Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Air Force One Fort Campbell Kentucky November 25, 2008

Air Force One
Fort Campbell Kentucky
101st Air Born
George Walker Bush
43rd President of the United States

President George W. Bush Jr. Visited Fort Campbell Kentucky November 25, 2008

101st Fort Campbell Kentucky
November 25, 2008
Visited one last time as the
President of the United States of America
George Walker Bush
God Bless him and his wife
Laura Bush
Times are tough and the past eight years of George W. Bush life must have been really trying. However, I want to take my time and thank him for keeping me safe for the past eight years.

Just entered the 43rd President of the United States of America
George Walker Bush

Walking to the Podium

Heart Felt Speech from the President of the United States.
President George W. Bush
November 25, 2008

Speaking to The Soldiers at Fort Campbell. His farewell and Visit as President of the United States of America. He thank the troops for their service and he thank the dependence of the families who supported their love ones.

After his speech Mr. Bush greeted soldiers and Families and spoke to them.

Being at the right place and the right time. George W. Bush and my History as Jeannette K. Rook.

George W. Bush Greeting little Children
and the Soldiers and Family

Shaking George W. Bush was the Most Honorable thing that has happen in my life time. His hands were warm as he is a human being.

I am the Wife of SSG Russell Wayne Rook

Veteran of 4 times to Iraq.
494th Forth Transportation Unit
Fort Campbell KY 42223

Photo by Jeannette K. Rook
Taken November 25, 2008

God Bless the 494th Transportation Unit
for their part in taking out Uday & Ksay

The terrible evil Son of Saddum Hussien

Happy Holidays to the Troops at Fort Campbell

And Merry Christmas

Remember Christ in your Hearts and Souls.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

George Vance Barnhill son of Hiram C. Barnhill and Margaret Boyd Birth Record

Name: George Vance Barnhill
Born: August 20, 1858 Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 28, 1886 Oldham County Kentucky
Spouse: Nannie Florence Yager
Parents: Hiram C. Barnhill, Margaret Boyd
Occupation: Farmer Labor
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Age at Death: YRS: 27
Interment: Valley of Rest Cemetery, La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

Kentucky Birth Records, 1852-1910 about Geo V Barnhill
Name: Geo V Barnhill Birth Date: 20 Aug 1858 Birth County: Oldham Ethnicity: White Gender: Male Father's Name: H C Barnhill Mother's Name: Margaret Boyd Source of Information: Kentucky Birth Records, 1852-1910 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.

1860 United States Federal Census about George Barnhill
Name: George Barnhill Age in 1860: 2 Birth Year: abt 1858 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1860: Oldham, Kentucky Gender: Male Post Office: La Grange Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: M653_390; Page: 0; Image: 312. Taken: June 16, 1860

1870 United States Federal Census about George V Barnhill
Name: George V Barnhill Estimated Birth Year: abt 1859 Age in 1870: 11 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1870: Ballardsville, Oldham, Kentucky Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: View Image Post Office: La Grange Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Ballardsville, Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: M593_493; Page: 5; Image: 11 Taken: August 13, 1870

1880 United States Federal Census about George V. Barnhill Name: George V. Barnhill
Home in 1880: Oldham, Kentucky Age: 21 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1859 Birthplace: Kentucky Relation to Head of Household: Son Father's Name: Hiram C. Father's birthplace: Kentucky Mother's Name: Margarett Mother's birthplace: Kentucky Neighbors: View others on page Occupation: Farm Laborer Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: T9_437; Family History Film: 1254437; Page: 79.3000; Enumeration District: 156; Taken: June 7, 1880

Note: Cause of Death was written in Family Notes

OldhamCounty Marriages 1824 - Early 1900s
'B' Surnames Groom/Bride Notes Bride/Groom Notes Marriage Date Barnhill, George V Yager, Nannie F 11-27-1884

1900 United States Federal Census on Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill Roney daughter of Hiram C. Barnhill

House Hold of her Son James Roney 1900
Taken: June 1, 1900

Name Age
James Roney 26 Son of ELizabeth Ruth Barnhill
Lizzie L Roney 23
Elizabeth Roney 59 She is a widow from Daniel E. Barnhill
George L Roney 18
Jessie B Roney 2

1880 United States Federal Cenus on Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill Roney Daughter of Hiram C. Barnhill


Daniel E. Roney 46
Elizabeth Roney 36 Daughter of Hiram C. Barnhill of Oldham County Kentucky
Ida Roney 16
John T. Roney 13
Annie Roney 11
Cole F. Roney 9
James B. Roney 7
Carrie Roney 5
Lillie Roney 3

1870 United States Federal Census of Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill Roney wife of Daniel E. Roney


Name Age
Daniel Roney 36
Elizabeth Roney 38 [Should read 28] daughter of Hiram C. Barnhill
Alice Roney 10 Daughter
Mattie Roney 9 Daughter
Ida Roney 4 Daughter
John Roney 3 Son
Anna Roney 3/12 [3 Months] Daughter

1860 Federal Census on Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill Roney

House Hold of Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill Roney

Name Age
Danl Roney 27 Husband T0 Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill Daughter of Hiram C. Barnhill
Elizabeth Roney 18 Wife of Daniel E. Roney

Barnhill Genealogy Forum

The Daughter of Hiram C. Barnhill Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill Roney Death Record

Elizabeth Barnhill
Born: May 7, 1842 Division two Oldham County Kentucky
Died: May 14, 1914 Ballardsville, Oldham County Kentucky
Spouse: Daniel E. Roney
Parents: Hiram C. Barnhill, Margaret Boyd
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Cardial Asthma
Age at Death: YRS: 71 MOS: 11 DYS: 27
Date of Burial: May 7, 1914
Interment: Mt Tabor Cemetery Ballardsville Baptist Church Oldham Kentucky

Elizabeth Barnhill Roney, widow of the late Dan Roney, 1914

Kentucky Death Records, 1852-1953 about Elizabeth Ruth Roney
Name: Elizabeth Ruth Roney [Elizabeth Ruth Barnhill] Death Date: 5 May 1914 Death Location: Oldham Residence Location: Oldham Age: 71 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 7 May 1842 Birth Location: Oldham, Kentucky Father's Name: Hariam Barnhill Mother's Name: Margarette Boyd Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000 about Elizabeth R Roney
Name: Elizabeth R Roney Death Date: 5 May 1914 Death Place: Oldham Age: 071 Volume: 28 Certificate: 13991 Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000. Original data: Commonwealth of Kentucky, Health Data Branch, Divisision of Epidemiology and Health Planning. Kentucky Death Index, 1911-present. Frankfort, KY, USA: Kentucky Department of Information Systems.

1850 United States Federal Census about Elizabeth Barnhill
Name: Elizabeth Barnhill Age: 8 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1842 Birth Place: Kentucky Gender: Female Home in 1850(City,County,State): Division 2, Oldham, Kentucky Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 2, Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: M432_216; Page: 105; Image: 2. Taken: August 1, 1850

1860 United States Federal Census about Elizabeth Roney
Name: Elizabeth Roney Age in 1860: 18 Birth Year: abt 1842 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1860: Oldham, Kentucky Gender: Female Post Office: La Grange Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: M653_390; Page: 0; Image: 313. Taken June 16, 1860

1870 United States Federal Census about Elizabeth Roney
Name: Elizabeth Roney Estimated Birth Year: abt 1832 Age in 1870: 38 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1870: Ballardsville, Oldham, Kentucky Race: White Gender: Female Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Ballardsville, Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: M593_493; Page: 8; Image: 17.

1880 United States Federal Census about Elizabeth Roney
Name: Elizabeth Roney Home in 1880: Oldham, Kentucky Age: 36 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844 Birthplace: Kentucky Relation to Head of Household: Wife Spouse's Name: Daniel E. Father's birthplace: Kentucky Mother's birthplace: Kentucky Neighbors: View others on page Occupation: Keeping House Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Female Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: T9_437; Family History Film: 1254437; Page: 81.3000; Enumeration District: 156; .

1900 United States Federal Census about Elizabeth Roney
Name: Elizabeth Roney Home in 1900: Beard, Oldham, Kentucky Age: 59 Birth Date: May 1841 Birthplace: Kentucky Race: White Ethnicity: American Relationship to head-of-house: Mother Father's Birthplace: Kentucky Mother's Birthplace: Kentucky Mother: number of living children: 8 Mother: How many children: 11 Marital Status: Widowed Residence : Pewee Valley Town, Oldham, Kentucky Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Beard, Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: T623 547; Page: 1B; Taken: June 1, 1900

Elizabeth Barnhill RONEY 1914 obit Replies: 0 Elizabeth Barnhill RONEY 1914 obit
Nathaniel_Elliott (View posts) Posted: 3 Feb 2005 10:29PM Classification: Obituary Surnames: Roney widow of the late Dan Roney died at the home of her dau, Mrs. Clint Wigginton survived by 6 children 15 grandchildren two brothers James & Oscar burial Mt. Tabor svc at Ballardsville Baptist Church copy of obit or add'l info email me

Wesley Oscar Barnhill Death Record

1. Wesley Ascor. / Oscar Barnhill
Born: January 9, 1855 Oldham County Kentucky
Died: November 7, 1925 Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky
Spouse: Martha Elizabeth Gough
Parents: Hiram C. Barnhill, Margaret Boyd
Occupation: Farmer /Carpenter
Age at Death: YRS: 70 MOS: 9 DYS: 28
Cause of Death: Hypertension-Prostate
Date of Burial: November 8, 1925
Interment: Evergreen Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky

Married: 04 Jan 1877 Oldham County Kentucky

Kentucky Marriage Records, 1852-1914 about Wesley O Barnhill
Name: Wesley O Barnhill Age: 22 Est. Birth Year: abt 1855 Birth Location: Oldham RESIDENCE: Oldham Father Birth Location: Oldham Mother Birth Location: Shelby Spouse Name: Elizabeth Gough Spouse Age: 21 Est. Spouse Birth Year: abt 1856 Spouse Birth Location: Oldham Spouse Residence: Oldham Spouse Father Birth Location: Oldham Spouse Mother Birth Location: Oldham Marriage Date: 4 Jan 1877 County of Record: Oldham Sources: Kentucky Marriage Records, 1852-1914 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky: Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000 about Wesley Barnhill
Name: Wesley Barnhill Death Date: 7 Nov 1925 Death Place: Jefferson Age: 070 Volume: 55 Certificate: 27025

Kentucky Death Records, 1852-1953 about Wesley Barnhill
Name: Wesley Barnhill Death Date: 7 Nov 1925 Death Location: Jefferson Residence Location: Jefferson Age: 70 Gender: Male Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 9 Jan 1855 Birth Location: Kentucky Father's Name: Hiram Barnhill Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's Name: Martha Boyd Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.

1860 United States Federal Census about Wesley Barnhill
Name: Wesley Barnhill Age in 1860: 5 Birth Year: abt 1855, Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1860: Oldham, Kentucky Gender: Male Post Office: La Grange Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: M653_390; Page: 0; Image: 312. Taken: June 16, 1860

1870 United States Federal Census about Wesley Barnhill
Name: Wesley Barnhill Estimated Birth Year: abt 1854 Age in 1870: 16 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1870: Ballardsville, Oldham, Kentucky Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: View Image Post Office: La Grange Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Ballardsville, Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: M593_493; Page: 5; Image: 11. Taken: August 13, 1870

1880 United States Federal Census about Wesley O. Barnhill
Name: Wesley O. Barnhill Home in 1880: Oldham, Kentucky Age: 26 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1854 Birthplace: Kentucky Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head) Spouse's Name: Martha E. Father's birthplace: Kentucky Mother's birthplace: Kentucky Neighbors: View others on page Occupation: Farmer Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Oldham, Kentucky; Roll: T9_437; Family History Film: 1254437; Page: 76.2000; Enumeration District: 156; Taken: June 3, 1880

1920 United States Federal Census about Wesley Barnhill
Name: Wesley Barnhill Home in 1920: Cincinnati Ward 2, Hamilton, Ohio Age: 66 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1854 Birthplace: Kentucky Relation to Head of House: Father Father's Birth Place: Kentucky Mother's Birth Place: Kentucky Marital Status: Widow Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image: 987 Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Cincinnati Ward 2, Hamilton, Ohio; Roll: T625_1388; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 987. Taken: January 3, 1920

1880 United States Federal Census of Hiram C. Barnhill the last one before he died taken:June 7, 1880


Household of Hiram C. Barnhill 1880

Name Age
Hiram C. Barnhill 61 Head of Household
Margarett Barnhill 55 Wife
George V. Barnhill 21 Son George Vance Barnhill

1870 United States Federal Census of Hiram C. Barnhill

Name of Household of 1870 Age
H C Barnhill 50 Head of Household Hiram C. Barnhill
Margaret Barnhill 44 Wife of Hiram C. Barnhill
James W Barnhill 33 Son James William Barnhill
Wesley Barnhill 16 Son Wesley Oscar Barnhill
George V Barnhill 11 Son George Vance Barnhill

1860 United States Federal Census of Hiram C. Barnhill

Name of the Household Age
H C Barnhill 35 Head of House Hold
Ruth Barnhill 60 Mother of Hiram C. Barnhill
Margaret Barnhill 25 Wife of Hiram C. Barnhill
Jas Barnhill 14 Son James William Barnhill
Wesley Barnhill 5 Son Wesley Oscar Barnhill
George Barnhill 2 Son George Vance Barnhill

1850 United States Federal Census Hiram C. Barnhill Oldham County Kentucky

The Family of Hiram C. Barnhill 1850

Name Age
Elizabeth Barnhill 8 Daughter of Hiram C. Barnhill
Hiram C Barnhill 31 Head of Household Farmer
Jas W Barnhill 4 James William Barnhill Son of Hiram C. Barnhill
Margaret Barnhill 26 Wife of Hiram C. Barnhill

Page 4 Memorandum James William Barnhill, Margaret Boyd Barnhill, Ruth Boone Barnhill

Information: James William Barnhill, Hiram C. Barnhill and William Barnhill and Ruth Boone

Bible Page three Marriages of James William Barnhill Family Oldham County Kentucky

1. James William Barnhill m: Catherine Katie Massie December 22, 1870 Henry County Kentucky
2. James William Barnhill m: Julia Jane McWilliams March 10, 1877
3. Estelle Katherine Barnhill Married Sanford Keith Evans June 29, 1901

The Family Bible Page 2 of James William Barnhill

1st. Mary Massie Barnhill the 1st child of James William Barnhill and Catherine Massie
View Cemetery Site
The Children of James William Barnhill and Julia Jane McWilliams
1. Oliver Paul Barnhill
2. Estelle Katherine Barnhill
3. John Dinsmore Barnhill
4. William Roy Barnhill
5. Julia James Barnhill
6. Geogre Boyd Barnhill
7. Mary Boone Barnhill
Visit James William Barnhill and his children

The Bible Pages of James William Barnhill Page 1

The Bible Marriage Record of James William Barnhill and Julia Jane McWilliams in the Home of her father: Mr. Wesley Samuel Mc Williams:
The Family Bible was in Last Possession of Juliet Evelyn Estelle Pevelery the Grand daughter of James William Barnhill.
Miss Pevelery Passed away
02 Jun 2007 New Hampshire

Julia Jane McWilliams the Daughter of Wesley Samuel McWilliams and Martha Ann Harrington

Name: Julia Jane McWilliams
Born: August 2, 1858 District One Shelby County Kentucky
Died: August 9, 1933 Richmond, Richmond County Virginia
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Wesley Samuel McWilliams
Born: 1816 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: 1891 Shelby County Kentucky
Martha Ann Harrington
Born: September 6, 1827 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: December 26, 1915 Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Myocardial Failure
Date of Burial: August 11, 1933
Age at Death: YRS: 75
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15

Source: VA Dept of Health, Office of Vital Records and Health StatisticsP.O. Box 1000, Richmond, Virginia, 23218-1000 Information Line: (804) 662-6200,_Virginia
Kentucky Birth Records, 1852-1910 about Julia Jane McWilliams
Name: Julia Jane McWilliams [Julia Jane] Birth Date: 12 Aug 1858 Ethnicity: White Gender: Female Father's Name: Samuel McWilliams Mother's Name: Martha Harrington
Source of Information: Kentucky Birth Records, 1852-1910 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Julia Jane Mc Williams Barnhill Daughter of Wesley Samuel McWilliams and Martha Ann Harrington

Name: Julia Jane McWilliams
Born: August 2, 1858 District One Shelby County Kentucky
Died: August 9, 1933 Richmond, Richmond County Virginia
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Wesley Samuel McWilliams
Born: 1816 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: 1891 Shelby County Kentucky
Martha Ann Harrington
Born: September 6, 1827 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: December 26, 1915 Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Myocardial Failure
Date of Burial: August 11, 1933
Age at Death: YRS: 75
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15

Source: VA Dept of Health, Office of Vital Records and Health StatisticsP.O. Box 1000, Richmond, Virginia, 23218-1000 Information Line: (804) 662-6200,_Virginia

Informant on the Death Record: Mary Boone Staples the wife of Henry S. Staples II.

Kentucky Birth Records, 1852-1910 about Julia Jane McWilliams
Name: Julia Jane McWilliams [Julia Jane] Birth Date: 12 Aug 1858 Ethnicity: White Gender: Female Father's Name: Samuel McWilliams Mother's Name: Martha Harrington

Obituary--Mrs. James W. Barnhill --Special to The New York Times August 10, 1933

Julia McWilliams Barnhill widow of James William Barnhill of Kentucky and mother of the Rev Dr. Oliver Paul Barnhill, pastor of Fordham Heights Presbyterian Church, New York City died here tongiht at the age of 76, Funeral services will be held at the Fordham Heights Church.

Catherine Massie Wife of James William Barnhill

Jessie Massie

The Father of Catherine Massie

1st Wife of

James William Barnhill

Name: Jessie Massie
Born: March 27, 1812 Kentucky
Died: December 22, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Spouse: Fredrica Eubanks
Occupation: Farmer
Interment: Scobee’s Grave Yard Henry County Kentucky

1850 United States Federal Census about Jessee Massey
Name: Jessee Massey Age: 35 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1815 Birth Place: Kentucky Gender: Male Home in 1850(City,County,State): District 1, Henry, Kentucky Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 1, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M432_204; Page: 396; Image: 448. Taken: August 30, 1850

1860 United States Federal Census about Jessee Massie
Name: Jessee Massie Age in 1860: 48 Birth Year: abt 1812 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1860: Subdivision 1, Henry, Kentucky Gender: Male Post Office: New Castle Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 1, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M653_373; Page: 0; Image: 322. Taken: June 16, 1860

1870 United States Federal Census about Jessee Massie
Name: Jessee Massie Estimated Birth Year: abt 1813 Age in 1870: 57 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1870: New Castle, Henry, Kentucky Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: View Image Post Office: New Castle Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: New Castle, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M593_470; Page: 333; Image: 180. Taken: June 18, 1870

Henry County Kentucky Cemeteries
By C. Price Meek

34. Scobee Cemetery—New Castle Quadrangle W 85⁰13’42” N 38⁰27’09” 1606 & Scobee Lane, 200 yards east of Junction.

Address: Scobee Lane
New Castle, Henry County Kentucky

034—07617 Massie Fredrica 9/14/1820 -- 10/04/1872 wife of Jessie Massie
034—07616 Massie Jessie 3/27/1812 -- 12/22/1872 OSSW Fredrica Massie

Name: Fredrica Eubanks
Alias: Fedorka Eubanks
Born: September 14, 1820 Clark County Kentucky
Died: October 4, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Interment: Scobee Cemetery New Castle Henry County Kentucky

1850 United States Federal Census about Fredrica Massey
Name: Fredrica Massey Age: 28 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1822 Birth Place: Kentucky Gender: Female Home in 1850(City,County,State): District 1, Henry, Kentucky Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 1, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M432_204; Page: 396; Image: 448. Taken: August 30, 1850

1860 United States Federal Census about Fedorka Massie
Name: Fedorka Massie Age in 1860: 39 Birth Year: abt 1821 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1860: Subdivision 1, Henry, Kentucky Gender: Female Post Office: New Castle Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 1, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M653_373; Page: 0; Image: 322. Taken: June 16, 1860

1870 United States Federal Census about Frederica Massie
Name: Frederica Massie Estimated Birth Year: abt 1820 Age in 1870: 50 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1870: New Castle, Henry, Kentucky Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: View Image Post Office: New Castle Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: New Castle, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M593_470; Page: 333; Image: 180. Taken: June 18, 1870

Henry County Kentucky Cemeteries By C. Price Meek

34. Scobee Cemetery—New Castle Quadrangle W 85⁰13’42” N 38⁰27’09” 1606 & Scobee Lane, 200 yards east of Junction.

Address: Scobee Lane
New Castle, Henry County Kentucky

034—07617 Massie Fredrica 9/14/1820 -- 10/04/1872 wife of Jessie Massie
034—07616 Massie Jessie 3/27/1812 -- 12/22/1872 OSSW Fredrica Massie

Married: January 14, 1841 Winchester Clark County Kentucky

Spouse: Fredrica Eubanks Family
Marriage: 14 JAN 1841 Winchester, Clark, Kentucky

Katie Massie Barnhill and Mary Massie Barnhill Wife and Child

of James William Barnhill

1. Catherine Katie Massie
Alias: Katie
Born: March 9, 1851 Henry County Kentucky
Died: August 19, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Jessie Massie, Fredrica Eubanks
Occupation: Housewife
Interment: Scobee Cemetery New Castle Henry County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Age at Death: YRS: 21 MOS: 5 DYS: 9
Interment: Scobee’s Grave Yard Henry County Kentucky

Henry County Kentucky Cemeteries
By C. Price Meek

1860 United States Federal Census about Cathorine Massie
Name: Cathorine Massie Age in 1860: 9 Birth Year: abt 1851 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1860: Subdivision 1, Henry, Kentucky Gender: Female Post Office: New Castle Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 1, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M653_373; Page: 0; Image: 323. Taken: June 16, 1860

1870 United States Federal Census about Kate Massie
Name: Kate Massie Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851 Age in 1870: 19 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1870: New Castle, Henry, Kentucky Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: View Image Post Office: New Castle Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: New Castle, Henry, Kentucky; Roll: M593_470; Page: 333; Image: 180. Taken: June 18, 1870

Notes: The Following Correspondence is Between Joanne Scobee Morgan and Susan? Received on November 19, 2008. This is the burial of Kate Barnhill who died when she was only 21 years old.

Hi Joanne,
How are you? I have been thinking about you and your mom. Is there any change in her condition?

This summer my mom and I went to see the graveyard of the Scobees” in Henry County, KY. I am trying to organize the photos I took so I can put them on the Scobee webpage. Anyway, I am att-aching one for Kate Barnhill who died when she was 21. Do you have any idea who this is? She may be no relation at all. There are a variety of family names in the graveyard. It is on land originally owned by my ggggrandfather, Christie Scobee. Mom and I were told that it was a stopping off point for families moving to the west. I thought you might have some information on this Kate.


November 19, 2008

Married: December 22, 1870 Kentucky
Source: Barnhill Family Bible
34. Scobee Cemetery—New Castle Quadrangle W 85⁰13’42” N 38⁰27’09” 1606 & Scobee Lane, 200 yards east of Junction.

Address: Scobee Lane
New Castle, Henry County Kentucky

034—07617 Massie Fredrica 9/14/1820 -- 10/04/1872 wife of Jessie Massie
034—07616 Massie Jessie 3/27/1812 -- 12/22/1872 OSSW Fredrica Massie

Mary Massie Barnhill The Daughter of James William Barnhill and Catherine Massie

1. Mary Massie Barnhill
Born: February 12, 1872 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 30, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Parents: James William Barnhill, Catherine Katie Meassie
Interment: Scobee Cemetery Henry County Kentucky

Source: Family Bible:

Henry County Kentucky
Scobee Cemetery—New Castle Quadrangle W 85⁰13’42” N 38⁰27’09” 1606 & Scobee Lane, 200 yards east of Junction.

Address: Scobee Lane
New Castle, Henry County Kentucky

More Informatin on: James William Barnhill

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Second Court House of Shelby Co KY

Shelby County Kentucky Court House
1914John Wesley Davis passes away this year this picture was taken.
Second Court House of Shelby Co KY

The History of the Second Court House in Shelby County Kentucky

Shelby County Courthouse, 1837-1891. (From: An Illustrated Historical Atlas of Shelby County, 1878)

On Sept. 5, 1891, citizens of Shelby County voted a $25,000 bond issue for construction of a new courthouse. The court paid architect Jerome B. Legg $500 to furnish plans and specifications for a two-story building, 80 by 90 feet. It was 85 feet to the top of the dome. The Circuit Court room, 45 by 55 feet, was on the second floor; the County Court room, 20 by 28 feet, on the first floor. There were entrances on the south, east and west.

Positioning of the entrances incensed one resident who anticipated the principal growth developing north of the courthouse and bitterly resented a design that turned its back to the principal thoroughfare. But his protest was in vain; no north door was included. Other dissatisfaction came from those who wanted more ornament on the building.

Judge George J. Parker acted as superintendent for the project. On Feb. 4, 1892, the court awarded the building contract to Charles E. Force and Co., Kansas City, Missouri, for $24,380. The building was to be completed Nov. 1, 1892, but progress was slow. The court could not occupy the completed building until July 1893 (Figure 2). Due to damages sustained because of delays in construction, the county deducted $580 from the final costs. Louis Miller designed a similar courthouse to this in 1892 in Dunklin County. Builders made improvements in 1909 with the installation of plumbing and steam heating. In 1915 basement rooms were completed, and in 1934, a renovation included installing hardwood floors on the first floor. This building continues to house Shelby County officials.

Shelby County Courthouse, 1891-. Architect: Jerome B. Legg.


Shelby County Kentucky late 19th Century

Shelbyville 1900
Photo provided by William Maddox Davis
April 10, 2007

1st Shelby County Court House of Shelby County Kentucky

The Original Shelby County Court ,

Sources: For the Photo
The Original Shelby County Court House. Which was destroyed in a fire June 29, 1891. County: Shelby Organized: Jan. 2, 1835 Named after: Gov. Isaac Shelby of KentuckyCounty seat: Shelbyville


The court adopted a plan proposed by Thomas J. Bounds in December 1835 for laying out the site for the Shelby County seat. At the same session the court appointed Bounds commissioner for the seat of justice. After rejecting the first plan for a courthouse, presented in January 1837, the court accepted a second plan, offered at the next session of court in February 1837. This plan called for a forty-foot-square, brick, two-story building. It also called for a roof described as having pediment fronts, apparently crossed gables, containing circular windows in each, and a wooden cornice. The brick was to be painted Spanish brown with mortar joints delineated. Orders for the painting and pediment fronts were later rescinded. Three exterior panel doors opened into the lower story, suggesting a transverse hall plan. Each door was five feet wide with fan windows above. The plan described in the County Court Record also called for a "girdle" across the courthouse supported by two columns. Apparently, this was a small entry, since the floor was to be level with the floor of the lobby.

The lobby floor was brick; the courtroom floor of oak, elevated one foot above the lobby floor; on the west side the 10-by-4-foot judge's seat rose three additional feet. Two flights of stairs with handrails, one on the northeast, the other on the southeast, led to the second floor, which contained a grand jury room and two additional rooms.

In February the court appropriated $4,000 for construction. In September Charles and Samuel J. Smith and James C. Hawkins contracted for the brick work for $1,870. Wait Barton contracted for wood work for $2,175. Obadiah Dickerson was appointed superintendent. Contractors completed construction in 1839.

Wings appearing in the 1878 Atlas illustration were probably later additions (Figure 1). Fire, which began in the cupola, destroyed this courthouse June 29, 1891. According to news reports, it was no great loss since the structure was in poor condition and unsuitable for county functions. "Peace to its ashes," the article concluded.

The History of Shelby County
Visit Shelby County Kentucky genealogy site for additional Information:

Macon County Missouri- Macon County Kentucky

Macon County Missouri

Macon County Court House

Visit Ernie Miles Website on Macon County Genealogy Macon County Kentucky

Information: Ransom Davis Wood; William H. Wood; James William Scobee, Joseph Beard Scobee, William Scobee, Sarah Wood, John T. Wood. Davis Family Related information.

Shelby County Kentucky

Shelbyville Kentucky

Shelbyville Post Card 1910
"Main Street Looking West from Sixth, Shelbyville, Ky." 1910 postmark
used postcard. It is postmarked "NOV 29 1910".

Davis Family Plots Shelby County and Henry County Kentucky

Shelbyville & Pleasureville
Family Plots of
The Davis Family

Mr.William Thomas Davis Family Plot

Grove Hill Cemetery Eden Hill RD Shelbyville Shelby County kentucky 40065 Taken: April 10, 2007

Mr. Amos Davis Family Plot

Grove Hill Cemetery Eden Hill RD Shelbyville Shelby County kentucky 40065 Taken: April 10, 2007

Mr. Squire Davis Family Plot

Family Plot of Squire Davis Grove Hill Cemetery Grove Hill Cemetery Eden Hill Rd Shelbyville Shelby County Kentucky 40065 Taken: April 10, 2007

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Davis [Wood]

Pleasureville Cemetery Pleasureville Henry-Shelby County Kentucky Photo taken: July 2, 2008 by Jeannette K. Rook

Davis Family Plots.
Family Plot William Thomas Davis Grove Hill Cemetery, Shelbyville Shelby Co KY, Elizabeth A. Davis Wood Pleasureville Cemetery Pleasureville Henry-Shelby Co KY, Amos Davis Grove Hill Cemetery, Shelbyville Shelby Co KY and Squire Davis Grove Hill Cemetery Shelbyville, Shelby Co KY

The Davis Family Church

Centenary Methodist Church “The Davis
Family Church” Photo by: Jeannette K. Rook
April 9, 2007

Great Excuse HaHA😁