Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Genealogy of The Hidden Romance of Georege Edward Kelly [1887-1974] and William Eldon Weagly [1896-1975]

The Genealogy of The Hidden Romance of George Edward Kelly 
 Eldon Weagley /Weagly

The Uncle & God Father HRH Princess Grace
AKA Grace Patricia Kelly

The Secret Romance Between George Edward Kelly & William Eldon Weagley

George Edward Kelly

Name:  George Edward Kelly
Born: January 16, 1887 East Falls,  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Died: June 18, 1974 Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA
Partner: William Eldon  Weagley
                1st Met at Wellington Hotel  NYC.
Parents: John Henry Kelly, Mary Ann Costello
Occupation: Writer/Play Write
Cause of Death: Aspiration Pneumonia
Date of Burial: June 21, 1974
Social Security #: 067 24 2782
Age at Death:  YRS: 87 MOS: 5 DYS: 2
Pennsylvania Death Record# 46002-2429-59224-74
Military: WWI Veteran United States Army
Religion: Roman Catholic
Political Party: Democrat
Funeral: Saint Bridget’s Catholic Church
                East Falls, Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA
Mortuary: Charles j. McIlwaine and Son’s Funeral Home
Find A Grave Memorial# 119495742
Informant: William Hawkins Girard
Interment:  Westminster Cemetery Plot Section 11, Lot 407, Grave 2 Bryn Mawr, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA

Death Record George Edward Kelly 
Department of Health
Division of Vital Records
PO BOX 1528
New Castle, Pennsylvania, 16103

Find A Grave Memorial# 119495742


The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1974 Thu Page: 18 George Edward Kelly

June 18, 1974, Formerly of East Falls George E., son of the late John H. and Mary Ann Costello Kelly. Relatives and friends are invited to the Mass of Christian Burial, Fri., 10 A.M., St. Bridget’s Church, 3673 Midvale Ave.  Int. Westminster Cemetery.   No viewing Thurs. eve. Contributions to one’s favorite Charity in Mr. Kelly’s name would be preferred [Charles J. McIlwaine and Sons Funeral Directors.]

The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1974 Thu Page: 18 George Edward Kelly

George E. Kelly, Pulitzer Prize-Winning playwright, last surviving member of 10 brothers and sisters of the Philadelphia Kelly Family and Uncle of, Princess Grace of Monaco, died Tuesday in Bryn Mawr Hospital.  He was 87 and since 1963 had lived in Sun City, a retirement Village near Riverside, Calif.

Mr. Kelly suffered a stroke two weeks ago after coming here to stay with another niece, Mrs. Marion Smith, at her home in the Radwyn Apartments, Bryn Mawr.

Mrs. Smith said Wednesday that her uncle came East to look for a new home.

Mr. Kelly began his theatrical career in 1912 as a vaudeville. Actor.  He then turned to Writing plays, some of which he appeared in.  His acid comedies and scathing satires delighted the public for more Then half-a-century.

He was best known, however, for three of his earliest works, “The Torchbearers” [1922], “The Showoff” [1924] and “Craig’s Wife” [1925] which won the Pulitzer Prize.

His other Plays produced on Broadway included “Reflected Glory” [1936], “The Deep Mrs. Sykes” [1945] and “The Fatal Weakness” [1946].

Mr. Kelly received awards from Brandeis University, the Philadelphia Creative Arts Theater and the Women’s Theater Club of New York.  He also received an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from La Salle College in 1962.

Mr. Kelly was on the son of John Henry Kelly and the Former Mary Ann Costello.  Two of his brothers were John B., the noted oarsman, businessman and father of Princess Grace, and Walter, who was also an actor and became famous as “The Virginia Judge”

Mr. Kelly never married.
In addition to Mrs. Smith and Princess Grace he is survived by 17 other nieces and nephews.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered at 10 A.M. Friday at St. Bridget’s Church, East Falls.  Burial will be in Westminster Cemetery, Bala Cynwyd.  There will be no viewing.

Mrs. Smith said on Wednesday that Princess Grace might not be at the funeral because of commitments in connection with the observance of Monaco’s silver jubilee.  The princes is Mr. Kelly’s godchild as well as niece, Mrs. Smith added, and was visited by Mr. Kelly “about every other year.”

“In fact,” Mrs. Smith said,” Uncle George planned to visit her this year after he became settled here.  He made his first airplane flight, from London to Nice, when he last visited her two years ago.”

Refer to article: The San Bernardino County Sun May 27, 1972 Sat Page 22 George Kelly and William Weagly

George Edward Kelly  in the U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
Name: George Edward Kelly Gender: Male Race: White Residence Age: 55 Birth Date: 16 Jan 1887 Birth Place:  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Residence Date: 1942 Residence Place: New York, New York, USA Source Citation: The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System, 1926-1975; Record Group Number: 147

Web Source Image: 1
George Kelly  in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010
Name: George Kelly Gender: Male Birth Date: 16 Jan 1887 Death Date: 18 Jun 1974 SSN: 067242782 Branch 1: ARMY

USED Religion As objection to the  World War Draft I 
Special Note: Even though he objected He Served during World War I
George E Kelly  in the U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: George E Kelly Race: Caucasian (White) Marital Status: Single Birth Date: 16 Jan 1887 Birth Place: Pennsylvania, USA Street address: 3665 Midvale Ave Residence Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  Source Citation Registration State: Pennsylvania; Registration County: Philadelphia; Roll: 1907761; Draft Board: 38

Web Source Image:

Life Partner
Name: William Eldon  Weagley
Alias: Weagly/ Billy/Bill
Born: November 27, 1896 61 West Main Street Waynesboro, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
Died: October 16, 1975 Waynesboro Hospital, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, USA
Residence 1918 121 North Franklin, Waynesboro, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
Residence: 1942 Address 170 E Alias: Weagly/ Billy/Bill
Born: November 27, 1896 61 West Main Street Waynesboro, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
Died: October 16, 1975 Waynesboro Hospital, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, USA
       Residence 1918 121 North Franklin, Waynesboro, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
       Residence: 1942 Address 170 E 40th Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
       Residence: : 1958 Street address: 592 High Dr Laguna Beach Orange, California, USA
       Residence: October 16, 1975 Route #2 Waynesboro, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
             Partner: George Edward Kelly
                           1st Met in 1927 Wellington Hotel NYC
            Parents:  John Adams Weagley, Ella Francis Weagley
            Occupation: Secretary / valet a man's personal male attendant, responsible for 
                        his clothes and appearance.
Cause of Death: Embolic Infraction of Brain  Luetic 
                            With aortic vascular Incompetency 
Date of Burial: October 19, 1975
Age at Death:  YRS: 78 MOS: 11 DYS 
Pennsylvania Death Certificate #: 9409875
Political Party#: Republican
             Military Serial # WWI Serial # 215 Order # 9
                Physical appearance: 1918 Ht: Medium BD Slender Eyes: Blue Hair Lt Brown 
              Military Serial: 1942 Serial # U-3416 
              Physical appearance:  
                  R white  HT 5’8” WT 125 Complexion light 
Social Security #: 140-03-5113; Issue State: New Jersey; Issue Date: Before 1951 
Funeral: The Church of the Apostle, United Church of Christ.
Mortuary:  Grove-Bowersox Funeral Home, Inc.
               50 S. Broad St Waynesboro, PA 17268
Find A Grave Memorial 131178282
Informant: Mrs. Lewis Ferguson Deceased Niece
                    Waynesboro, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA                       
            Interment:  Green Hill Cemetery, Waynesboro, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA

Special Note:  William died YRS: 1 MOS: 3 DYS: 28 after George’s passing.


Waynesboro Record Thursday, October 16th, 1975 pg. 2.

               William E. Weagly, 78, of Orchard Road, Waynesboro, R.D.2, died at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Waynesboro Hospital.  He had been in falling health since suffering a stoke in August.  Last month he moved from his home in Philadelphia to make his home with his niece, Mrs. L.T. Ferguson, on Orchard Road.

He had been confined to the Hospital since suffering a stroke on Tuesday.

Mr. Weagly was born in Waynesboro, Nov. 27, 1896, son of the late John A. and Ella F. [Weagly] weagly.

His early life was lived in Waynesboro and as young man he was employed at Frick Co.

Prior to his retirement in June 1974, Mr. Weagly made his home in Sun City, Calif., and was employed by the late George Kelly as personal secretary and Traveling companion for 34 years.

He lived in Philadephia for the past year.

Mr. Wealgy was a member of The Church of the Apostle, United Church of Christ.

In addition to his niece, Mrs. Ferguson, he is survived by two nieces and three nephews: Mrs. Lillian W. Bonner, Waynesboro R.D.5.  Mrs. Frances Anderson, Tucson, Ariz., “John Miller and Charles Miller, both of Philadephia, and Kenneth Kepner, Calif.

The funeral will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Grove Funeral Home in charge of the Rev. Stephen W. Hoffman.

Burial will be in Green Hill Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday.

Special Notes:
Frick Co

Special Note: William E. Weagley met George Edward Kelly at the Wellington Hotel, Manhattan, NYC, New York in 1927.  Their relationship lasted for 34 years.

Bio: Concerning William E. Weagley

What few people knew at the time was that George was a gay man. He maintained a 55-year relationship with his lover William E. Weagley (sometimes spelled Weagly), who was often referred to as Kelly’s valet. That Kelly was gay was a closely guarded secret and went unacknowledged by his family – to the point of their not inviting Weagley to Kelly’s funeral in Pennsylvania. Weagley quietly slipped in and took a seat in the back at St. Bridget’s in order to attend the service. Worse, the Philadelphia Kelly’s, who seldom missed an opportunity to pass moral judgment on others, forced Weagley to eat in the kitchen with the servants when George and William were visiting, thus reinforcing their acknowledgment that William was regarded as nothing more than George’s employee, a valet. While it’s true that William often cooked, typed, and performed secretarial services for George, William was much more than a traveling companion and valet. The couple were loyal, devoted partners who were deeply in love.

When George and William hosted dinner parties at their home in Laguna Beach, California, the two men sat at opposite ends of the table as equal co-hosts and partners. Subsequently, many of the Kelly clan of righteous Irish Catholics refused invitations from George.

George and William met in 1919, when George maintained a suite at NYC’s Concord Hotel. At the time, George was a vaudevillian actor and skit writer, as was his brother Walter. The story goes that William was working as a bellhop at the hotel, and the two became lovers within a short time after meeting. George educated William in the rules of etiquette so that the two could appear in high society as social equals.


 William E Weagly  in the California, Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
Name: William E Weagly  Residence Year: 1958 Street address: 592 High Dr Laguna Beach Residence Place: Orange, California, USA Party Affiliation: Republican Source Citation California State Library; Sacramento, California; Great Register of Voters, 1900-1968


Web Source Image:

Staging Desire: Queer Readings of American Theater History
edited by Kim Marra, Robert A. Schanke


William Eldon Weagly  in the U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: William Eldon Weagly Birth Date: 27 Nov 1896 Birth Place: Pennsylvania, USA Street address: 121 No. Franklin Residence Place: Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA  Relative: Ella Frances Source Citation: Registration State: Pennsylvania; Registration County: Franklin; Roll: 1892183; Draft Board: 1


Web Source Image:

William Eldon Weagly United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
Name: William Eldon Weagly Event Type: Draft Registration Event Date: 1942 Event Place: New York City, New York, New York, United States Residence Place: New York City, New York, New York Gender: Male Employer: William Eldon/Weagly Birth Date: 27 Nov 1896

Record Collection:
United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
Document Information:
Affiliate Publication Title
World War II Draft Cards (4th Registration) for the State of New York, Borough of Manhattan
Affiliate ARC Identifier 2555973
Digital Folder Number 004126363
Image Number 05532

Citing this Record
"United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F3HT-VZZ : 8 November 2017), William Eldon Weagly, 1942; citing NARA microfilm publication M1936, M1937, M1939, M1951, M1962, M1964, M1986, M2090, and M2097 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).


Web Source Image:

Proof of the Right William E. Weagly/Weagley

The Proof this is that I have the right William E. Weagley.  Who is confused with William Ellsworth Weagley Jr. [1891-1975] who was married to Dorothy Mae Shull.

William Eldon Weagley [1896-1975] was the true companion to George Edward Weagley who was George’s personal valet male attendant/Secretary , responsible for  his clothes and appearance. Through my research I found three sources:

1.     April 25, 1942 WWII Draft Card’s of George Edward Kelly and William Eldon Weagley.

2.      May 27, 1972 The San Bernardino County Sun May 27, 1972 Sat Page 22 George Kelly and William Weagly

             Title:  Taking Queen to See a Princess.  By Howard A. Ellis

3.     Staging Desire: Queer Readings of American Theater History
         edited by Kim Marra, Robert A. Schanke  Published 2002
          Page: 133 Gives  His birth year and death  year

False Reporting

Like a say people do very bad work  Here is an example what  I was explaining that people are confusing the two William E. Weagley's

1.  William Eldon Weagley  1896-1975
2. William Ellsworth Weagley JR. 1891-1975

the 1st one is the Correct one that had a relationship with George Edward Kelly.  Princess Grace's Brother.  Neither men ever married a woman.

the 2nd one was married to Dorothy Mae Shull.  Yet people claim he had a relationship with George Edward Kelly which is totally not true.

Approximate Last time George last saw his niece and with his companion William E. Weagly.

The San Bernardino County Sun May 27, 1972 Sat Page 22 George Kelly and William Weagly


George Kelly and William Weagly of Sun City were passengers on board the British Ocean liner Queen Elisabeth 2 [QE2] during the bomb-hoax scare which shocked the world last week [unfortunately just one of many shocks.]

Kelly is a retired playwright and Weagly is his secretary.

The two Inland Empire residents were aboard the luxury liner en route to England and then Monte Carlo Monaco, to Visit George’s niece, Gracie Gramaldi.

Gracie’s father, George’s brother is the late John Kelly, wealthy Philadelphia, Pa., Contractor.

Gracie is better known as movies star Grace Kelly or Her Serene Highness the Prince Grace of Monaco Grimaldi is the princess’ husband’s family name.

And how’s that for backing into a snob-appeal item...

Special Note:  Aboard Elisabeth 2 [QE2]  Not a typical Cruise to due to bomb-hoax scare.

Follow Up  Statement:  Proof the last time he seen his niece /God Daughter HRH Princess Grace Kelly

The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1974 Thu Page: 18 George Edward Kelly

“In fact,” Mrs. Smith said,” Uncle George planned to visit her this year after he became settled here.  He made his first airplane flight, from London to Nice, when he last visited her two years ago.”[1972]

Personal life
George Kelly maintained a 55-year relationship with his lover William Eldon Weagly.,(27 November 1896 - 16 October 1975) the Son of John Adams Weagley and Ella Frances Weagley. up until his death and was often referred to as his valet. That Kelly was gay was a closely guarded secret and went unacknowledged by his family to the point of not inviting Weagley to his funeral; he instead slipped in and sat quietly on a back seat.[5] Kelly died in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.


Photo Source:

Staging Desire: Queer Readings of American Theater History
edited by Kim Marra, Robert A. Schanke  2002 Page 133


George Edward Kelly’s Works

·        The Torch-Bearers (1923), the basis for the 1935 motion picture Doubting Thomas and the 1939 movie Too Busy to Work

·        The Show-off (1924), the basis for the 1926, 1934, and 1946 motion pictures of the same name and the 1930 movie Men Are Like That

·        Craig's Wife (1925), for which he won the Pulitzer Prize; the basis for the 1928 and 1936 motion pictures of the same name and the 1950 movie Harriet Craig

·        Daisy Mayme (1926)

·        Behold, the Bridegroom (1927)
·        The Flattering Word (1929)
·        Maggie the Magnificent (1929)
·        Philip Goes Forth (1931)
·        Reflected Glory (1936)
·        The Deep Mrs. Sykes (1945)
·        The Fatal Weakness (1947)


·        Craig's Wife (1925), for which he won the Pulitzer Prize; the basis for the 1928 and 1936 motion pictures of the same name and the 1950 movie Harriet Craig

Special Note:

Harriet Craig is a 1950 American drama film starring Joan Crawford. The screenplay by Anne Froelick and James Gunn was based upon the 1925 Pulitzer Prize-winning play Craig's Wife, by George Kelly.[1] The film was directed by Vincent Sherman, produced by William Dozier, and distributed by Columbia Pictures. Harriet Craig is the second of three cinematic collaborations between Sherman and Crawford, the others being


1)     Ancestry.com
2)     Familysearch.org
3)     Archives.com
4)     Wikipedia.com
5)     Staging Desire: Queer Readings of American Theater History
6)     edited by Kim Marra, Robert A. Schanke 2002
7)     the U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
8)     California, Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
9)     The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1974 Thu Page: 18 George Edward Kelly
10)  Gayinfluence.blogspot.
11)  Death Record of George Edward Kelly
12)  Grove-Bowersox Funeral Home, Inc.  Commincated for death date:  December 17, 2018
13)  Green Hill Cemetery  Communicated for Funereal Home and Death or Burial Date.
14)  The San Bernardino County Sun May 27, 1972 Sat Page 22   Title:  Taking Queen to See a Princess.  By Howard A. Ellis
15)  The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1974 Thu Page: 18 George Edward Kelly Death Notice & Obituary
16)   George Kelly  in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010
17)   the U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014

Records Pending as of December 17, 2018

Death Record of  William Eldon Weagley

Department of Health
Division of Vital Records
PO BOX 1528
New Castle,  PA 16103

Obituary for William Eldon Weagley

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