Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The first American Girl
Before Laura, before Kit, there was Caddie Woodlawn on the Wisconsin frontier.

"When Caddie got together with her sister Hetty, all they talked about was living in Dunnville,'' Lois Schultz says. "She was so happy here. Carol Brink never got tired of hearing the stories, and her kids told her to put them in a book.''



John Vipond Woodhouse

Name: John Vipond / Bytham Woodhouse
Alias: Johnny
Born:  January 10, 1827 Lancaster; Lancashire County England
Died: April 12, 1900 Anacortes, Skagit , Washington, USA
Spouse: Harriet Jane White
Parents: Father Thomas Dickinson Woodhouse,
                             Mary Vipond [nee Crashaw]
Occupation: Master Mechanic
Cause of Death: chronic cystitis
Age at Death: YRS: 75 MOS: 3 DYS: 2
Arrived in America: March 5, 1842
Name of Ship: Rhode Island
Deport of Country: Liverpool England
Port of Arrival: New York City
Naturalization: January 1, 1844 Roxbury Boston Suffolk County Massachusetts
Findagrave.com: 55681568
Date of Burial: April 14, 1900
Interment: Grandview Cemetery Anacortes, Skagit, Washington Location: C-017-011 Space: 1
Death Record: Yes
Obituary Yes

                                                             J.V. Woodhouse Death
                                  End of a Long and Active Career
                                        Of Use Fullness

John Vipond Woodhouse born in Lancaster England. January 10, 1827, died at Anacortes on April 12, 1900

The subject of this Sketch came to America at the age of 14 years, and entered the employ of his Step-Father J Crashaw [Joseph ‘Joe’ Crashaw] a carpet manufacturer of Boston Massachusetts.  At the age 16 years, [1843] he wove the first piece of Brussels carpet made in Americas, and the loom upon which this was woven was exhibited by his Step Father at the Centennial at Philadelphia.  In 1856 he took first Steam Engine to the Numbering region around Eau Galle, Wisconsin, for ten years managed a saw mill for the firm of Knapp, Stout & Company.

 From that point he went to St. Louis Mo., and while in the service of Jerad B. Allen & Company, superintended putting the steam heating plant into the St. Louis insane Asylum and was also foreman of the Iron Work on the great Eads bridges [St. Louis MO].

  He created the smelting works at Rich Hill, MO for Jay Gould and the Pitcher Bros, at a cost of $150, 000 and 1894 retired from business life to a fruit farm near Bunker Hill Ill.

 This life was not active enough for him, however, and he accepted an offer to San Antonio Texas to erect a plant for canning the famous Mexican delicacy, chili con-carney and while there made the first machine to successfully grind chili peppers.  He then became interested in the pacific coast and its possibilities, and in 1892 came to Anacortes, where he built a cozy suburban home and had a model farm of small portions. The Woodhouse home is noted for the thoroughness with which everything was done.

If be drained his land, it was done in the most scientific manner.  His fruits were of choicest varieties, and the trees had the best care.  A great lover of flowers.  His home was as attractive as a professional florist could have made it.  Up to the time of the death of Mrs. Woodhouse last September, it was one of the pleasures of life at Anacortes to go to this well-kept home, where all were welcome.  Mr. Woodhouse was a great reader and a broad minded thinker as well.  He liked the society of young People, was jolly, and never tired of entertaining his friends.

 Mr. Woodhouse was married in 1847 at Boston to Harriet Jane White to whom was born ten children, five sons and five daughters of whom eight are still living of these Thomas D. and George D. at Pittsburg Kansas, John Warren at Nevada MO, Frank E. at Bunker Hill Ill, Joseph W. in Pennsylvania, Mrs. Carrie A. Watkins at Moscow Idaho, Mrs. Henrietta Pulley at Wellington Wash., and Mrs. Minnie Robinson of this City, Paul V. Woodhouse, also of this city, is an adopted son.

Mr. Woodhouse was downtown about a week ago but since then had been gradually sinking, the results of a complication of troubles.  He seemed to realize the approach of the death, and had his daughter’s come to him.  He gave directions as to the disposition of his effects with the precision and care that characterized his business dealings through on.

  The funeral announced for Friday afternoon at 2 O’clock from the residence the REV. Mr. Covington will have charge of services.

  Publication: April 12, 1900
Title: Weekly American, Anacortes, Washington Thursday

[No Headline] Date: 1900-04-18; Paper: Seattle Daily Times PG 4
This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


Biography-Obituary April 18, 1900 Paper: Seattle Dail Times Pg 4


ANACORSTES, MONDAY April 16,--Vipond Woodhouse a resident of this city for ten years past, died Thursday morning aged 75 years.  He was native of Lancaster England, from which place he came to American at the age of 14 years and entered the employ of his Stepfather J. Crawshaw, a carpet manufacturer of Boston, Mass.  At the age of 16 years, he wove the first piece of Brussels carpet made in America and the loom upon which this woven was exhibited by his stepfather at the centinial at the Philadelphia. In 1856 he took the first steam engine to the lumbering region around Eugalla Wisconsin, and for ten years managed a sawmill for the firm of Knapp, Stout & Co. From that point he went to St. Louis MO., and while in the service of Jerard B. Allen & Co., superintended putting the steam heating paint into the St. Louis insane asylum, and was also general foreman of the iron work of the great Eads Bridge connecting East and West St. Louis.  In 1870 he was engaged by Lockwood, Scott & Co., as superintendent of their works for treating lead ores, and later patented the Scotch eye, used extensively in smelting operations, and commonly known as the Woodhouse patent.  He was next in charge of the Smelting plant of the Pitcher Lead & Zinc Company, at Joplin Mo., Where he remained for seven years, and invented two lift and force pumps that soon found their way into popular favor among the mining fraternity.  He erected the smelting works at the Rich Hill Mo., for Jay Gould and the Pitcher Brothers, as a cost $150,000. And in 1834 retired from business life to a fruit farm near Bunker Hill Ill.  This life was not active enough for him, however, and he accepted an offer to go to San Antonio Texas Mexican delicacy, Chili Concarne, and while there made the first machine to successfully grind Chili peppers.  He then became interested in the Pacific Coast and its possibilities and in 1891 came to Anacortes, where he built a cozy suburban home and had a model fruit farm of small proportions. The Woodhouse home is noted for the thoroughness with which everything is done.  If he drained his land, it was done in the most scientific manner; his fruits were of choices varieties, and the trees had the best of care; a great lover of flowers, his home was as attractive as a professional florist could have made it; up to the time of the death of Mrs. Woodhouse last September, it was one of the pleasure of life at Anacortes to go to this well-kept home, where all were welcome.  Mr. Woodhouse was a great reader and a broad-minded thinker as well.

He liked the society of young people, was jolly and never tired of entertaining his friends.

Mr. Woodhouse was married in 1847 at Boston, to Harriett Jane White, to whom was born ten children, five sons and five daughters, of whom eight are still living. Of these;

Five Sons
1.  Thomas D. Woodhouse--- Elizabeth Duncan
     Reside in Pittsburg Crawford Kansas
  2.  John Warren Woodhouse-- Katherine Margaret Fitzgerald
      Resides Nevada Missouri
3.  Joseph William Woodhouse
             1.  Rose Marie Yenney 1st
             2.  Margaret Quinn 3rd
             3.  Annie Loehr 2nd
               Resides Center, Indiana County Pennsylvania
4.  Frank Edmund Woodhouse-- Emma Udora
     Reside Bunker Hill Macon County Illinois
    5.  George D. Woodhouse—Pearl Curtis
     Reside in Pittsburg Crawford Kansas

Five Daughters
1.       Clara L. Woodhouse—Deceased Never Married
     2.       Caroline Augustus Woodhouse AKA Caddie Woodlawn---Dr. William W WATKINS
                   Resides:  Mrs. Carrie A. Watkins Moscow Idaho
     3.       Mary Woodhouse—Deceased as child
4.       Henrietta Hetty Woodhouse—William Oliver Pulley---Ash Pierce
             Resides: Wellington Kings Washington
      5.       Minnie A. Woodhouse---- Cassius M Robinson
                     Resides: Anacortes Skagit County Washington

 Paul V. Woodhouse of this city, is an adopted son.

 Mr. Woodhouse was down town about a week ago, but since then has been confined to his home, and has been gradually sinking. The result of a complication of troubles.  He seemed to realize fully the approach of death, and had his daughters come to him.  He gave directions as to the disposition of his effects of his

Findagrave.com Yes
John Vipond Woodhouse was the Step-Son of Joseph Crawshaw

Harriett Jane White

Name: Harriett Jane White
Born: September 8, 1830 Roxbury Boston, Suffolk , Massachusetts, USA
Died: September 17, 1899 Anacortes Skagit, Washington, USA
Spouse: John Vipond Woodhouse
Parents: William White, Nancy Avery
Occupation: Housewife/Entrepreneur 
Cause of Death: Stroke w/ Complications of diabetes 
Findagrave.com: 110953787
Date of Burial: September 17, 1899
Age at Death: YRS: 69 MOS: Ǿ DYS: 9
Interment: Grandview Cemetery Anacortes, Skagit, Washington Location:  C-017-010 Space: 1

Death Record: No
Findagrave.com 110953787

OBITUARY Death of Mrs. HARRIET JANE WHITE Woodhouse September 21, 1899


    Death of Mrs.  HARRIET JANE WHITE Woodhouse


Mrs. Harriet Jane Woodhouse, wife of J.V. Woodhouse, died Sunday at the family home in this city, at the age of 70 years and 9 days.  Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse came here nearby ten years ago, and after buying a tract of land from the late William Allard, constructed a cozy of dwelling and converted their acquisition into a model home, where they have since lived.  The health of Mrs. Woodhouse had not been good for a long time before her death, and upon one or two former occasions she had been so low that it was thought impossible for her to revive, but her naturally robust constitution told in her favor and she each time recovered.  Although at times she suffered intensely, she bore it all bravely and was considered by her many friends as unusually cheery and jolly.

                Mrs. Woodhouse was born September 8, 1829[1830], at Roxbury Massachusetts, and on her eighteenth birthday was married to Mr. Woodhouse. It was married to Mr. Woodhouse It was her pride to relate that in the course of their long married life they had never been apart for longer than four months at any one time, and that they had seldom been apart at all.  She was the mother of ten children, all but two whom survive her, as one also one an adopted Son.  One daughter Mrs. Robinson, resides in Anacortes.

                The Funeral Services were conducted from the residence on Tuesday afternoon, interment being in Grandview Cemetery.  The REV Charles Godsman conducted the services, Mrs. Woodhouse having become a member of his church about a year ago, prior to that time having been a Universalist.  There was quite a gathering of friends of the family at the services and all have the deepest Sympathy for the bereaved husband and others of the family

September 21, 1899
Title: Weekly American, Anacortes, Washington Thursday

Anacortes Museum
1305 8th
Anacortes, WA 98221-1833
[360] 293-1929

Married: September 8, 1847 Roxbury Boston Suffolk , Massachusetts, USA
Now Boston Massachusetts
Marriage Record: Yes

Findagrave.com John V Woodhouse & Harriet Jane White
Birth:  Jan. 10, 1827 Death:  Apr. 12, 1900 Burial: Grandview Cemetery
AnacortesSkagit County Washington, USA Record added: Jul 31, 2010

Find A Grave Memorial# 55681568
Findagrave.com: 110953787


Clara Levon Woodhouse

Photo Source:

1.       Clara Levon  Woodhouse
          Born: February 20, 1849 Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts,USA
          Died: September 14, 1868 156 Layette, St. Louis, Independent City County Missouri, USA
          Parents: John Vipond. Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
         Occupation: Homemaker
          Birth Record Volume/Page/Certificate Number: V36 p 70 cn# 281
        Cause of Death: Typhoid Fever

        Age at Death: YRS: 19 MOS: 9

        Date Buried: September 15, 1868   
        Find A Grave Memorial# 104827875
        Interment: Bellefontaine Cemetery Saint Louis St. Louis City Missouri, USA Plot: block 217 lot  
        PL  F

Clara never married:  As soon as they settled in St. Louis Missouri Clara caught typhoid fever and died.

Death Record: Yes
Findagrave.com Yes

No Obituary

Findagrave.com Clara L Woodhouse
Birth:  unknown Death:  Sep., 1868  Note: Buried September 15, 1868 Burial: Bellefontaine Cemetery  Saint Louis St. Louis City Missouri, USA Plot: block 217 lot PL F   Created by: randal nichoalds Record added: Feb 08, 2013  Find A Grave Memorial# 104827875 


 2.       Thomas Dickinson. Woodhouse

          Alias: T.D.

         Born: May 12, 1851 Roxbury ,Boston Suffolk , Massachusetts, USA

         Died: August 5, 1910 Mt. Carmel Hospital Pittsburg; Crawford , Kansas, USA

         Spouse: Elizabeth “Lizzie” Duncan

                         Born: 07 Jun 1854 Parkville, Platte , Missouri, USA

                          Died: 17 Jul 1938 Pittsburg; Crawford ,Kansas, USA
       Findagrave.com Memorial# 96209280 

Parents: John Vipond Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
Occupation: Station Engineer
Birth Record Volume/Page/Certificate Number: p 215
Cause of Death:  Dropsy
Date of Burial:  7 August 1910
Age at Death: 59 MOS 2 DYS: 25
Find A Grave Memorial# 96208609
Informant:   Mrs.  Elizabeth "Lizzy"  Woodhouse [Deceased wife]
                       1704 Grand St,   Pittsburg, Crawford,  Kansas, USA
Funeral: Pittsburg Furniture & Undertaking Company
                Pittsburg, Crawford, Kansas, USA
Interment: Mt. Olive Cemetery Row 12 WN to S Block 22 Pittsburg Crawford, Kansas, USA

Death Record: No
 Married: January 28, 1873 Madison County Missouri
Obituary: Yes
Find A Grave Memorial# 96208609
Issues:  Clarie Levon & Charity Ione Woodhouse

Web: Kansas, Find A Grave Index, 1854-2012 about Thomas Woodhouse
Name: Thomas Woodhouse Birth Date: 12 May 1851 Age at Death: 59 Death Date: 1910 Burial Place: Pittsburg, Crawford County, Kansas, USA URL: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-...


Findagrave.Com Thomas Woodhouse
Birth:  May 12, 1851 Death:  1910  Family links:   Spouse:   Elizabeth Woodhouse (1854 - 1938)* Burial: Mount Olive Cemetery  Pittsburg Crawford County Kansas, USA
Created by: VJS Record added: Aug 29, 2012  Find A Grave Memorial# 96208609



                                         This Photo was taken in 1872 in Saint Louis, MO Year before she married Doctor William Woodbury Watkins.
3.       Caroline Augusta Woodhouse
         Alias: Caddie Woodlawn
         Born: February 22, 1853 Roxbury Boston Suffolk , Massachusetts,USA
         Died: January 4, 1940 315 S. Polk St. Moscow Latah ,Idaho,USA
         Spouse:  Dr. William Woodbury Watkins
                            Born: August 3, 1846 Warner New Hampshire
                            Died: August 4, 1901 Moscow Latah , Idaho, USA
                             Occupation: Physician
                              Find A Grave Memorial# 22931105
Parents: John Vipond Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death:  Acute Mycocardtis       
Death Certificate Number: 117716
Birth Record Volume/Page/Certificate Number: 74
Age at Death: YRS: 86 MOS: 10 DYS: 11
Date of Burial:  January 8, 1940
Findagrave.com Memorial#: 22931129
Interment: Moscow Cemetery Moscow Latah County Idaho Plot: Old Section Block 7

 Married:  January 28, 1873 Madison County Missouri
 She almost became 1st Lady to Idaho.  Her husband was asked to run for Governor on the Republican Party for the State of Idaho.  However, he turned them down because he loved being a doctor.
 Dr. Watkins was also friends with the President William McKinley.  March 4, 1900 President McKinley honored Dr. Watkins.  However, what I find Ironic is that they were both gunned down within month of one another. Dr. Watkins was gunned on Down on August 4, 1901 and he died on the spot.  However President McKinley was gunned down on September 6, 1901. However, the President died September 14, 1901

They both suffered the same fate from deranged men who had grips with both prominent men.

  Issues: Hattie Mae, Henrietta Mamma, Caroline Elsie, Allan Woodhouse, Minnie Angie , Franklin Vipond ,Winifred Wanda Arla & Unknown Watkins. [There was 8 children listed in Carol’s obituary and in 1900 Federal Census and I have found Eight.]


President William McKinley


 4..       Mary Woodhouse:
Born: 1854 Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
 Died:  April 1860  Eau Galle,  Dunnville Dunn ,Wisconsin, USA
Parents: John Vipond Woodhouse, Harriett Jane White
Cause of Death: Fragile to the pioneer life and caused her death
Age at Death: YRS: 6
Find A Grave Memorial# 140639321
Interment: North Hill on the Woodhouse farm Menomonie Wisconsin In Unmarked Grave

 Note:  Mary Woodhouse is noted in papers in Wisconsin.

New home
On April 17, 1860, Woodhouse and his wife decided to purchase 160 acres near the village of Dunnville, six crow-fly miles from Eau Galle. They hired Levi Drake, who lived about a quarter of a mile north of their new purchase of land, to build a home, not of logs, but constructed of sawn lumber.

It was in the home that Mary, a frail, sickly child who had had a difficult time traveling to Wisconsin, died. She was buried on a little rise of land in the northwest corner of the Woodhouse farm.

By John Russell June 25, 2007


John Warren Woodhouse and Catherine Fitzgerald
5.       John Warren Woodhouse
       Alias: Warren
       Born: January 26, 1855 Roxbury Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts,USA
       Died: November 27, 1926 Eureka Springs, Carroll ,Arkansas,USA
        Spouse: Katie Fitzgerald [Katharine] Catherine]
                       Born: 18 Jun 1861 London England
                       Died: 18 Mar 1934 Mexico, Audrian, Missouri, USA
                       Findgrave.com Memorial#: 103682990 
Parents:  John Vipond. Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
Occupation:  Machinist
Cause of Death: Pyloric occlusion
Death Certificate Roll #: 19241933
Age at Death: Yrs: 71 MOS: 10 DYS: 1
Findagrave.com Memorial#:  103682970
Interment: Mount Hope Cemetery, Webb City, Joplin Township, Jasper , Missouri, USA

Married: May 14, 1880 Jasper , Missouri, USA
Death Record: Yes
Marriage Record: Yes
Findagrave.com 103682970
Issues: Ina Blanche WOODHOUSE; Edward L Woodhouse

Findagrave.com John Warren Woodhouse
Birth:  1855 Death:  1926  Burial: Webb City Cemetery  Webb City Jasper County Missouri, USA  Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]  Created by: Betty Saltenberger Record added: Jan 16, 2013  Find A Grave Memorial# 103682970
                                                             Henrietta Woodhouse

6.       Henrietta Woodhouse
         Alias: Hetty / Etta/ Hettie
         Born: October 14, 1856 Roxbury Boston  Suffolk ,  Massachusetts, USA
          Died: September 19, 1928   Ferndale, Whatcom , Washington, USA
                   Spouse: William Oliver Pulley 1st   
                                   Born: 24 Oct 1849 Jackson, Illinois, USA
                    Died: 24 May 1900 Seattle ,King ,Washington, USA
                      Find A Grave Memorial# 68528079
                     Ashman Pierce 2nd
                          Born: 29 Apr 1852 Orrington, Penobscot, Maine,USA
                      Died: 6 Dec 1944 Monroe, Snohomish , Washington, USA
                      Find A Grave Memorial# 112555938 
Parents:  John Vipond. Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
Occupation: Housewife /Jewelry Store owner
Death: Volume/Page/Certificate Number: 184
  Age at Death: 72 years 11 months 5 days
Date of Burial: September 21, 1928
Cause of Death: Syphilis
Find A Grave Memorial# 136362574 
Interment: ---- Grandview Cemetery Anacortes, Skagit, Washington Location: D-017-013 Space: 1 
Death Record: Yes
Married: October 5, 1879 Jasper County Missouri
Obituary Yes:
Findagrave.com Yes

Married 1st: Mr. William Oliver Pulley
Findagrave.com # 68528079
EOM: Death of William Oliver Pulley
Marriage Record Yes

Findagrave.com # 112555938 
DOM: 11 Jul 1901 Snohomish County Washington POM: EVERTT WASHINGTON
Marriage Record: Yes
Issues:  She had;  no children from either marriage  

Photo Source:

Special Note: Hetty was a major Contributor of Caddie Woodlawn 
 7.       Minnie Arle. Woodhouse
Born: January  2, 1861  Eau Galle Dunnville; Dunn , Wisconsin, USA
Died:   August  30,  1902  Anacortes, Skagit, Washington, USA
Spouse: Cassius M Robinson
                            Born: April 1,1860  Chester, Megis, Ohio, USA
                           Died:  21 Feb 1933 Anacortes, Skagit County Washington
                            Findagrave.com Memorial# 112555958
Parents: John Vipond Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: TYPHOID                    
Age at Death: YRS: 41 MOS: 6  DYS: 29
Date of Burial: August 31, 1902
Find A Grave Memorial# 112556072 
Interment: Grand View Cemetery, Anacortes, Skagit County Washington Lot: D-017-013 Space 1

Married: 6 Aug 1886 Sylvan Lincoln County Kansas [In her sister’s home Caroline A. W. Watkins]
News Paper Clipping of the Marriage
Death Record: No
Death Notice: Yes
Findagrave.com Memorial#:112556072 
Issues: Ray Raleigh; Hattie levon; Winnie Lee; Blanche Fay, Donald Vipond Robinson & Edna Valerie. Robinson

Note: Minnie died of Typhoid Fever.  She was 41 years old. 
Picture of Joseph William Woodhouse
Taken Abt 1903

8.        Joseph William Woodhouse
Alias: Baby Joe
Born:  June 15, 1862 Eau Galle  Dunnville  Dunn ,Wisconsin,USA
Died: April 2, 1906 Salem, Westmoreland , Pennsylvania,USA
          Spouses:    Rose Mary Yenney 1st
                           Born: 9 Aug 1865 Canton Bern, Switzerland
                            Died: 5 Feb 1953 Canyon City, Freemont , Colorado, USA
                             Findagrave.com Memorial#: 133107930
                            Anna Margaretha Loehr 2nd
                            Born: 26 Oct 1876 Washington , Texas,USA
                            Died: 6 May 1957 Rockdale, Milam Co., Texas,USA
                            Findagrave.com Memorial#: 126217237 
                            Margaret Quinn 3rd
                             Born: 1 Feb 1881 Chester le Street Durham England
                            Died: 25 Oct 1920 Canonsburg Washington, PA, 15317-1035
                            Find A Grave Memorial# 140757701 
Parents:  John Vipond. Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
Occupation: Machinist/ Engineering/Contractor
Cause of Death: Bronchitis
Date of Burial:  April 6, 1906
Informant:  Margaret Woodhouse [Wife]
Age At Death: YRS: 43 MOS: 9 DYS: 17
Death Certificate #:68675353305
Findagrave.Com Memorial#:  140751785 
Religion: Catholic
Interment: St. Vincent Cemetery, Latrobe, Westmoreland County Pennsylvania

Note:  He was the last one to appear in the book.  Joe led a very unstable life and he committed adultery all his life.  His family referred to him as GOD’s little sinner. I have sent for the death record May 7, 2012 and it pending. After Wisconsin John & Harriet had two more Children and they adopted one child: The following are not mention in the book.  Frank E. George D. and Adopted Paul V. Woodhouse

The correct burial Location of Joseph William Woodhouse is St. Vincent Cemetery Latrobe, PA.  It's clearly noted on his Death Certificate: :68675353305  File Records are pending 1/2/2015

 1st Married: 26 Feb 1887 Howell , Missouri, USA
 Issues w/ Rose Marie Yenney
Ernestine Terry. Woodhouse; George William Woodhouse & Benjamin Lee Woodhouse

2nd  Married: 24 Jul 1899 Comal, Texas, USA
Issues w/ Anna Margaretha Loehr
John Gustava  Woodhouse

3rd Marriage: 23 Jan 1902 Westmoreland , Pennsylvania, USA
FINDAGRAVE.COM# 140757701 
Issues w/ Margaret  ANN Quinn
John Joseph Woodhouse & Rudolph Patrick Woodhouse
Death Record Yes
Marriage Records Yes
Death Notice: Yes
Findagrave.com Memorial#: 140751785 

The Basic Genealogy of Margaret Ann Quinn's family

============================================================================ .       
 9. Frank Edmund Woodhouse Sr.
           Born:  November 26, 1866 St Louis, Independent Cities, Missouri, USA
          Died: May 29, 1944 Macoupin Macon ,Illinois, USA
         Spouse: Emma Udora Lieese
                             Born: 08 Oct 1867 Bethalto, Madison, Illinois, USA
                             Died: 18 May 1944 Macoupin Macon ,Illinois, USA
                             Find A Grave Memorial# 137085512
           Parents: John Vipond Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
          Occupation: Machinist
          Cause of Death:--Chronic Myocarditis
          Date of Burial: May 31, 1944
          Age at the Death: YRS: 77 MOS: 6 DYS: 3
           Volume/Page/Certificate Number: cn# 20520
           Date of Burial: May 31, 1944
           Find A Grave Memorial# 137085247 
           Informant: Etta Mae Olmstead [Daughter]
         Interment: Bunker Hill Cemetery, Macoupin Macon County Illinois

Death Record: Yes
Marriage Record: 14 Feb 1886; Macoupin , Illinois, USA
Findagrave.com Memorial 137085247 
Obituary: Yes
Issues: Etta Woodhouse & Frankie Edmund Woodhouse Jr.
10.   George  Daniel. Woodhouse
        Born:  May 17, 1869 Saint Louis, Independent Cities, Missouri, USA
        Died:  July 28, 1918 Alhambra, Los Angeles  , California, USA
         Spouse: Pearl May Curtis
                        Born: Feb 26,  1877  Green Valley Tazell, Illinois, USA
                        Died: July 28, 1918 Alhambra, Los Angeles , California, USA
                        Find A Grave Memorial# 110882082 
        Parents: John Vipond  Woodhouse, Harriet Jane White
        Occupation: Stenographer /machinist
        Cause of Death:--Electric Train Struck the Automobile and was Killed Instantly
         Skull Fracture  Killed in Car accident  [Electric Train]Rail Road Accident
         Date of Burial: August 7,1918
        Age at Death: YRS: 48 MOS: 2 DYS: 11
       Death Certificate #: 18-24455
        Findagrave.com Memorial#: 110881873
        Funeral Home: F.H. GARDNER WM WW BEINE
                                    Pittsburg, Crawford, Kansas, USA
       Informant: Catherine Amelia Hartley Curtis  deceased mother-in-law
                            Pittsburg Crawford County Kansas
       Interment: Highland Park Cemetery Pittsburgh Crawford County Kansas

California Death Record YES
Obituary Yes
Findagrave.com Memorial#: 110881873
Marriage Record: Yes
 Married: October 28, 1901 Crawford County Kansas
No Issues:  0

                                                                   THE ADOPTED CHILD OF
11. Name: Paul Vane Woodhouse
Bornn: 23 Apr 1884 St. Louis Independence City Jackson , Missouri, USA
Died:  07 Mar 1947 Seattle ,King , Washington, USA
Adoptive Parents: John Vipond Woodhouse
                               Harriett Jane White
Occupation: Deputy/ House Painter/ Ship Yard Electrician
Cause of Death:  Hemorrhage and Bleeding Ulcer
Death Certificate #: 1046
Occupation: Engineer/Machinist 
Date of Burial: March 7, 1947
Age At Death: YRS: 62
Findagrave.com Memorial#:  121091243
Interment: Lakeview Cemetery Seattle Kings, Washington, USA

 Death Record: Yes
He never married:  He was also a master mechanics

Lake View Cemetery Burial Index
Last Name First Name Month/Day Year of Death Age
Woodhouse Paul                02-18      1947           62


Woodhouse Family



Up-dated October 30, 2015

Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life