Monday, February 29, 2016


Maggie L ena Walker

Name: Maggie Dalena Cuthbert
Alias: Maggie Lena Mitchell, Maggie Lena Walker
Born: July 15, 1864 Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
Died: December 15, 1934 Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
Spouse: Armstead Walker
Parents: Eccles Max Cuthbert, Elizabeth Draper
Occupation: Financial Business Woman
                         First Woman to open, Operate & President of a Major Bank
Cause of Death: Diabetes & Gangrene
Date of Burial: December 19, 1934
Age at Death:  YRS; 70 MOS: 5 DYS: 0
Funeral: First African Baptist Church
                Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
Mortuary: A.W. Price Jr.
                   210 Leigh Street
                   Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
Informant: Melvin Dewitt Walker  Deceased Son
                     110 E. Leigh Street
                     Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
Find A Grave Memorial# 9104631
Interment:  Evergreen Cemetery Plot: Section Y, Plot 2
                      Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Maggie Lena Walker  in the Virginia, Death Records, 1912-2014
Name: Maggie Lena Walker [Maggie Lena Mitchell] Gender: Female Race: Black Age at Death: 63 Birth Date: abt 1871 Death Date: 15 Dec 1934 Death Place: Richmond, Virginia, USA Registration Date: 19 Dec 1934 Father: William Mitchell Mother: Elizabeth Draper Spouse: Armstead Walker Jr


Web Source Image:

Date: Sunday, December 16, 1934 Paper: Richmond Times Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia) Page: 1

Maggie L. Walker, Noted Leader of Negroes, Dies at Home Here
Mrs. Maggie L. Walker, Richmond’s most distinguished Negro Citizen died at 8:30 O’clock last night at her home at 110 East Leigh Street.  She has been active for more than 50 years in the business and educational life of the city.
Mrs. Walker, acclaimed by many the greatest Negro race leader since Booker T. Washington, was honored by members of her race in every part of the country.

Builder of the Independent Order of St. Luke, a fraternal Insurance Company and the oldest and second largest, Negro organization in the United States.  Mrs. Walker and also the distinction of being the only American Negro woman to be president of a bank.
She was chairman of the board of directors of the Consolidated Bank and Trust Company, formerly the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank. And institution founded in 1902 which has weathered every financial cribs and still stands, a monument to Negro business ability. It has resources of more than $500,000.  Mrs. Walker was president of the Bank for 25 years and retired to assume the chairmanship of its board two years ago.  Respond one of the wealthiest of American Negro Women, Mrs. Walker was also a leader in Negro Education and a pioneer in Negro Social Work.

Date: Sunday, December 16, 1934 Paper: Richmond Times Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia)  Page: 6  



Negro Leader, Dies

Continued From First Page

As head of the order of St. Luke, she found the St. Luke Educational Fund, to assist Negro boys and girls to get educations.

She was also organizer and president of the Council of Colored Women, trustee of the National Training School in Washington, national director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, board member of the National Urban League, the Negro Organization Society and the Virginia Interracial Committee.


She served for some years upon appointment of various Governor of the Virginia as the Negro member of the board of trustees of the Virginia Industrial School for Girls and the Virginia Manual Labor School in Hanover County.

Her great life achievement, however, was the building up of the Independent Order of St. Luke from a struggling insurance society to an extensive organization covering 24 States and touching the life of Negroes in every population center in the country. 

With this Society, Mrs. Walker has been connected in various capacities for nearly half a century.  The order was founded in Baltimore in 1867.  Mrs. Walker became connected with it in 1886, became grand secretary in 1899, and built it up until it had collected over $3,000, 000 in premiums and become a national institution.

In Richmond, Mrs. Walker was regarded by her fellows with a veneration akin to awe.  She was the literal ruler of the Negro life of the city, and her word was accepted as oracular by thousands of admires.

Parents Were Slaves

Maggie Mitchell was born Maggie Lena Mitchell, daughter of Elizabeth Draper and William Mitchell.  Who were Slaves belonging to Van-Lew family of Richmond.

 Her early life was lived in the Shadow of on Church Hill, of the Celebrated Miss Elizabeth Van-Lew who conducted an “Underground railway” for runaway slaves in pre-war days and furnished the Union Army with information during the days of 1861-1865

 As a girl she attended the Richmond Public Schools and in 1888 graduated from the Colored High and Normal School at the head of her class.  For three years after her graduation she taught school in Richmond schools.

On September 14, 1890, she married Armistead Walker, who died about 20 years ago.  One son, Melvin DeWitt Walker, survives her and for grandchildren, Maggie Laura, Armistead, Nannie Evelyn and Elizabeth Mitchell Walker.  A foster daughter, Pollie Payne, also survives.

Injured by a fall some years ago.  Mrs. Walker was confined to a wheel chair the later years of her life.  Nothing daunted, she went everywhere in a wheel chair, and even had a special limousine constructed to carry her chair with her in trips to other cities.

 Ill health, forced Mrs. Walker to discontinue many of her activities in recent months.  In October she was honored by the Negroes of the United States when the whole month was observed, by all Negro Organizations.  As “Maggie L. Walker Month,” and a thousand statuettes of her placed in Negro homes, schools and business houses.

She was the recipient of several honorary degrees and was as much respected by the white race as she was venerated by her own. She headed the Negro section of the Community Fund drive a number of times and was prominent in all community enterprises.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.


Date: Sunday, December 16, 1934 Paper: Richmond Times Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia) Page: 2  

Walker—Maggie L. Walker died Saturday, December 15, 1934, at 8 P.M. at her residence, 110 East Leigh Street.  She leaves to mourn their loss one son, Melvin DeWitt Walker; four grandchildren, Maggie Laura Walker, Armstead Walker, Evelyn Walker and Elizabeth Mitchell Walker; a foster daughter, Polly A. Payne; two daughters-in-law, Hattie M.F. Walker and Ethel M. Walker, and a host of other relatives and friends.  Funeral notice later.

A.D. Price Jr., Funeral Director.


Maggie L. Walker
THE passing of Mrs. Maggie L. Walker removes from the scene one of the greatest Negro leaders in America, and probably the foremost member of the colored race ever born in Virginia, with the single exception of Booker T. Washington.  The Founder of Tuskegee was a native of Franklin County, while Mrs. Walker was born here in Richmond.

Mrs. Walker was an important influence in the up building of her race, a sane counsellor in time of stress, a wise and successful business executive, a generous-hearted contributor to charitable causes, and a wholesome influence in interracial relationships.
She was so quiet and unobtrusive in manner, that many Richmonders were perhaps unaware that she was a national figure, an outstanding Negro leader whose career was inspiration to the members of her race from coast to coast.

Few representatives of any race come into the world with more native ability, more sound business acumen than that with which Mrs. Walker was endowed.  The child of former slaves, she began life with few advantages, but she made the most of her opportunities and her influence soon was felt in the community. Her Richmond bank successfully weather the depression, and the Independent Order of St. Luke was brought to its present state of usefulness through her efforts.

I t is doubtful if any Negro now living in the South has attained to greater eminence than Maggie L. Walker had achieved when she died on Saturday, with the possible exception of Dr. Robert R. Morton, the retiring head of Tuskegee Institute.  The esteem in which she was held by Negroes Through-out America is attested by the observance of “Maggie L. Walker Month” in October by Negro organizations in all parts of the country.

Her death, following a protracted illness in which she bore her sufferings with notable fortitude, leaves a gap in the ranks of American Negro leadership which can be filled only with difficulty.  Certainly here in Richmond there is no one at the moment who can replace her.  She was subgenres

Armstead Walker Jr.
The Husband of Maggie Lena Mitchell

Name: Armstead Walker Jr

Born: December 1860 Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA

Died: June 20, 1915 110 1/2 East Leigh Street, Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Spouse: Maggie Dalena Cuthbert

Parents: Armstead Walker Sr., Mary Ann

Occupation: Building Contractor of Brick

Cause of Death: Shooting with a Pistol, His Son Mistakenly Mistook as Burglar

Date Taken: June 22, 1915

Age at Death:  YRS: 54 MOS: 6

Death Record:  13986

Funeral: First African Baptist Church

                Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Mortuary: A.W. Price Jr.

                   210 Leigh Street

                   Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Find A Grave Memorial# 18425752

Informant: Maggie Lena Walker; Deceased Wife

Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Armistead Walker  in the Virginia, Death Records, 1912-2014
Name: Armistead Walker Gender: Male Race: Black Age at Death: 52 Birth Date: abt 1863 Death Date: 20 Jun 1915 Death Place: Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA  Registration Date: 22 Jun 1915 Spouse: Maggie Walker


Web Source Image:

Date: Monday, June 21, 1915 Paper: Richmond Times Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia) Page: 10



Armistead Walker, Colored, Husband of Maggie L. Walker, Is Instantly Killed.


Russell Walker, the Son, Is Placed Under Arrest and Bailed in Sum of $1000-Family Is Prominent Among Negroes of City.

Armistead Walker, colored, husband of Maggie L. Walker, president of St. Luke’s Penny Savings Bank of Richmond, and secretary-treasurer of the Right Worth Grand Council, I.O. St. Luke’s, was shot dead by his son Russell E.T. Walker on the back porch of their home, 110 East Leigh Street, about 9 O’clock last night.

The Killing was accidental, according to statements made by members of the family who claim the son mistook his father for a burglar for whom both were searching.  Detective Sergeant Wiltshire noted several discrepancies in the statements given him, and is conducting an investigation.  Coroner Taylor viewed the body last night, but announced that he would reserve his decision as to an inquest pending the result of the police investigations.

The Family was aroused Saturday night by noises in the house which were thought to have been made by a burglar. The police were notified, but a search of the premises failed to disclose any evidence of depredations.  Yesterday, the father and son are said to have borrowed pistols and to have awaited a possible return of the supposed burglar.  A half-house after the weapons had been borrowed, it is said, the shooting occurred.



A Composite statement, from the several made by members of the family and persons in the neighborhood, was to the effect that the men had heard a noise on the roof of the house shortly after 9 O’clock last night.  Both went to the roof, but found nothing.

The son is said have come down to the second floor by the front way, while the father is said to have descended by means of a rear flight of stairs.  The son, coming down the second story hallway, heard a noise on the back porch and saw the form of a man standing near one of the posts.  He fired and the man fell.  It was his parent Walker died within a few seconds, the bullet having penetrated the left temple.

The sound of the shot attracted wide-spread attention throughout the neighborhood, and the house was soon filled with a large crowd of negroes who live in the vicinity.  Several physicians were summoned at once as was Attorney H. M. Smith, Jr., counsel for Maggie Walker.  The police were not informed of what had transpired at the house.


Policemen J. H. Harris and Willis learned of the disturbance ad went to the house.  None of the Negroes on the lower floor would say what the trouble was, and the officers proceeded to the second floor without knowing of the shooting.  Their first intimation of the killing was gained when they opened the back porch door and come upon the body of the dead man.  Inquires brought to light the fact that the son had fired the fatal shot.

Headquarters was notified at once, and Detective Wiltshire, with Coroner Taylor, hurried to the house. Coroner Taylor arrived first and listened to the story told by the son.

Detective Wilshire reached the house simultaneously with Attorney Smith.  The detective heard the son say that they had secured the pistol from his father’s dresser when they started to search for the burglar, and that the mother was on the front porch at the time of the shooting.

Wiltshire went to the mother and from her learned that both of the men were armed, and that the son had borrowed his weapon during the earl night.

Detective Wiltshire Finds but One Pistol.

The detective made an extensive search for the weapons, but found only one.   It was located in a flower pot, and contained one exploded shell.

Maggie Walker, wife of the slain man, is one of the wealthiest negroes in this city.  Armistead Walker was formerly a mail carrier, but more recently has been engaged in brick contracting with his brother.  Russell Walker, the caused his death, is manager of the concern.

Russell Walker was arrested by Detective Wiltshire and Policeman Willis W.E. Clarke and J. H. Harris following a brief investigation of the shooting.  At the direction of Judge Richardson, he was bailed for his appearance in the Police Court on Wednesday.  Bail was granted at $1,000.

No arrangements for the funeral of Walker had been made last night, and it is probable that they will be postponed, pending Coroner Taylor’s decision as to the necessity of an inquest.  The coroner will decide the point this morning.  Walker’s body was turned over to Undertaker Price to be prepared for burial.

Married: September 14, 1886: Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Maggie L. Mitchell in the Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940

Name: Maggie L. Mitchell Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Age: 22 Birth Date: 1864 Birth Place:  Richmond Marriage Date: 14 Sep 1886 Marriage Place: Richmond, Virginia Father: William Mitchell Mother: Elizabeth Mitchell Spouse: Armistead Walker Jr. FHL Film Number:2048498 Reference ID: p 69



Russell Eccles Talmage Walker

Armstead Mitchell Walker

Melvin DeWitt Walker

Russell Eccles Talmage Walker


1. Russell Eccles Talmage Walker

Born: December 9, 1890 719 North 3rd St, Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Died:  November 9, 1923 110 1/2 East Leigh Street, Richmond, Independent Cities,

           Virginia, USA

Spouse: Hattie A. Frazier

Parents: Armistead Walker,

               Maggie Dalena Cuthbert

               Occupation: Occupation: Book-Keeper  Industry: Insurance Co

               Cause of Death:  Acute Catarrhal Gastritis

          Date of Burial: November 25, 1923

          Age at Death: YRS: 33 MOS: 11 DYS: Ø

          Death Certificate #: 26791-2542

          Funeral: First African Baptist Church

                              Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

              Mortuary: A.W. Price Jr.

                                 210 Leigh Street

                                 Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

          Informant: Maggie Lena Walker Deceased Mother

               110 1/2 East Leigh Street,

                Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

          Find A Grave Memorial# 18478697

          Interment: Evergreen Cemetery; Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Russell E. T. Walker in the Virginia, Death Records, 1912-2014

Name: Russell E T Walker Gender: Male Race: Black  Age at Death: 33  Birth Date: abt 1890  Death Date: 23 Nov 1923  Death Place: Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA  Registration Date: 24 Nov 1923  Father: Armistead Walker  Mother: Maggie L Mitchell 



Web Source Image:

Date: Saturday, November 24, 1923  Paper: Richmond Times Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia)  Page: 16  

Walker-Died, Suddenly, Friday, November 23, Russell E. T. Walker, Son of Mrs. Maggie L. Walker.  Funeral from the residence 110 East Leigh Street Sunday, November 23, 3 P.M.

Married: September 26, 1912 Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Marriage Certificate:
cn 22073
Russell Talmage Walker
Maggie Laura Walker

Russell Walker mentioned in the record of Russell Walker and Harriet Frasure

  Name     Russell Walker      Event Type     Marriage       Event Date     26 Sep 1912       Event Place     Manhattan, New York, New York, United States   Gender     Male       Age     22       Marital Status     Single       Race     Black       Birth Year (Estimated)  1890      Birthplace     Richmond, Va.      Father's Name    Armistead Walker Jr.        Mother's Name    Maggie L. Mitchell   Spouse's Name    Harriet Frasure    Spouse's Gender     Female      Spouse's Age     22       Spouse's Marital Status     Single       Spouse's Race     Black      Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated)   1890      Spouse's Birthplace     Richmond, Va.       Spouse's Father's Name    Herbert Frasure     

 Spouse's Mother's Name    Laura Steward     



Citing this Record

"New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1940," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 February 2016), Russell Walker and Harriet Frasure, 26 Sep 1912; citing Marriage, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York City Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,613,527.


Armstead Mitchell Walker

2.    Armstead Mitchell Walker
           Born: July 8, 1893 719 North 3rd St, Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
           Died: February 4, 1894 719 North 3rd St, Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
           Parents: Armstead Walker Jr.
                         Maggie Dalena Cuthbert
                Age at Death: YRS: Ø MOS: 6 DYS: 4

Walker Family

Maggie L. Walker: Pioneering Banker and Community Leader
By Candice F. Ransom
Page 44


Melvin De Witt Walker


3.    Melvin DeWitt Walker
Born: August 19, 1897 719 North 3rd St, Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
Died: December 31, 1935 110 1/2 East Leigh Street; Richmond, Independent Cities,
          Virginia, USA
Spouse: Ethel B. Robinson
Parents: Armstead Walker Jr.
                         Maggie Dalena Cuthbert AKA Maggie Lena Walker
          Occupation: Book-keeper
         Cause of Death: Pneumonia
         Date of Burial: January 3, 1936
         Age at Death: YRS: 38 MOS: 4 DYS: 12
         Death Certificate #:  28017-2925
        Funeral: First African Baptist Church
                          Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
          Mortuary: A.P. Hayes
                             Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA
          Informant: Ethel R. Walker Deceased Wife
                              110 1/2 East Leigh Street;
                        Richmond, Independent Cities,
                        Virginia, USA
         Find A Grave Memorial# 27047428
        Interment: Evergreen Cemetery; Richmond, Independent Cities, Virginia, USA

Melvin De Witt Walker  in the Virginia, Death Records, 1912-2014
Name  Melvin De Witt Walker Gender: Male Race: Black Age at Death:  38 Birth Date:    10 Aug 1897 Death Date: 31 Dec 1935 Death Place: Richmond, Virginia, USA Registration Date: 3 Jan 1936 Father: Armstead Walker Mother: Maggie Lena Mitchell Spouse: Ethel R Walker




Web Source Image:

Married: 1919
Armstead Dewitt Walker
Mamie Evelyn Walker
Elizabeth Mitchell Walker

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