Friday, September 20, 2013

James Anderson 2nd Marriage to Isabella Bryan [nee Huggins]

James Anderson 2nd Marriage to Isabella Bryan [nee Huggins]
The Genealogy of James Anderson
Begins with the marriage of his second wife
Isabella Bryan

The Genealogy of James Anderson

James Anderson is the Grandfather of Karl James Anderson a famous painter [1874-1956] and Sherwood Berton Anderson famous Novelist of Winesburg Ohio 1919.  [1876-1941]

Name: James Anderson
Born:  March 1, 1796 Cumberland   County; Pennsylvania
Died:  May 11, 1886 Tiffin Adams County;   Ohio
Spouse:  Mary Baird 1st
               Isabella Bryan 2nd [nee Huggins]
Parents: Robert Anderson
              Elizabeth Dickey
Occupation: Farmed
Political Party: Whig-Republican
Religion:  Presbyterian
Military: United States Army
Cause of Death:
Interment:  -----Death Record Pending April 5, 2011 Mailed Brown County Records

Brown County Probate  Court
Brown County Probate Court
510 East State Street, Georgetown, OH 45121-1480(937) 378-6549 ‎

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1
Sherwood Anderson Grandfather, was James Anderson, who had been born in Cumberland County South Central Pennsylvania on March 1, 1796, of parents who themselves both from that county.  In 1807, when James was eleven, his parents, Robert and Elizabeth Dickey Anderson, joined the great Scotch-Irish and German migration from Pennsylvania homestead into southern Ohio; in the fall of 1808 they took up three hundred acres of land a miles North West Union, the newly settled seat of Adams County, some sixty-five miles southeast of Cincinnati, close to the Ohio River.  On this farm James Anderson lived until, in 1866, he moved to the nearby town of Sardinia, Ohio, where he died on May 11, 1886, at the age of ninety.1  pg 3


1.  James Anderson comes from Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers, A History of Adams County Ohio. [West Union, OH: E:B Stivers 19000], pp 504-5



Name: Isabella Bryan
Born:  July 2, 1806   Adams County Ohio
Died:  March  16, 1896 Mission Hills Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California
Spouse: Zimir Huggins 1st
              James Anderson 2nd
Parents: Jesse Bryan,  Martha ?
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Old Age
Date of Burial: 16 March 1896
Interment:   IOOF CEMETERY   SANTA CRUZ MEMORIAL PARK 1927 OCEAN ST Santa Cruz CA 95060 Block I, Lot 69

 AKA  Santa Cruz Memorial Park Cemetery
1927 Ocean St
Santa Cruz, California

Married: November 7, 1844 Highland County Ohio
On November 7, 1844, he married Isabella Bryan Huggin’s, a thirty-eight year old widow with two sons of her own. Page 3
Sherwood Anderson A Write in America Volume 1
By Walter B. Rideout
ISBN: 978-0-299-21530-9 COPYWRITE 2006 
Ohio Marriages, 1800-1958 for James Anderson Groom's
Name: James Anderson Bride's Name: Issabella Huggins Marriage Date: 07 Nov 1844 Marriage Place: Highland, Ohio Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M51447-2 System Origin: Ohio-ODM Source Film Number: 570613
Web Source Image:
Huggins: 1. Nelson A.    & Herman A.
The History of Adam County Ohio  Page 505
James Anderson comes from Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers, A History of Adams County Ohio. [West Union, OH: E:B Stivers 19000], pp 504-5
US Biographies
                        AND KARL JAMES ANDERSON
Irwin McLain Anderson
1.    Irwin McLain Anderson Sr.
              Alias: Major—The story Teller 
             Born: August 7, 1845 Tiffin Adams County Ohio
             Died: May 23, 1919 Jefferson Montgomery County Ohio
             Spouse: Emma Smith 1st, Minnie Dunn 2nd
             Parents:  James Anderson
                            Isabella Bryan Huggins,
             Occupation: Improvident Harness-maker/Painter
            Cause of Death: Cerebral Hemorrhage
            Date of Burial: May 24, 1919
             Certificate#: 66218
             Religion: Presbyterian August 21, 1873
            Military Service: Union--PVT INFANTRY CIVIL WAR—Calvary United States Army
            Age at Death: YRS: 73 MOS:  10 DYS: 16
             GAR: Grand Army Republic
             Interment: Dayton National Cemetery Section 2 Row 2 Site 15 VA Medical Center 4100 West Third Street
                Dayton, OH 45428
The History of Adam County Ohio  Page 505
James Anderson comes from Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers, A History of Adams County Ohio. [West Union, OH: E:B Stivers 19000], pp 504-5
Anderson, James to I.M. Anderson Camden, 1877 1 & 2
Reproduced from the original in the possession of
James is the father Of Irwin Anderson [1796-1886]
.M. Irwin Anderson son of James Anderson [1845-1919]


U.S., Burial Registers, Military Posts and National Cemeteries, 1862-1960
about Irwin M Anderson
Name: Irwin M Anderson Death Date: 23 May 1919 Burial Place: Dayton, Ohio Cemetery:
Dayton National Cemetery Grave Site: 2-2-15 Source Citation: The National Cemetery Administration;  Dayton National Cemetery, Burial Ledger, c. 1800-1993.


2    Benjamin Dickey Anderson
            Born: June 8, 1847 Tiffin Adam County Ohio
              Died:  September 17, 1908 Mission Hills Santa Cruz Town, Santa Cruz County, California
             County, California
             Spouse: Mary Jennie.
             Parents:  James Anderson
                            Isabelle Bryan
             Occupation: Harness Maker
             Cause of Death: Cerebral Apoplexy
              Death Certificate #: 8-024452
              Date of Burial#: September 20, 1909
              Informant: Mrs. B D Anderson [Mary Jennie]
              Age at Death: YRS: 61 MOS: 3 DYS: 9
             Interment: IOOF CEMETERT SANAT CRUZ MEMORIAL PARK 1927 OCEAN ST Santa Cruz CA 95060 Block I, Lot 69
AKA  Santa Cruz Memorial Park Cemetery
1927 Ocean St
Santa Cruz, California

Issue:  Clarence Brown Anderson [1875-1897]
In 1880 there were three harness makers in town rather than the two, including Irwin, 1875, possibly; however, the departure was somehow linked to financial troubles on the part of Irwin’s brother, Benjamin Dickey Anderson, who seems to have been at this time, though no one knows for how long, a harness maker in the village of Fairhaven nearby to both Morning Sun and Camden, and who was probably the Anderson of oral Tradition who “skipped out of. . .Fairhaven owning a bill for leather.” Whatever the reason, the local newspaper, the Camden Herald, noted in its “Personal” Column for the issue of September 1, 1877, that I.M. Anderson will leave here in a few days for Independence, Ohio. Where he will engage in  business.” Once again the Andersons were taking up their migration generally northward through Ohio.
Page 17
ISBN 978-0299-2153-9  By Walter Bates Rideout
The somewhat confused evidence on this matter is given TRTW, page 496-98, and Dinsmoor, “An Inquiry,” p. 7. In addition one should note in Morgan’s Directory of Preble County, p. 163, that a B.D. Anderson” was then dealing in “Horses and & Saddles,” in “Fair Haven.” Since Benjamin Dickey Anderson was a harness maker, it seems probable that this was Irwin’s younger brother, an identification strengthened by the conflicting stories as to the town from which an Anderson left without paying a bill. Further, this identification may help explain Benjamin Dickey’s removal by 1886 to California.
Page 706
ISBN 978-0299-2153-9 By Walter Bates Rideout
Encyclopedia of American Biography 80 Eight Ave. New York. N.Y.
June 7th 1941
There is a record of my father’s family written by his brother Dickee.  Things in it that I remember being told. He was named after a famous spy named Dickey.
 1.    Karl Anderson [1874-1956] Nephew
Series 4: Family Correspondence, 1904-1968 
Letters to and from Sherwood Anderson's family  members. A bulk of the correspondence (five document cases) is from Sherwood Anderson to Eleanor Copenhaver Anderson and is rich in information regarding Sherwood's travels during his lecture tours from 1930-1941. Also significant in size is Sherwood's correspondence to and from Laura Copenhaver, his mother-in-law. The series also includes letters to and from his children, brothers, and wives.  Arranged –alphabetically- by the author of the correspondence.
3-7- 1945   Anderson, Karl
Due to Copyright laws I cannot display the original Document Due to @ Copyright Laws.
Santa Cruz California
Surname         Given Name       Age    Nativity     Occupation      Residence                Naturalization               Date     Year
Anderson      Benjamin Dickey       40   Ohio         Clerk         Tulare                                                  29 Mar.      1888
Tulare County  California: 1890
Surname         First Name             Age    Nativity             Precinct       Page Registered      Naturalized
Anderson        Benjamin Dickey          43   Ohio                 Tulare           1    21 Aug 1890
Copyrighted © 1998 by Steven Williams.  Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Steven Williams .
USGENWEB NOTICE:  In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogy information on the Internet, data may be freely  used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations."
Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must contact the submitter or the listed USGenWeb archivist.
Uploaded 6 February 1998 by Steven Williams 
This file contains the names from the 1890 Great Register of Tulare County, California
Anderson        Benjamin Dickey          43   Ohio                 Tulare           1    21 Aug 1890
Anderson        James Newton             57   Ohio                 Tulare           1    14 Aug 1890 [1/2 Brother]

1.    Martha Carolina Anderson
Alias: Mattie
Born: February 12, 1850   Tiffin West Union Adams, County Ohio
Died:    5 Dec 1935   Spoka ne, Spokane County Washington
Spouse: James  Porter Mc Govney or McGoveney   1st
                              James  Frank  Major 2nd
              Parents: James Anderson
                            Isabelle Bryan
             Occupation: Housewife
             Cause of Death: Arteclorsis Senility
             Death Certificate#: 1641
            Date of Burial: December 7, 1935
          Age at Death: YRS: 85 MOS: 9 DYS: 23
         Interment: Riverside Park Cemetery Spokane; Spokane County   Washington
 Special Note:  Martha was born February 12, 1850  not 1854  She is found in the 1850 Federal Census

1850 United States Federal Census about Martha C Anderson
Name: Martha C Anderson Age: 0 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1850 Birth Place: Ohio Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City, County, State): Tiffin, Adams, Ohio Family Number: 1416 Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Tiffin, Adams, Ohio; Roll: M432_657; Page: 144B; Image: 292.
Date Taken: August 30, 1850
Web Source Image:
Married: December 21, 1869 Brown County  
Ohio, County Marriages, 1790-1950 for James Porter Mcgovney
Name: James Porter Mcgovney Titles & Terms:  Event: Marriage Event Date: 21 Dec 1869 Event Place: Brown, Ohio Spouse: Martha C. Anderson Reference Number: p215 Film Number: 384278 Digital Folder Number: 4016613 Image Number: 143
 1st James Porter McGovney The Marriage Record of Martha Carolina Anderson and James Porter McGovney
Web Source Image:
ISSUES: Clarence Adrian, Abby, & James Claude Mcgoveny
Second Marraige of Martha Caroline Anderson [nee McGoveny]
RRIED: February 12, 1885    Wichita  Sedgwick County, Kansas
McGovney, Mattie   Majors, James F.   12 Feb 1885 C210
 Issues:  Daisy & Lillian Major

The family of The Story Teller Irwin McLain Anderson I

The family of

The Story Teller

Irwin McLain Anderson I

Irwin McLain Anderson & Minnie Gertrude Dunn
                                                           Their Wedding Day
                         March 13, 1901 Connersville, Fayette County Indiana
                                                                            2nd Marriage

Name: Irwin Major McLain Anderson
Alias: Major—The Story Teller
Born: August 7, 1845 Tiffin Adams County Ohio
Died: May 23, 1919 Jefferson Montgomery County Ohio
Spouse: Emma Jane Smith 1st, Minnie Dunn 2nd [nee Stevens]
Parents:  James Anderson [ne –married before]2nd
                Isabella Bryan [nee—Huggins]2nd
Occupation:-Farmer/ Improvident Harness-maker/Painter
Cause of Death: Cerebral Hemorrhage
Medical: Crohn’s Disease developed during the Civil War
Date of Burial: May 24, 1919
Certificate#: 66218
Religion: Presbyterian August   21, 1873
Religion: Agnostic after civil war
Military Service: Union--PVT INFANTRY CIVIL WAR—Calvary United States Army
United One:  Company: F Regiment: 7 State: Ohio Arm of Service: Cavalry
United Two: Company G, 129th O. V. I.,
Age at Death: YRS: 73 MOS:  10 DYS: 16
Pension File#: 792320
Disable American Veteran: Yes
Interment: Dayton National Cemetery Section 2 Row 2 Site 15 VA Medical Center 4100 West Third Street Dayton, OH 45428


IRWIN M. ANDERSON, a resident of Clyde, Ohio, was born August 7, 1845, at West Union. His father was James Anderson, who was a separate sketch herein. Irwin Anderson went to school at West Union in the old stone schoolhouse which stood where the house occupied by John Knox now stands.

In June, 1863, he enlisted in Company G, 129th O. V. I., and served until the eighth of March following. He enlisted Aug. 25, 1864, in the Seventh Ohio Cavalry, and was mustered out with the company, July 1, 1865. In both services he was in the campaigns about East Tennessee. He was in the affair at Cumberland Gap on September 9, 1863; in Burnside's campaign against Longstreet that fall and winter. He was engaged in the siege of Knoxville in the Fall of 1864, and was in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee; Pulaski, Tennessee; Plantersville and Selma, Alabama, in 1865. After the war was over, he went to school in Xenia, Ohio, in 1865, and 1866. He then located in Mexico, Missouri, and was in the west and southwest from 1866 to 1870. In the latter year, he located in Camden, Ohio. He was married Oct. 14, 1873, to Miss Emma J. Smith, of Oxford, Ohio. He resided there until 1877. In that year, he located in Mansfield, Ohio, and worked for the Aultman-Taylor Company. He resided in Marion from 1880 to 1883, when he located in Clyde, Ohio, which has since been his home. His wife died May 10, 1895. He has six children, five sons and a daughter. His son, Carl J., is an artist in Springfield, Ohio, and illustrates the "Woman's Home Companion." His daughter, Stella, lives in Chicago with her brothers. Sherwood is a bookkeeper in Chicago, as is his son Irwin. His son, Ray, is a student and his son, Earl, is in an art school there. They all reside at No. 1036 Adams Street, and the sister keeps house for them.
Mr. Anderson takes a great interest in army organizations. For four years he has been engaged in preparing entertainments for various Grand Army Posts. He possesses considerable dramatic talent, and has been very successful in his work.


Crohn’s Disease:

Crohn's disease may also be called ileitis or enteritis. In the pension file, and the term as describe Crohn’s disease didn’t come about until 1932.



In Irwin’s pension file talk about poor diet and it also talk about the stress during his enlistments.
He also was low in weight he was between 5’ 8” or 5’9” in height his average weight was 144 LBS

Male Height to Weight Ratio





5' 8"




5' 9"





Weight Loss
Over the course of a lengthy flare up a loss of 20lbs or more is not uncommon.


Read more:'s#ixzz1ZkF1obRf

It is not Irwin fault to why he couldn’t work. The evidence is loud and clear.  What Crohn’s disease cause and how it came about is he developed it during the Civil War.  In 1880 he filed for pension.  He received.  Then for the next 25 years he was fighting for invalid status.  The disease progressed.  The average life; expectancy of the  disease 77 years today.  However, Irwin was at the time of death was 73 years old.  He died of Cerebral Hemorrhage.

 Genealogist have to look at everything as a whole when researching family.  Irwin definitely had  Crohn’s  everything I have read and learned for the past three years.  I believe Irwin developed Crohn’s disease during the Civil War.  This may help understand the disease.  I would love to help and talk about this.  If it can help researchers understand the disease.  And this is a great way to re-examine Crohn’s  all the conditions that have been spelled out in most of the readings and symptoms are all in Irwin’s file.  Most of all it is Sherwood Anderson’s father the author of Winesburg Ohio.

Description of Irwin McLain Anderson
Ht: 5’9”
Wt: 144
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Complexion: Dark

Source: Pension file 792320—The above is his vital when he was place in the Soldiers home.  Also his weight throughout the file  144 pounds.

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
On November 7, 1844, James Anderson married Isabella Bryan Huggins a thirty-eight-year- old widow with two sons of her own.  James and his second wife, a woman with “the same happy and genial disposition as her husband,” added yet two more sons and a daughter to a large harmonious family.  The oldest of this third and last set of children was Irwin McLain Anderson, who was born August 7, 1845, and was to become the father of Sherwood Anderson.

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Pg 3-4  The University Press of Wisconsin Press  ISBN: 0-209-21530-x  Date: 2006

Crohn's Disease  Called ileties or enteritis  in the pension file and these terms as described Crohn's disease didn't come about 1932


TERM: 1932


                           Emma Jane Smith

Name: Emma Jane Smith
Born: October 2, 1852, Oxford Butler County Ohio
Died: May 10, 1895 Clyde Sandusky County Ohio
Spouse: Irwin McLain Anderson
Parents: William H. Smith
             Margaret Austry
Occupation: Hard Working Homemaker
Cause of Death: Consumption
Death Record: VOL: 3 Page 41
Age at Death: YRS: 42 MOS: 8 DYS: 2
Religion: Methodist 1st
Religion: Presbyterian 2nd
Interment: McPherson Cemetery, Clyde Sandusky County Ohio

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Margaret Austry, was originally from Germany.  She was the daughter of one Henry Austry and was born, probably near Berlin, on September 10, 1830.  When she was still a young child, her parents brought her to the United States.  On December 22, 1851, at age of Cincinnati, for on that day she was married by a justice of the peace to William H. Smith, possibly an Englishman and a teacher, who probably lived near Oxford. By this husband Margaret had two daughters.  The first of these, Emma Jane, who was to become the mother of Sherwood Anderson, was born on October 1, 1852, near Oxford.  What-ever William Smith may have been like, faithfulness was not one of his strong points; in March of 1854 shortly before the birth of Emma’s sister Mary Ann, and he deserted his wife “without any cause” and permanently disappeared, leaving his family without support of her parents.
Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
On July 8, 1857 Margaret Smith petitioned the Court of Common Pleas of Butler County for a divorce, custody of the children, “reasonable alimony,” and restoration “to her maiden name Margaret Ostray on December 4, 1857, the divorce was granted.  Margaret was given exclusive Custody of the Children.

 The divorce decree released Margaret to marry again, and shortly thereafter, on March 29, 1858, she married a Louis Meyers, who seems to have been a farmer or farm laborer of German extraction, to have been about two years older than she, and to have lived either in or near Oxford [Butler] County Ohio.  However, though a year later Margaret bore yet another daughter, also named Margaret, this second marriage was hardly more fortunate than the first; for it appears that Louis Myers was killed by a bolt of lightning while standing under a tree.”

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin

Pg 13-14:  The University Press of Wisconsin Press  ISBN: 0-209-21530-x  Date: 2006

The Marriage of

Married: March 11, 1873 Israel, Preble  County Ohio

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
February 26, 1873, Irwin Anderson, age twenty-seven, and Emma Smith age twenty, were granted a marriage license by the probate judge of Preble County; and on March 11, they were united in marriage by the Reverenced Joseph MacHatton, pastor, for a dozen years of Hopewell Church, at a ceremony in the Faris Home.

Religion—Anderson Family--Presbyterian
Emma Smith Anderson decided to leave the Methodism for Presbyterianism, for on August 21, 1873, she was received into the Hopewell Church.  Religion was to be comfort in the difficult years yet to come.

Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter  B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Pg 15:  The University Press of Wisconsin Press  ISBN: 0-209-21530-x  Date: 2006

The Children
                                      Irwin McLain Anderson I
Emma Jane Smith
                                                            Irwin McLain Anderson
                                                                     Estelle, Karl James
Irwin McLain Jr., Ray Maynard, Earl Jason, & Sherwood Berton
The Fame of the Anderson
Karl James Anderson
American Painter
Sherwood Berton Anderson
AKA Lawrence
American Novelist
Winesburg Ohio

Karl Anderson

Oxford, Ohio 1874

Westport, Connecticut 1956

Photo Caption:
Karl Anderson, Peter A. Juley & Son Collection, Smithsonian American Art Museum J0030131.

Photo Caption:
Karl Anderson, Peter A. Juley & Son Collection, Smithsonian American Art Museum J0001201.



Photo 1:

1.       Carl James Anderson
               Alias:  Karl
               Born: January 13, 1874 Sun Morning; Oxford Butler County Ohio
             Died: May 18, 1956 Westport Sanitarium West Port Fairfield County Connecticut
             Spouse:  Helen H. Edgerton. Buell
             Parents: Irwin [Erwin] McLain Anderson
                            Emma Jane Smith
            Occupation: Artist---- impressionist painter of genre, mythology, symbolism
           Cause of Death: Cerebral artery thrombosis
           Date of burial: 21 May 1956
         Age at Death: YRS: 82 MOS: 4 DYS: 5
         State File #: 09224:  Certificate: 3;
         Interment: -- Mount Grove Cemetery Bridgeport Connecticut
Married: September 1, 1904 Washington County Ohio
Issues: Alice Melissa, and James Buell Anderson
2.  Estella Anderson
              Alias: Stella
             Born: April 13, 1875 Camden Preble County Ohio
             Died: May 10, 1917 Chicago, Cook County Illinois
                      Spouse: John H. Hill
            Parents:  Irwin McLain Anderson
                             Emma Jane Smith
            Occupation: Teacher
            Cause of Death: Hypostatic Pneumonia
           Certificate#: 15790
           Age at Death:  YRS: 41 DYS: 27
            Date of Burial: May 12, 1917
           Informant: John H. Hill
Religion: Presbyterian

Interment: Memorial Cemetery Chicago Cook County Illinois
Married: June 15, 1910 Chicago Cook County Illinois
Issue: Margaret E. Hill

3.  Sherwood Berton Anderson
      Alias:  Jobby Anderson Bert, Buck Fever, Zip Coon
      Special Note: Birth Record Lawrence
      Born: September 13, 1876 Camden Preble County Ohio
      Died:  March 8, 1941 Colón Panama
      Spouse: Cornelia Platt Lane 1st
                       Tennessee Caflin Mitchell 2nd
                        Elizabeth Norma Prall 3rd
                        Eleanor Gladys Copenhaver 4th
    Parents: Irwin McLain Anderson
                    Emma Jane Anderson
  Occupation: Advertiser copyeditor/ Businessman / Author
  Cause of Death: peritonitis Intestinal Blockage
  Contribution: Swallowed tooth pick while eating olive
   United States Military:  Ohio Army National Guard
                                 Rank:  Corporal
  Date of Enlistment:  April 25, 1898
Date of Mustard out:  May 24, 1899
Disable American Veteran: Yes
Served: Spanish American War
Time of Death: 5:49 P.M. Panama Time
  Date of Burial: March 26, 1941
     Informant:  Eleanor Gladys Copenhaver Anderson 4th wife
       Cremation: Yes
       Religion: Atheistic
       Interment: Round Hill Cemetery. Marion Smyth County Virginia


Sherwood Anderson

Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, D.C.; General Records of the Department of State; Record Group: RG59-Entry 205; Box Number: 1086; Box Description: 1940-1944 Panama An - Z.



Web Source Image 1:

Web Source Image 2:

 Web Source Image 3:

Web Source Image 4:

Web Source Image 5:


Web Source Image 6:

Washed out


Married:  16 May 1904 Toledo Lucas County Ohio
      Divorced: July 27, 1916   Berrien County Court Berrien County Michigan
      Cornelia Platt Lane
      Issues: Robert Land, John Sherwood, Marion Mimi Anderson


Married: 30 Jul 1916 Chateauguay Franklin County New York
        Divorced: April 5, 1924 Reno Washoe County Nevada
      Tennessee Caflin Mitchell
      No Issues:

 Married:  05 Apr 1924 Martinez Contra Costa County California
Divorced: February 2, 1932 Marion Smyth County Virginia
      Elizabeth Norma Prall
No Issues:

     Married: July 5, 1933 Marion Smyth County Virginia
     Death:  March 8, 1941 Colon Panama
    Eleanor Gladys Copenhaver
     No Issues:


4. Irwin McLain Anderson Jr.
    Born: June 10, 1877 Mansfield Richland County Ohio
    Died: April 28, 1934 Union Memorial Hospital Baltimore: Baltimore City;  
              Baltimore County Maryland
    Spouse: Anna R.  Maloney             
    Parents:  Irwin McLain Anderson
                     Emma Jane Smith
    Occupation: Business—Accountant/Supervisor American Cannery Company
    Cause of Death:  Arteriosclerosis Cardiovascular Disease
                                     Myocarditis   Failure
     Contributing Factors: Hypertension—Chronic Nephritis 
    Death Certificate #: F 00868
    Date of Burial: April 30, 1934
     Age At Death: YRS: 56 MOS: 10 DYS: 10
     Religion: Catholic
           Interment:  Druid Ridge Cemetery Baltimore County Maryland

Anna R. Maloney
Married: February 1, 1907 Chicago Cook County Illinois

Issues: Irwin McLain III, Dorothy Helen, George Irwin, Anna Elizabeth, & Mary Jane Anderson


5. Ray Maynard Anderson
      Alias: Raymond M. Anderson
     Born: May 23, 1883 Caledonia Marion County Ohio
     Died: November 9, 1946;  Limaburg Florence, Boone County      
     Spouse:  Alma Bernadine Woeckener    
     Parents: Irwin McLain Scherer
                      Emma Jane Smith
     Occupation: Journalist-Publisher
     Informant: Sherwood Fenton Anderson Sr. [Nephew of Late 
     Sherwood Anderson]
     Cause of Death: Cerebral Hemorrhage
     Date of Burial: November 13, 1946
     Certificate#: 230890                                                                
      Age at Death: YRS: 63 MOS: 5   DYS: 18
     Interment: Odd Fellows Cemetery Burlington Boone County Kentucky
Alma Bernadine Woeckener
Married: 12 Mar 1910 Butler County Ohio
Issues: Sherwood Fenton Anderson I

6. Earl Jason. Anderson
   Born: June 16, 1885 Clyde Sandusky County Ohio    
Died: March 16, 1927 Naval Hospital New Port; New Port County Rhode Island    
Spouse: Never Married
    Parents Irwin McLain Anderson            
     Emma Jane Smith    
Occupation: Wandering Poet / Mariner/ Undocument Merchant Marine 
Cause of Death: Chronic Myocarditis                               
Due to: Hemiplegia                     
Contributing Factor: Paralytic Stroke    
Date of Interment:  March 27, 1927   
  Certificate#: BK7/PG 224 / 04280944   
  Age at Death: YRS: 41 MOS: 9 DYS: 0   
  Issued: Newport Rhode Island     Filing Date: April 4, 1927     Military Service: Undocumented Merchant Marine—During WWI     Disable American Veteran: Yes    
Interment: McPherson Cemetery Clyde Sandusky County Ohio
Married: Single

7.Fern Anderson
     Born:  January 21, 1890 Clyde Sandusky County Ohio
     Died: December 9, 1891 Clyde Sandusky County Ohio
     Parents:  Irwin McLain Anderson
                   Emma Jane Smith
     Cause of Death: Congestion of the Brain
     Age at Death: YRS: 1 MOS: 11, DYS: 18
      Certified Copy of Death Record: Vol: 3 PG: 16 No. 6
     Interment: McPherson Cemetery Clyde Sandusky County Ohio


Married: Single
Issues: No

The Marriage of
Irwin McLain Anderson I
Minnie Gertrude Dunn [nee Stevens]
29. IRWIN’S post Clyde years can be briefly documented.  Statements in Nelson Evan’s Sketch of him in A HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY, OHIO SHOW THAT HE WAS STILL at Clyde in June 1900, while various papers in his Civil War Pension file [No. WC 880 555] date his move to Connersville as not later than March 13, 1901, when he married Minnie Stevens.  His second wife had been born June 12, 1864, in Rush County Indiana.
On May 25, 1891, she married Frank C. Stevens Connersville and on June 17, 1898 was granted a divorce from him, the court awarding her custody of their one child, Freddie.  On March 21, 1903 Minnie Bore Irwin a son, Harold, the only Child of their marriage.  Irwin win applied for an additional veteran’s pension on May 12, 1912 under the provisions of the act of May 11 of that year, and on January 12, 1914, he was admitted to the National Military Home in Dayton, Ohio.  Here, at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, he died on May 23, 1919.
Sherwood Anderson A Writer in America Volume 1 By Walter   B. Rideout Introduction By Charles Modlin
Pg 719:  The University Press of Wisconsin Press; ISBN: 0-209-21530-x; Date: 2006

Name: Minnie Gertrude Dunn
Born: June 12, 1864   Rush County; Indiana
Died: August 4, 1938 Fayette Memorial Hospital Connersville City, Fayette County Indiana
Spouse: Mr. Frank C. Stevens  1st
                  , Irwin McLain Anderson 2nd
Parents: Archibald James Dunn, Sarah A. Cunningham
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Cerebral Hemorrhage
Age at Death: YRS: 74 MOS: 1 DYS: 23
Date of Burial: August 8, 1938
Death  Certificate#: 23121
Interment: Dale Cemetery 801 N Gregg Road, Connersville, Fayette County Indiana 47331 Lot 397 Section D

Married: March 13, 1901 Connersville Fayette County Indiana

Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992  Irwind W. Anderson

Groom's Name: Irwin W. Anderson Groom's Birth Date:  Groom's Birthplace:  Groom's Age:  Bride's Name: [Mrs.]Minnie A. Stevens Bride's Birth Date:  Bride's Birthplace:   Bride's Age:  Marriage Date: 13 Mar 1901 Marriage Place: Fayette, Indiana Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00455-3 System Origin: Indiana-EASy Source Film Number: 1869787 Reference Number: p477


The Children
Irwin McLain Anderson I
Minnie Gertrude Dunn [nee Stevens]
1.    Harold Dunn Anderson
           Born: March 21, 1903 Connersville Fayette County Indiana
          Died: July 18, 1928; Columbia Fayette County Indiana
         Spouse: Margaret Alice Ireton
        Parents: Irwin McLain Anderson
                     Minnie  Gertrude  Dunn
         Occupation: Paper Hanger
        Cause of Death: Cancer of the Liver
       Date of Burial: July 21, 1928
       Age at Death: YRS: 25 MOS: 3 DYS: 27
      Certificate#: 21156
      Interment: Dale Cemetery 801 N Gregg Road, Connersville, Fayette County Indiana 47331 Lot 397 Section D
Margaret Alice Ireton
Married: 31 May 1923 Butler County Ohio
Issues: Alice Jean [Peggy] Anderson, and James E. Anderson




















Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life