death: December 1963
Est. Age at death: 52 years, 11 months Last known residence:   State:  Unknown Social Security details:
 State of Issue:  Ohio Number:  268-03-7008


Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Sherwoo F Anderson
Name: Sherwoo F Anderson Birth Date: 1911 Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Cincinnati Residence County: Hamilton  Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 27 Dec 1963 Hospital of Death: Bethesda Oak Hospital City of Death: Cincinnati County of Death: Hamilton Certificate: 91529 Age at Death: 52 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Married  Source of Imformation: Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Web Source Image:

The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
800 Vine Street  Cincinnati, OH 45202-2009


Pub date

Cincinnati Post Times Star 12/27/1963 4:7
Location: Main - 2nd Floor - Magazines & Newspapers

Famed Writer’s Nephew Dies
            Sherwood Anderson, 52 nephew of the late American novelist of the same name, a ham radio operator and an electrician at the General Electrician at General Electric, died of Cancer this morning at Bethesda Hospital.

               Mr. Anderson operated Station K8DEI from his home as 1114 St. Gregory Street. Mt. Adams.  In the early 1940’s he was a telephone operator and classified ad clerk with The Cincinnati Post and often mentioned his experience with the newspaper on his radio broadcast, according to his wife, the former Adeline Goggin.

               In his will, he bequeathed his radio equipment to another veteran ham operator Brother Lawrence, of Moeller High School.  Mr. Anderson received his general license in 1956 on his fourth try.  He was a member of the Mike and Key Club.
                Besides his wife, Mr. Anderson leaves two sons Sherwood Jr. and Carl and two Grandchildren.

               Requiem High Mass will be intoned for Mr. Anderson at Holy Cross Church, Mt Adams.  Friends may call from 4 to 9 pm Sunday at the Wrassman Funeral Home.


Great Excuse HaHA😁