Monday, November 2, 2015



Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Nebraska, USA

Charles Henry Morrill

Name: Charles Henry Morrill
Born: July 14, 1842 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Died: December 11, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA
Spouse: Harriet Zinnia Currier
Parents: Ephraim Morrill, Mahala Lamprey
Occupation: Business & Politics
Cause of Death: Paralytic Stroke
Date of Burial:  December 14, 1928
Age at Death: YRS: 86
Political: Republican
Death Certificate#;
Funeral: Death Record Pending 27133094  
Interment: Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA

Omaha World-Herald December 12, 1928 Page: 1 & 2

Morrill, Called Best Friend of University, DEAD

Benefactions to Nebraska Totaled More Than $100,000

Came to State in 1871; Heavy Land Investor

Stromsburg, Neb., Dec. 11—Charles Henry Morrill, 85 Wealthy landowner and active supporter for many years of Nebraska civic enterprises, died at 10:30 O’clock tonight at his home here.  He had been in a weekend condition since suffering Paralytic Stroke Tuesday of last week and his four children had been summoned to Stromsburg several days ago.

He was known throughout the state as the most generous donor to the University of Nebraska, to which he often referred as his “Fifth Child.”

Several years ago, when he sent securities worth 40 thousand dollars to the university, he indicated that he intended to divide his estate equally among his four Children and the University, share and share alike.

His gifts previous to his death amount to 100 thousand dollars.  He was inspiration for the many summer geological expeditions of Prof E. H. Barbour, Curator of the state museum, and he financed the unearthing of fossil treasures which are of interest to the paleontologists of all parts of the

Morrill, Called Best Friend of University, Dead

World and which are now adequately housed in “Morrill Hall.” The state museum on the university campus.

Mr. Morrill was born July 14, 1843 in Concord, N.H. There he enlisted in the union Army and fought with the Eleventh New Hampshire volunteers from 1862 to 1865.  He came west after the war, settling first in Iowa, but in 1871 drove six yoke of oxen to Omaha and went to Polk County where he homestead.

Fortune a Million

His faith in the prairie land was strong and upon it he built his fortune, estimated, at his death, to exceed one million dollars.  He helped found the first banks at Osceola and Stromsburg, Neb. And organized and was president of several large land and investment companies.

These included the Lincoln Land Company, South Platte Land Company, Lancaster Land Company and Boston Investment Company.” He seldom sold any of the real estate he acquired, often quoting to friends his business motto that “land is the best investment.”

As the President of the Lincoln Land Company he established the townsite of many of the cities along the Burlington route, as its lines were pushed westward across Nebraska.  In 1908 he bought the land for the Townsite of Scottsbluff, waving aside the suggestion that five acres would be enough, and purchased four hundred acres, paying $15 an acre.

For him, in 1908, Morrill County was named, when it was detached from Cheyenne County.  For him also, the town of Morrill, Iowa, in western Scotts Bluff County, was named.

Joined Gold Rush

When Early pioneer Struggles and grasshoppers plagues made farming difficult in Nebraska, Mr. Morrill left his wife and four children in Polk County and joined the rush to seek gold in the Black Hills.  He returned from that quest without gold, but with a quickened interest in fossil deposits, because of the fossils he had seen in the Bad Lands.

About 30 years ago he began the collection of fossils, and beginning in 1892 financed Prof. Barbour in expeditions that saved for this state many fossils of prehistoric elephant life.  This interest gained him attention throughout the scientific world and led Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn, a paleontologist, to name for Mr. Morrill a distinct group of fossil elephants.

Mr. Morrill was regent of the State University and president of the board, from 1891 to 1901.  His interest In Politics was active from his arrival in the state.  He was private secretary to Governor Nance from 1879 to 1883, was chairman of the Republican state committee in 1894 and republican national committeeman for Nebraska from 1904-1908.  He was United States collector of Revenues for Nebraska, this state’s commissioner to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St. Louis and a few years ago was awarded a gold medal by the Lincoln Kiwanis club for distinguished service to the state.

His last gift to the University was 10 thousand dollars, in October, 1928.

The University board of regents had adopted on several occasions testimonials to Mr. Morrill’s services in behalf of the institution and in appreciation of his gifts.

He took pride in the activities of members of his family in developing, Nebraska resources and in 1917 published a book, “The Morrill’s and Reminiscences,” for the private distribution.

Wife Died in 1917

His wife, whom he married in New Hampshire in 1862, died April 8, 1917, at Los Angeles, Cal.
Wife: Harriet Zinnia Currier [nee’ Morrill]

The four Children are:
1.     Arthur Currier Morrill; Stromsburg, Nebraska, USA
2.     Miss Minnie Harriett Morrill; Stromsburg, Nebraska, USA
3.     Charles Albert Morrill; Scottsbluff, Iowa, USA
4.     Edgar Lamprey Morrill; Fort Collins, Colorado, USA


1.     Charles Henry Morrill Jr.; Morrill, Nebraska, USA

Parents: Charles Albert Morrill
               Marcelia Jeanie Benster

2.     Ralph Wilbur Morrill; Student University of Nebraska, USA

Parents: Charles Albert Morrill
               Marcelia Jeanie Benster

3.     Arthur De Lashmatt Morrill

Parents: Arthur Currier Morrill
              Alice Shultz

4.     Mrs. Julia Walcott; Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
               AKA Julia Minnie Morrill

Parents: Arthur Currier Morrill
              Alice Shultz

5.     Miner Morrill; Student Colorado Medical College, Denver, Colorado, USA

Parents: Edgar Lamprey Morrill
              Julia Daisy Miner

6.     James Raymond Morrill; Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

Parents: Edgar Lamprey Morrill
              Julia Daisy Miner

Four Great Grandchildren are Bobby and Jean, Children of Charles Henry Morrill Jr. and Jean and Joan children of Mrs. Walcott.

Burial is expected to be at Stromsburg beside the body of Mrs. Morrill

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 1928 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska)   Page: 1 & 2
Source:  1

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 1928 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska)   Page: 1 & 2
Source:  2 Part three

Charles Henry Morrill

The wife of Charles Henry Morrill
September 12, 1862

Miss Harriet Zinnia Currier

Name: Harriet Zinnia Currier
Born: November 16, 1843, Nashua, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USA
Died: April 8, 1917 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA
Spouse: Charles Henry Morrill
Parents: Joshua Currier, Abigail Morrill
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Apoplexy
Date of Burial: May 6, 1917
Age at Death: YRS: 73 MOS: 4 DYS: 23
Death Certificate#: 17-13113
Religion: Methodist
Funeral: Death Record Pending 27133105
Interment: Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, Plot: West Lot: 31

Obituary, Stromsburg

The funeral of Mrs. C. H. Morrill, who died in Los Angeles, California on April 9th, was held on Sunday May 6th at the homestead, just south of Stromsburg, the services being held at the home of her son, Arthur C. Morrill.

Harriet Currier was born in Nashua, New Hampshire (on) November 16, 1843, her death occurring at Los Angeles, California on April 9, 1917, and at her death she was aged 73 years, 4 months and 23 days. At the age of 17 years she united with the Methodist church and when 18 years of age was united in marriage with Charles Henry Morrill, who at that time was a private soldier in the 11th New Hampshire volunteers. A few day after the marriage ceremony had been performed Mr. Morrill left his young wife to join his regiment and served to the end of the war. After he had returned from his services to his country, they moved to Iowa where they spent a few years and in 1871 moved to Nebraska where they settled on the homestead just south of Stromsburg and which has been their real home ever since.

To this union seven children were born, the four surviving are Charles Albert, Arthur Currier, Edgar Lamprey  and Minnie Harriet. Six grandchildren have been added to the happy family circle in which the grandmother was the guiding star.

Mr. and Mrs. Morrill came to Polk County among the early settlers and Mr. Morrill took a government homestead. They, like all other settlers, were not blessed with worldly goods, but they prospered and Mrs. Morrill lived to enjoy for many years the accumulation of their united toil.

In 1894 the family moved to Lincoln where they resided most of the time until a year and a half ago when they went to Los Angeles. But Stromsburg was always their real home and a great many of their summers were spent in the handsome log house which was built some years ago for a summer home.

Mrs. Morrill was a woman of beautiful and noble character and was beloved by all who knew her. She was a kind and considerate wife and a loving mother, and it is in the home where she was so greatly beloved that she will be missed, and yet her many friends will miss her kindly smile and cheerful greeting and her many tokens of friendship and her unselfish kindness for others.

At the time of her death she was an active member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Eastern Star and was an honorary member of the Stromsburg Woman's Club. During her residence in Lincoln she was Patroness of the Pi Beta Phi and acted as chaperon at their social gatherings.

The funeral was held at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Rev. J. H. Presson of Lincoln preached the sermon which was a tribute to the life of this departed good woman, and was assisted by Rev. J. L. Barton, pastor of the Eden Baptist Church. A double quartet furnished the music. The members of P.E.O. attended in a body and assisted with the services at the cemetery and had beautifully decorated the grave, lining it with flowers. The floral offerings were profuse and very beautiful attesting in a mute way the love for the departed and the sympathy to the family who had sustained so great a loss. Many friends from this city a well as Lincoln, Osceola and other points, had gathered to pay their last respects to a woman who was so universally loved and admired.

The Lincoln Star [Lincoln, Nebraska] April 9, 1917 Pg 2

Mrs. C.H. Morrill Dies of Apoplexy in Los Angeles

F.M. Hall received a telegram Monday morning, announcing the death of Mrs. Charles H. Morrill a well-known Lincoln Woman, which occurred at Los Angeles.

The Telegram read:
“Mother died this morning of stroke of apoplexy.  The body will be brought to Stromsburg for burial.”

Mr. and Mrs. Morrill were pioneers of Nebraska, coming to this state in 1871, where they settled on a homestead.  Mr. Morrill organized the first bank in Stromsburg.  In 1899 Mr. and Mrs. Morrill removed to Lincoln.

The Lincoln Star [Lincoln, Nebraska] April 9, 1917 Pg 2
Mrs. C.H. Morrill Dies of Apoplexy in Los Angeles


1.     Mrs. Charles Henry Morrill AKA Harriet Zinnia Currier [1843-1917]
2.     Husband Charles Henry Morrill [1842-1928]

Harriet C Morrill  in the California, Death Index, 1905-1939
Name: Harriet C Morrill  Birth Year: abt 1844  Death Date: 9 Apr 1917  Age at Death: 73  Death Place: Los Angeles, California, USA

Page: 7646
Death Certificate #; 17-13113


Web Source Image:

Married: September 4, 1862 Nashua, New Hampshire, USA



Charles Albert Morrill

1.   Charles Albert Morrill
         Born: May 4, 1868 Hook’s Point, Conesville, Muscaline, Iowa, USA
Died: October 19, 1937 Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Iowa, USA
Spouse: Marcelia Jeanie Benster
Parents:  Charles Henry Morrill, Harriet Zinnia Currier
Occupation: Real Estate Dealer, National Banker and Landholder
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Date of Burial:
Age at Death: YRS: 69
Death Certificate#:
Funeral: 112056186
Interment: Fairview Cemetery, Scotts Bluff, Scotts, Nebraska, USA Original Addition, Section 2, Lot 82, Grave 5-0

Evening State Journal
Lincoln Evening Journal [Lincoln, Nebraska] October 19, 1937 Page:1/6

Charles A. Morrill Dies at Scottsbluff

Son of C. H. Morrill was Large Land Holder In Western Nebraska

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. [AP].  Charles A. Morrill, 69, member of a pioneer Nebraska family and one of the largest landholders in this part of the state, died in a hospital here early Tuesday.

Morrill, eldest son of the late Charles H. Morrill, had been ill several months and was removed to the hospital from his home a few days ago after becoming partly paralyzed.

A prominent real estate dealer. Morrill formerly was president of the First National back of Scottsbluff but had been retired about six years.  He was a former county commissioner, serving four terms. And served as president of the county board.

In earlier life, Morrill was interested in geological research and was a member of University of Nebraska geological expeditions in 1889 and 1890.  His father donated the University its museums building, named Morrill Hall in his honor.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

Morrill’s widow, two sons, two brothers and a sister survive.

Morrill, was born May 4, 1868 near Hook’s Point, Iowa.  He came to Nebraska with his father in 1872 in an oxcart.

He was a graduate of the First High School Class at Stromsburg and the only one of the Stromsburg and the only one of the surviving class members who was unable to attend a reunion there recently.

Morrill Came to Scottsbluff in 1902, organizing the first national bank here.  Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

Surviving are his widow, Maxcelia J. [Jeanie] Morrill, to whom he was married May 25, 1896 at Silver Creek; two sons, Ralph of Torrington, Wyoming, and Charles H. of Morrill; two brothers Arthur C. [Currier] of Stromsburg and Edgar L. of Fort Collins, Colo., and a sister, Minnie H. Morrill of Stromsburg.

STROMSBURG, Neb. [AP] Arthur G. Morrill [Arthur Currier Morrill] and his family left here Tuesday for Scottsbluff, where death early Tuesday took his brother, Charles A. Morrill, prominent Western Nebraska banker and landholder

 1.     Charles Albert Morrill [1868-1937]
2.     Father Mr. Charles Henry Morrill & Harriet Zinnia Currier
Reference this file

3.     Wife Marcelia Jeanie Benster [1879-1960]
4.     Son Ralph Wilbur Morrill; Torrington, Wyoming, USA
5.     Son Charles Henry Morrill; Morrill, Iowa, USA

Two Brothers
1.     Arthur Currier Morrill; Stromsburg, Nebraska, USA
2.     Edgar Lamprey Morrill; Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

One Sister
1.     Minnie Harriet Morrill; Stromsburg, Nebraska, USA

Lincoln Evening Journal Lincoln,  Nebraska, October 19, 1937 Page 1 & 6
Part one Source: Page: 1

Part two Source: Page: 6

The Family of
Arthur Currier Morrill

2.   Arthur Currier Morrill

         Born: June 3, 1872 Boone, Iowa, USA
Died: February 17, 1945 Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA
Spouse: Margaret Marie DeLashmatt
Parents:  Charles Henry Morrill, Harriet Zinnia Currier
Occupation: Farmer
Cause of Death: Heart Attack
Date of Burial: February 20, 1945
Age at Death: YRS: 72
Death Certificate#:
Funeral: Death record Pending 27133033
             Interment: Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA Plot: West Lot: 31

Polk NEGenWeb Project - Polk County Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940

MORRILL, ARTHUR CURRIER: Retired; b Boone Co, Ia June 3, 1872; s of Charles H Morrill-Hattie Currier; ed Stromsburg; Lincoln HS. U of N; Omaha Dental Coll; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m May DeLashmutt Oct 2, 1901 Lincoln; s Arthur D; d Julia M (Mrs R A Wolcott); 1873 came with parents via covered wagon & ox team to Neb; 1901-05 resided in Scotts Bluff Co; 1905-24 farmer on Morrill homestead "The Elms" south of Stromsburg; 1924- ret from active farming, mgr farm ints for father, brothers & sisters; past pres Comm Club; AF&AM 126; Scot Rite 32o & Sesostris Shrine, Lincoln; worthy patron OES; Bapt Ch; Rep; father was Charles H Morrill for whom Morrill Co, town of Morrill & Morrill Hall Museum, U of N, were named; wife active many years in Womans Civic Improvement Club, PEO, past worthy matron OES; res RFD 2, Stromsburg.


 Beatrice Daily Sun [Beatrice, Nebraska] February 19, 1945 Page: 2
“Hold Funeral Services For Arthur C. Morrill”

STROMSBUR, Neb., Feb. 19 [AP]—Masonic Funeral Services for Arthur C. [Currier] Morrill, 72. Son of the late Charles H. [Henry] Morrill, Nebraska pioneer for whom the county, town, and museum at the University of Nebraska were named, are scheduled for tomorrow.

Morrill, who died here following a heart attack? Saturday evening, came to Nebraska with his parents in a covered wagon, drawn by an ox team, from Boone County Iowa., in 1873.  He has been prominent in Nebraska Masonic Circles since 1906.

For a time Morrill lived in Scotts Bluff County and later farmed the Morrill Family homestead, “The Elms,” South of Stromsburg.  He retired from active farming in 1924.

He is survived by his widow, a brother, sister, son, daughter, and three grandchildren.


1.     Arthur Currier Morrill [1872-1945]
2.     Father Charles Henry Morrill [1842-1928]
3.     Margaret Marie De Lashmatt [1879-1960]
4.     Brother Edgar Lampery Morrill [1876-1946]
5.     Sister Minnie Harriet Morrill [1881-1945]
6.     Son Arthur De Lashmatt Morrill [1907-1963]

The Family of Dr. Edgar Lamprey Morrill 

3.   Edgar Lamprey Morrill
         Born: May 4, 1876 Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA
Died: January 18, 1946 Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado, USA
Spouse: Julia Daisy Miner
Parents:  Charles Henry Morrill, Harriet Zinnia Currier
Occupation: Physician Specialist Ears, Eyes, Nose and Throat Specialist
Cause of Death:
Date of Burial:
Age at Death: 70 years 8 months 15 days
Death Certificate#:
Funeral: 120047135
Interment: Grandview Cemetery Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado, USA Plot 1 11 12 Find A Grave Memorial# 120047135

The Lincoln Star
January 28, 1946 Page: 1

Dr. E. L. Morrill Son of Former U.N. Regent, Dies

Dr. Edgar L. Morrill, former Nebraskan and son of the Late C. H. Morrill. [Charles Henry], of Stromsburg, Nebraska. University of Nebraska regent in the 90’s for whom Morrill hall was named, died Jan 18, at his home Ft. Collins, Colo., at the age of 68.

Dr. Morrill, an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, was a graduate of the University of Nebraska and widely known in Lincoln and throughout the State.  He was the last of the Surviving children of Charles Henry Morrill.

Surviving are his wife, the former Daisy Miner of Lincoln, now residing in Fort Collins, and two sons, Dr. Miner Morrill, Fort Collins, and James Morrill of Denver Colorado.

The Lincoln Star Lincoln, Nebraska, January 28, 1946 Page: 1

1.     Edgar Lamprey Morrill [1876-1949]
2.     Parents: Charles Henry Morrill & Harriet Zinnia Currier
Refer to this file
3.     Wife Daisy Miner AKA Julia Daisy Miner [1878-1955]
4.     Dr. Miner Morrill AKA Edgar Miner Morrill [1908-1959]
5.     James Morrill AKA James Raymond Morrill [1913-1955]

The Daughter of Charles Henry Morrill and Harriet Zinnia Currier
Minnie Harriet Morrill

4.   Minnie Harriet Morrill

         Born: November 16, 1881 Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA
Died: April 25, 1945 Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA
Parents:  Charles Henry Morrill, Harriet Zinnia Currier
Occupation: Socialite
Cause of Death:
Date of Burial:
Age at Death: YRS: 61
Death Certificate#:
Funeral: 27133066
Interment: Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA

Morning World-Herald Omaha April 26, 1945 Page: 20

Minnie Morrill Dies in Osceola Hospital
Stromsburg, Neb. [AP]—Minnie H. Morrill, [Harriet] about 61, daughter of the late Charles Henry Morrill, who provided for construction of Morrill Hall on the University campus in Lincoln, Nebraska, died Wednesday in an Osceola hospital.

Miss Morrill had been in ill health for several years.

Her father came to Nebraska in a covered wagon in 1873 and acquired extensive farm interests. Morrill County, the town of Morrill and Morrill Hall were named for him.

Miss Morrill is survived by a brother, Dr. Edgar Morrill, Fort Collins, Colo.  No Funeral arrangements have been made.

Date: Thursday, April 26, 1945 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska) Page: 20  

1.     Minnie Harriet Morrill [1881-1945]
2.     Parents: Charles Henry Morrill & Harriet Zinnia Currier
Refer to this file
3.     Dr. Edgar Morrill AKA Edgar Lamprey Morrill [1876-1946]

Mary Ellen Morrill
Lilla E. Morrill
Carl Morrill

Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Nebraska, USA

Mary Ellen Morrill
Lilla E. Morrill

5.   Lilla E. Morrill
         Born: September 4, 1866 Marion, Hamilton, Iowa, USA
Died: August 16, 1880 Stromsburg, Polk, Iowa, USA
Parents:  Charles Henry Morrill, Harriet Zinnia Currier
Occupation: Housework
Cause of Death:
Date of Burial:
Age at Death: YRS: 7 MOS: 11
Death Certificate#:
Funeral: 27133184
Interment: Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA

Lilla Morrill  in the 1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Lilla Morrill  Age in 1870: 3  Birth Year: abt 1867  Birthplace: Iowa  Home in 1870: Marion, Hamilton, Iowa  Race: White  Gender: Female Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Marion, Hamilton, Iowa; Roll: M593_394; Page: 299B; Image: 114; Family History Library Film: 545893

Date Taken: July 16, 1870

Web Source Image:

Lilly Morrill  in the 1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Lilly Morrill  Age: 13  Birth Year: abt 1867  Birthplace: Iowa   Home in 1880: Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska  Race: White  Gender: Female  Relation to Head of House: Daughter (Child)  Marital Status: Single Father's name: Charles Morrill  Father's Birthplace: New Hampshire  Mother's name: Hattie C. Morrill Mother's Birthplace: New Hampshire  Neighbors:  View others on page  Occupation: At Home Source Citation Year: 1880; Census Place: Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska; Roll: 754; Family History Film: 1254754; Page: 262B; Enumeration District: 108; Image: 0305

Occupation: Housework
Date Taken: June 1, 1880

Web Source Image:

6.   Mary Ellen Morrill
         Born: August 2, 1870 Marion, Hamilton,  Iowa, USA
Died:  August 24, 1871 Stromsburg, Polk, Iowa, USA
Parents:  Charles Henry Morrill, Harriet Zinnia Currier
Cause of Death:
Date of Burial:
Age at Death: 1 year 22 days
Death Certificate#:
Funeral: 27133150
Interment: Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA

7.   Carl Morrill
         Born: 1884 Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA
Died: 1885 Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA
Parents:  Charles Henry Morrill, Harriet Zinnia Currier
Cause of Death:
Date of Burial:
Age at Death: Abt: YRS: 1
Death Certificate#:
Funeral: 27133200
Interment: Stromsburg Cemetery, Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA


1.     “The Morrill’s and Reminiscences,” 1918


Charles Henry Morrill

Harriet Zinnia Currier Morrill

Charles Albert Morrill

Arthur Currier Morrill

Edgar Lamprey Morrill

Lilla E. Morrill

Mary E. Morrill

Minnie Harriet Morrill

Carl Morrill







News Papers—Obituary
1.   Charles Henry Morrill
World Herald   Omaha, Nebraska Page: 1&

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 1928 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska)   Page: 1 & 2
Source:  1

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 1928 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska)   Page: 1 & 2
Source:  2 Part three

2.   Harriet Zinnia Currier


The Lincoln Star [Lincoln, Nebraska] April 9, 1917 Pg 2
Mrs. C.H. Morrill Dies of Apoplexy in Los Angeles



3.   Charles Albert Morrill

Lincoln Evening Journal Lincoln, Nebraska, October 19, 1937 Page 1 & 6
Part one Source: Page: 1

Part two Source: Page: 6

4.     Edgar Lamprey Morrill

The Lincoln Star Lincoln, Nebraska, January 28, 1946 Page: 1

5.     Minnie Harriet Morrill

Date: Thursday, April 26, 1945 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska) Page: 20  


News Papers—Obituary
1.   Charles Henry Morrill
World Herald   Omaha, Nebraska Page: 1&

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 1928 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska)   Page: 1 & 2
Source:  1

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 1928 Paper: Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska)   Page: 1 & 2
Source:  2 Part three

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Great Excuse HaHA😁