Saturday, December 31, 2016

Rusty New Year 2017

Happy News Year 2017

I want to take the time out to thank everyone one stop and took time to visit my blog.

I am grateful to everyone.

Happy News Years 2017

Jeannette K. Rook

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas to all my readers and viewers

I thank everyone who takes the time to visit my work in genealogy.

Jeannette K. Rook

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Smokin Chickin Exit 1 Clarksville TN Great Excellent Food & Service

The service was nice. Explanation what spicy and not spicy.  The MENU IS A Not a typical ROTISSIER FLAVOR'S  THEY ARE THE WORLD EXAMPLE Jamican Jerk,

I recommend this restaurant on a,scale of 1 to 10 I give this place 8

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Crusader’s for Justice Find A. Grave Memorials for Attorney Ferdinand Lee Barnett and His Journalist Wife Ida Bell Wells Barnett With Charles A, Herman K, Ida BW, Alfreda M. Barnett

Crusader’s for Justice
Find A. Grave.COM Attorney  Ferdinand Lee Barnett and His Journalist  Wife Ida Bell Wells Barnett With Charles A, Herman K, Ida BW, Alfreda M. Barnett
Ida B.  Charles A., Herman K., Ida B. Jr and Alfred M.  Barnett



Attorney Ferdinand Lee Barnett
Find A Grave Memorial# 7008609


2nd Wife Ida Bell Wells Barnett
Find A Grave Memorial# 7862236

The Children of Ida B. Wells & Ferdinand Lee Barnett

 Ida B.  Charles A., Herman K., Ida B. Jr and Alfred M.  Barnett

1.     Charles Aked Barnett
               Find A Grave Memorial# 174146201

      2.     Herman Kohlsaat Barnett
2nd Wife Gertrude Theresa Bertrand
Find A Grave Memorial# 85847706

       3.        Ida Bell Wells Barnett Jr.
           Find A Grave Memorial# 174146824
 4.     Alfreda Marguerita Barnett
                         Find A Grave Memorial# 174146824
 Husband Benjamin Ceil Duster Jr.
Find A Grave A Memorial# 151364402

Saturday, December 17, 2016

IDA B. WELLS BARNETT Crusader’s for Justice 1862-1931 The Basic Family Genealogy With her famous Attorney Husband Ferdinand Lee Barnett With Her For Children

Crusader’s for Justice 1862-1931 The Basic Family Genealogy With her famous  Attorney Husband Ferdinand Lee Barnett With Her For Children 78622  Ida B. Wells   7008609 Ferdinand Lee Barnett

Crusader’s for Justice

Name: Ida B. Wells
Born: July 16, 1862 Holly Springs, Marshall, Mississippi, USA
Died: March 25, 1931 Dailey Hospital, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Fedinand Lee Barnett
Parents: James Wells, Elizabeth “Izzy Bell” Warrenton
Occupation: Journalist, Social Worker
Cause of Death: Uremia
Contributing Factor: Chronic Nephrities
Date of Burial: March 28, 1931
Age at Death: YRS: 62
Death Certificate #: 9660
Informant: Dailey Hospital
Undertaker: R.H.M. Govock
Political Party: Republican
Founder of the NAACP 1909
Residence: 328 E Garfield BLVD
                   Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA 7862236
Informant: Oak Grove Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

(July 16, 1862 – March 25, 1931), more commonly known as Ida B. Wells, was an African-American journalist, newspaper editor, suffragist, sociologist, feminist, [1] Georgist,[2] and an early leader in the Civil Rights Movement. She was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.

Born in Holly Springs, Mississippi, Wells lost her parents and a sibling in the 1878 yellow fever epidemic at a young age. She went to work and, with her grandmother, kept the rest of the family intact. She moved with some of her siblings to Memphis, Tennessee, finding pay better for teachers.

Later as an activist, Wells documented lynching in the United States in the 1890s, showing that it was often used in the South as a way to control or punish Black people who competed with whites, rather than being based on criminal acts by black people, as was usually claimed by whites.[3] She was active in women's rights and the women's suffrage movement, establishing several notable women's organizations. Wells was a skilled and persuasive rhetorician and traveled internationally on lecture tours.[4]


Ida B. Wells Barnett  in the Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Ida B. Wells Barnett  Birth Date: abt 1869  Birth Place: Holly Springs, Miss  Death Date: 25 Mar 1931  Death Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois  Burial Date: 28 Mar 1931  Burial Place:  Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois   Cemetery Name: Oakwood  Death Age: 62  Occupation: Social Worker  Race: Black  Marital Status: M  Gender: Female  Residence: Chicago, Cook Co., Ill.  Spouse Name: Ferdinand Barnett  FHL Film Number: 1892957


Ida B Barnett  in the Cook County, Illinois Death Index, 1908-1988
 Name: Ida B Barnett  Death Date: 25 Mar 1931  Death Location: Cook County, IL  File Number: 6009660  Archive Collection Name: Cook County Genealogy Records (Deaths)  Archive repository location: Chicago, IL  Archive repository name: Cook County Clerk

Web Source Image:

Chicago Tribune March 25, 1931 Page: 1

Mrs. Ida Barnett Colored Leader, 62, Dies Suddenly
 Mrs. Ida B. Wells—Barnett, for many years a recognized leader of the Negro race in efforts to obtain social and economic equality in the United States, died last night at the Daily Hospital after illness of only two days.  She was 62 years old.
 Mrs. Barnett came to Chicago in 1893,.  Soon afterward she married Attorney F. L. Barnett, About 1890 She had gone to England to Lecture on lynching in the South.  She was one of the principal organizers of the Negro Fellowship Club at 3005 South State Street, a gathering place for the colored youth.  In 1917 she went to Washington to present to the President and Congress a memorial of the National Equal  Rights League asking that lynching be made a crime under federal law and to protest against segregation of Negro workers in government service.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Wells-Barnett is survived by four children.  The family home is at 328 East Garfield boulevard.


Husband of Ida B. Well
                                   Ferdinand Lee Barnett                                    

Name: Ferdinand Lee Barnett
Born: February 18, 1852 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA
Died: March 11, 1936, 3239 Prairie Avenue Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Mary Henrietta Graham 1st
              Ida Bell. Well 2nd
Parents: Ferdinand Barnett, Martha Williams
Occupation: Attorney
Political Party: Republican 1st
                        Democrat 2nd aft 1920
Cause of Death: Myocarditis
Date of Burial:  March 14, 1936
Age at Death: YRS: 84
Death Certificate #: 1926958
Undertaker: Charles Jackson
                    3800 Michigan Ave
                    Chicago, Cook, Illinois   7008609
Interment: Oak Wood Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Ferdinand Lee Barnett (1859 – March 11, 1936) was an American journalist, lawyer, and civil rights activist in Chicago, Illinois. In 1895 he married anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells. He was a founding editor of the Chicago Conservator in 1878. He was a successful lawyer and was the third black person to be admitted to the Illinois bar. In 1896 he became Illinois' first black assistant state's attorney. He was active in anti-lynching and civil rights and was called "one of the foremost citizens Chicago has ever had" by the Chicago Defender.[1]

Ferdinand Lee Barnett  in the Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Ferdinand Lee Barnett  Birth Date: abt 1859  Birth Place: Nashville, Tenn  Death Date: 11 Mar 1936  Death Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois  Burial Date: 14 Mar 1936  Burial Place: Cook, Ill.  Cemetery Name: Oakwood  Death Age: 77  Occupation: Retired Lawyer  Race: Black  Marital Status: W  Gender: Male  Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois  Father Name: Ferdinand Barnett  Father Birth Place: Tenn.
Spouse Name: Ida Barnett  FHL Film Number: 1926958


Ferdinand L. Barnett Dies; Veteran Chicago Attorney
Funeral services for Ferdinand Lee Barnett, 77 years old, colored attorney, who died Wednesday in the home of his daughter at 3239 Prairie Avenue, will be held tomorrow morning at the Chapel at 3800 South Michigan Avenue.  Burial will be in Oak Woods Cemetery. A graduate of the Chicago College of Law, Mr. Barnett began the practice of law here in 1884. He served three successive terms as an assistant state’s attorney in charge of extradition matters, having been first appointed in 1896 under Charles D. Deneen. Attorney Barnett is survived by six children and ten grandchildren.
Chicago Daily Tribune March 13, 1936 Page 20 Ferdinand Lee Barnett dies

Ferdinand & Ida
Get Married

Married: 27 Jun 1895 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Ida B. Wells Weds Ferdinand L. Barnett the Most Important Event That Ever Occurred in Colored Society in Chicago Date: Friday, June 28, 1895   Paper: New York Herald (New York, New York)  Issue: 21494  Page: 5  

The most Important Event That Ever Occurred in Color Society in Chicago
By Telegraph to the Herald

Chicago, Ill., June 27, 1895—The Most important event that ever occurred in colored society in Chicago was the wedding to-night of Miss Ida B. wells and Ferdinand L. Barnett, which took place in Bethel A.M.E. Church, at the corner of Thirtieth and Dearborn Streets.  It was the eve of the season, and 500 invited guest assembled to witness the ceremony, which was performed by the REV D.A. Graham, pastor of the Church.

Both the bride and groom are prominent in the colored circles.  Mr. Barnett is a lawyer, and has been connected for many years with all public movements here for the benefit of his race.  He is one of the principal owners of the Conservator, a newspaper devoted to the interests of the colored people, and is president of the Anti-Lynching Society.  He was graduated from the High School here and the Union College of Law.

Mrs. Barnett is perhaps the most prominent colored woman living.  She was born in Holly Springs, Miss., and taught school in Memphis, Tenn., until she lost her position because the part she took in editing a colored paper called Free Speech.  Miss Wills has been lecturing against lynching, and
has made two trips to London, where she has been enthusiastically received.

Ida B. Well weds Ferdinand L. Barnett New York Herald June 28, 1895 Page 5
 Ida B. Wells  in the Cook County, Illinois, Marriages Index, 1871-1920Name: Ida B. Wells  Age: 32  Gender: Female  Birth Year: abt 1863  Marriage Type: Marriage  Marriage Date: 27 Jun 1895   Marriage Place: Cook County, Illinois  Spouse Name: Ferdinand L. Barnett  Spouse Age: 40  Spouse Gender: Male  FHL Film Number: 1030252


Four Issues: Charles, Herman, Ida & Alfreda

The Children of Ida B. Wells & Ferdinand Lee Barnett
File: Ida B Wells with her children, 1909.jpg,_1909.jpg

1.     Charles Aked Barnett
        Alias: Adel & Alfred
        Born: March 25, 1896 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
        Died: July 3, 1957 Mercy Hospital, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
        Spouse: Clementine Frierson
        Parents: Ferdinand Lee Barnett, Ida B. Wells
        Occupation: Printer
        Cause of Death: Pulmonary Embolus
        Date of Burial: July 6, 1957
       Age at Burial: YRS: 61
      Birth Certificate #: 1287742
     Death Certificate#: 48306 779
      Marriage Certificate #: 0969171
      Address: 4902 Washington Pile Court
                      Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
      Funeral Home:  Henderson Funeral Home
                               418 E 47th St
                               Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
      Informant: E. Gutrie Chief Register 174146201       Interment: Mount Glenwood Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Married: December 23, 1922 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Issue: Gloria Yvonne Barnett  

Charles A Barnett  in the Cook County, Illinois, Birth Certificates Index, 1871-1922
Name: Charles A Barnett  Birth Date: 25 Mar 1896  Birth Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois  Ethnicity: American  Gender: Male  Race: Black  Father:  Ferd Barnett    Mother:  Bell Wills    FHL Film Number: 1287742

Charles A Barnett  in the Cook County, Illinois Death Index, 1908-1988
Name: Charles A Barnett  Death Date: 3 Jul 1957  Death Location: Cook County, IL  File Number: 48306  Archive Collection Name: Cook County Genealogy Records (Deaths)  Archive repository location: Chicago, IL Archive repository name: Cook County Clerk

Charles A Barnett  in the Cook County, Illinois Marriage Indexes, 1912-1942
Name: Charles A Barnett Gender: Male Spouse Name: Clementine Frierson Spouse Gender: Female Marriage Date:   23 Dec 1922  

Marriage Certificate #: 0969171
Web Source image:

2.     Herman Kohlsaat Barnett
             Born: November 12, 1898 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
              Died: April 6, 1975 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA
              Spouse: Fione Elizabeth Davis 1st
                           Gertrude Theresa Bertrand 2nd
              Parents: Ferdinand Lee Barnett, Ida B. Wells
              Occupation: Lawyer
               Cause of Death:
                  Date of Burial:
              Age at Death: YRS: 76
              Social Security #: Number: 550-26-6537; Issue State: California; Issue Date: Before 1951
             Interment: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA Plot:    Tenderness, Lot 3208, Space 1.

1st Married Fione Elizabeth Davis
Married: Abt 1920 Illinois, USA
Divorced Before 1930
Issues: Herman Kohlsaat Barnett, and Earl Davis Barnett

2nd Married: Gertrude Theresa Bertrand
     Married: 25 Nov 1939 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA
     No Issues

Herman Kohsaat Barnett mentioned in the record of Herman Kohsaat Barnett and Gertrude Theresa Bertrand
Name    Herman Kohsaat Barnett Event Type Marriage Event Date 25 Nov 1939 Event Place Los Angeles, California, United States Gender Male Age 41 Birth Year (Estimated)     1898 Father's Name Ferdinand L Barnett Mother's Name    Ida B Wells Spouse's Name:   Gertrude Theresa Bertrand Spouse's Age29 Spouse's Gender Female Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1910 Spouse's Father's Name Joseph C Bertrand Spouse's Mother's Name  Beaulah Lewis Page 81

California, County Marriages, 1850-1952
GS Film number     2114343
Digital Folder Number 005698642
Image Number       02823

Citing this Record
"California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 28 November 2014), Herman Kohsaat Barnett and Gertrude Theresa Bertrand, 25 Nov 1939; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California; FHL microfilm 2,114,343.


Web Source Image:

Attorney Barnett of Chicago Weds Angel City Girl
 Los Angeles, Nov 30, Attorney Herman K. Barnett, son of the late Ida B. Wells Barnett, was married her Saturday to Theresa Bertrand. The simple ceremony was read by Honorable Frank G. Tyrell, Municipal Court Judge, at his North Normandie Boulevard residence.  Those who attended the wedding ceremony were Dr. Bert L. Boswell, Miss Irama Lewis, J.G. Bertrand, the bride’s father, Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Houston , Mr. E. L. Duffy, Miss Lucille Davin, and Mrs. Cornelius Gadbury, and Winston Williams: Madame Nona M. Bern’s and Clarabell Casby.

The Groom is Prominent Attorney, having been born in Chicago. His late father was attorney Ferdinand L. Barnett, the first Negro Appointed Assistant States Attorney Who will grace the Chicago Housing Project.

 The Bridegroom, himself, was also Assistant State’s Attorney of Cook County. He came to Los Angeles several years ago.  His bride is a native of Biloxi, Mississippi and is the daughter of Mr. J. G. Bertrand of Los Angeles and Buelah Morris of Milton, Florida.  Mr. Barnett is a charter member of Tau Chapter of the Alpha fraternity.

The Pittsburg Courier December 2, 1939 Page: 9

Herman Kohlsaat Barnett Illinois, Cook County, Birth Certificates
Name   Herman Kohlsaat Barnett Event Type Birth Event Date   12 Nov 1898 Event Place Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States Registration Date  26 Jan 1942 Registration Place,   Cook, Illinois Gender    Male Father's Name            Ferdinand Lee Barnett Father's Birthplace Nashville, Tennessee Father's Age 45 Father's Estimated Birth Year            1853 Mother's NameIda  Belle Wells Mother's Birthplace  Holly Springs, Mississippi Mother's Age 33 Mother's Estimated Birth Year     1865 Certificate Number 111194

Citing this Record
"Illinois, Cook County, Birth Certificates, 1871-1940," database, FamilySearch ( : 18 May 2016), Herman Kohlsaat Barnett, 12 Nov 1898; citing Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States, reference/certificate 111194, Cook County Courthouse, Chicago; FHL microfilm .
Illinois, Cook County, Birth Certificates, 1871-1940
Digital Folder Number            100814767
Image Number       00313

Herman K Barnett  in the California, Death Index, 1940-1997
Name: Herman K Barnett  Social Security #: 550266537  Gender: Male  Birth Date: 12 Nov 1897  Birth Place: Illinois  Death Date: 6 Apr 1975  Death Place: Los Angeles  

The Los Angeles
Times Southland
Monday Morning July 3, 1961
Page 30
Herman K. Barnett, 62, an attorney, was Born in Chicago.  His father was, Ferdinand Barnett, was the first Nergo judge ever Elected to Municipal Court in Chicago and His Mother, Ida B. Wells Barnnett, was Well know as a newspaper editor and club -Woman.

Barnett came to Los Angeles in 1932 and Took an active part in several and national Political campaigns.  In 1938 he was  Appointed campaigns.  In 1938 he was Appointed administrative assistant in the County department of rehabilitation and Was named manager of the Carver Park Housing Project at Henderson, NEV., In 1943.  Since that time he has engaged in  Various business but has never lost his  Interest in politics.

 Barnett organized the Associated Citizens of America in 1960, a non- Profit corporation.
“We support President Kennedy and the Hon. James Roosevelt in the  national  Elections and Samuel Yorty in the  Mayorlity election, said Barnett “Although a Registered Democrat, I believe I could be of great service to all people of the 10th District, regardless of race, color, creed or political affiliation.”

 Herman Kohlsaat Barnett The Los Angeles Times July 3, 1961 Page 30

3.     Ida Bell. Wells Jr.
           Born: August 13, 1901 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
           Died: August 4, 1988 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA
           Parents: Ferdinand Lee Barnett, Ida B. Wells
           Occupation: Editor
           Cause of Death:
           Date of Burial: August 21, 1988
             Religion: Methodist
             Age at Death: 87 years, 12 days
             Social Security #: Number: 349-16-6789; Issue State: Illinois; Issue Date: Before 1951

Ida Bellwells Barnett  in the California, Death Index, 1940-1997
Name:  Ida Bellwells Barnett Social Security #:    349166789 Gender: Female Birth Date: 13 Aug 1901 Birth Place: Illinois Death Date:       4 Aug 1988 Death Place: Los Angeles Mother's Maiden Name:    Wells

Ida B Barnett, 86 of Los Angeles, California
Ida Barnett, daughter of rights leader, journalist
Chicago Sun-Times (IL) - Thursday, August 11, 1988

Ida B. Barnett, 86, the last surviving child of crusading journalist and famed civil rights leader Ida B. Wells of Chicago, died Aug. 4 in Los Angeles.

Miss Barnett helped edit her mother's autobiography, Crusade for Justice: the Autobiography of Ida B. Wells, published in 1970. She lived in Chicago until 1986, when she moved to California.

Miss Barnett's parents were two of the nation's leading champions of civil rights.

Her father, Ferdinand L. Barnett, was a lawyer and owner of the first black newspaper in Chicago, the Chicago Conservator. He also became the first black assistant state's attorney in Cook County and the state.

Miss Barnett was her father's secretary until his death in 1938.

In 1895, he had married Ida B. Wells, who was 33 and already internationally known for her crusade against lynchings of blacks.

Ida B. Wells was one of the original 40 founders of the NAACP in 1910, organized the first Negro woman's club in Chicago in 1893, teamed with Jane Addams of Hull House to block separate schools for blacks in Chicago, and was a leading advocate for women to get the vote.

Ida B. Wells was inducted into the Black Press Hall of Fame last year, and a Chicago Housing Authority project is named in her honor. She died in 1931.

Miss Barnett helped raise the children of her sister, Alfreda Duster, after the sister's husband died in 1945. She assisted Mrs. Duster from 1968 to 1970 in editing their mother's autobiography. Mrs. Duster died in 1982.

A memorial service will be held at 5 p.m. Aug. 21 at Woodlawn United Methodist Church, 1208 E. 64th St.

Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Sun-Times (IL) - Thursday, August 11, 1988

Chicago Sun-Times, Illinois, ( : accessed 17 December 2016) Ida B Barnett


4.     Alfreda Marguerita Barnett

Born: 03 Sep 1904 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Died: 04 Apr 1983 Billings Hospital Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
                               950 E. 59th Street
                               Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Benjamin Ceil Duster
Parents: Ferdinand Lee Barnett, Ida B. Wells
Occupation: Biographer Activist editor of Crusade for Justice
                       Retired Social Worker
Cause of Death: Cardio Respiratory Arrest
Date of Burial: April 6, 1983
Funeral Services: April 9, 1983
              Woodlawn United Methodist Church
               1208 E. 64th St, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Age at Death: 78 years, 7 months
Birth Certificate: 1287752
Death Certificate: 60682
Mortuary: Gondor Wilson
                   12534 S. Harlem Ave
                   Palos Heights, Cook, Illinois, USA
                   10240 S. Ewin Ave
                   Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Social Security#: Number: 329-24-3260; Issue State: Illinois; Issue Date: Before 1951
Residence: 6632 South Greenwood
                  Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Informant: Debra J. Polk No Relation
                  Hospital Records 174145643
Interment: Donated to Science

Alfreda Marguerita Barnett  in the Cook County, Illinois, Birth Certificates Index, 1871-19
Name: Alfreda Marguerita Barnett Birth Date: 3 Sep 1904 Birth Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois Ethnicity: American Gender:  Female Race: Black Father: Ferdinand L Barnett  Mother: Ida B Wells Barnett  FHL Film Number: 128807722


Alfreda Marguerita Barnett  in the Cook County, Illinois, Birth Certificates Index, 1871-19
Name: Alfreda Marguerita Barnett Birth Date: 3 Sep 1904 Birth Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois Ethnicity: American Gender:  Female Race: Black Father: Ferdinand L Barnett  Mother: Ida B Wells Barnett  FHL Film Number: 128807722


Alfreda Duster  in the Cook County, Illinois Death Index, 1 908-1988
Name: Alfreda Duster Death Date: 2 Apr 1983 Death Location: Cook County, IL File Number: 6006872 Archive Collection Name: Cook County Genealogy Records (Deaths) Archive repository location:
Chicago, IL Archive repository name: Cook County Clerk


Married: 09 Jul 1925 Illinois
Issues: Alfreda, Benjamin, Charles, Donald, and Troy

Rites For Civic Leader Alfreda Duster, 78
A MEMORIAL service for Alfreda Barnett Duster, a south side civic leader will be at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Woodlawn United Methodist Church, 1208 E. 64th St.
Mrs. Duster, 78, of the South Side neighborhood, of Woodlawn, died last Saturday in Billings Hospital.  She was the youngest daughter of Ida B. Wells after whom the Chicago Housing Authority named a South Side Housing Complex.

Mrs. Duster a lifelong Chicago resident, was the editor of Crusade for Justice,” the 1970 autobiographer of her mother.  After the book’s publication by the University of Chicago Press, Mrs. Duster spoke over the next decade on the work of her mother, journalist who crusaded against lynchings, and others who championed black rights.

Mrs. Duster’s father was Ferdinand Barnett, founder of the Conservator, the first black newspaper in Chicago.  

She was A graduate of the University of Chicago, and she had been a member of the Illinois Youth Commission and the chairman of the Woodlawn Model Cities Council.  

In addition, she founded the Wells Duster Civic Organization and was a member of the NAACP, the women’s board of the University of Chicago and opportunity Centers, a privately funded job-training and education program.  

For her work, Mrs. Duster received an honorary doctorate from Chicago State University, a citation from the University of Chicago Alumni Association and the Bootstrap Award from the Opportunity Centers. 

She is survived by four sons, Benjamin C., Charles E., Donald L. and Troys.; a daughter Alfreda Duster Ferrell; a sister and 15 grandchildren. 

Chicago Tribune April 4, 1983 Page 12 Alfreda Marguerita Barnett Duster

Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life