Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Lottery By Shirley Jackson


The Lottery
By Shirley Jackson

Vocabulary Words

1.        Profusely [adverb]—abundantly; in large amounts

The flowers were blossoming profusely 

1st Paragraph First Sentence

2.       Boisterous [adjective]- Loud, Noisy and active

They tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play.

2nd Paragraph First Sentence
3.       Reprimands [n]- Criticisms; tongue-lashing; scolding

And their talk was still of the classroom and teacher, of books and reprimands.

2nd Paragraph Second Sentence

4.       Reluctantly [adv]-Unwillingly

Began calling their children, and the children came reluctantly,

3rd Paragraph Third Sentence

5.       Jovial [adj]-Happily; Jolly

He was a round-faced, jovial man and ran the coal business

Description of Mr. Joe Summers

4th Paragraph First Sentence

6.       Paraphernalia-Stuff used for a particular activity; Personal belongings

The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago, and the black box now resting on the stool had been put into use  even before the old-man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born.

5th Paragraph First Sentence

7.       Ritual [n]- Ceremonial or traditional practices

Because so much of the ritual had been forgotten or discarded, Mr. Summers had been successful in having slips of paper substituted for the chips of wood that had been used for generations.

6th Paragraph First Sentence

Others believed that he was supposed to walk among the people, but years and years ago this part of the ritual had been allowed to lapse

7th Paragraph Third Sentence

There had been, also a ritual salute

7th Paragraph Fourth Sentence

Although the Villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use the stones.

8.       Perfunctory [adj]- careless

Some people remember there had been a recital of some sort, performed by the official of the lottery, a perfunctory, tuneless chant that had been rattled off duly

7th Paragraph Second Sentence

9.       Lapse [v]- Decline; end without being renewed

Others believed that he was supposed to walk among the people, but years and years ago this part of the ritual had been allowed to lapse
7th Paragraph Third Sentence

10.   Interminably [adv] -Endlessly

Mr. Summers was very good at all this; in his clean white shirt and blue jeans. With one hand resting carelessly on the black box, he seemed very on the black box, he seemed very proper and important as he talked interminably to Mr. Graves and the Martins.

7th Paragraph Fourth Sentence

11.   Gravely [adv]-Seriously

Mr. Summers gravely and selected a slip of paper from the box.

15th Paragraph First Sentence

12.   Petulantly [adv]- irritable

There’s always been a lottery, he added petulantly.

16th Paragraph Third Sentence

13.   Defiantly [adv]-Rebelliously

Mr. Summers said.  She hesitated for a minute, looking around defiantly.

22nd Paragraph Third Sentence

14.    Fade [v]—To lose brightness, loudness, or brilliance gradually; dim

The women, wearing faded [adj] house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their men folk.

3rd Paragraph Third Sentence

Every year, after the lottery, Mr. Summers began talking again about a new box, but every year the subject was allowed to fade of without anything’s being done.

5th Paragraph fourth Sentence

Completely black but splinter badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained.

5th Paragraph fifth Sentence

15.   Shabby [adj]-Showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare worn-out

The black box grew shabbier each year.

5th Paragraph Second Sentence

16.    Assemble [v]-To bring or to call together into group or whole

The Children assembled first, of Course.

2nd Paragraph First Sentence

Just as Mr. Summer finally left off talking and turned to the assembled villagers.

8th Paragraph First Sentence

17.   Petulantly [adv]-with unreasonable irritation

There’s always been a lottery,” he added petulantly.”  Bad enough to see young Joe Summers up there joking with everybody.”

16th Paragraph Fourth Sentence

18.   Clung [v]-held tightly

The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters.

2nd Paragraph Third Sentence

19.   Daintily—delicately, in a lady-like fashion

She hesitated for a minute, looking around defiantly

22 Paragraph Third Sentences

20.   Lottery [n]-a contest in which tickets are distributed or sold; the winning ticket or tickets are selected in a chance drawing

The Story

21.   Beamed [n]

Nancy and Bill Jr. Opened theirs at the same time and both beamed and laughed.

23rd Paragraph Second Sentence

 Literary Elements

Irony—when what actually occurs is the opposite of what you might expect to happen

The irony of the lottery; one might think the person who wins gets a wonderful prize.  However, Shirley Jackson sets the tone of the story and she makes you feel weary about the lottery.

For example:  The pile of Stones is gathered for this lottery
                          The women are not dressed their best
                           The younger children cling to their older brother or sisters.
                            The murmur conversation among villagers.
                         Mrs. Hutchinson also called the whole thing not fair

Theme-the main message of the story

If something doesn’t seem right change and be careful for what a person might wish for.

Mr.  Adams spoke and said some towns did away with the lottery, because it was pointless and the out- come of the lottery is painful.

Foreshadowing-the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later

1.       Pile of stones
2.       The way the women dressed
3.       The children were afraid
4.       Some said, Please let it not be Nancy
5.       Mr. Adams said some town did away the lottery and only Old man Warner said its tradition
6.       Mrs. Hutchinson said its not right

Getting Things Straight

1.        What is the mood or atmosphere in the first paragraph? [Surroundings]

Described as a beautiful day as the weather being warm

2.        Why was everyone assembled in the Square?

The Village Traditional lottery held every June 27th   First Paragraph

3.       What were the boys playing with?

The stones Second Paragraph

4.        What is the setting of the story? Are there many details that are not specified?

The setting is the Village Square where the villagers’ for the lottery:  It clearly states the village square in the first paragraph

5.       Predict:  What do you think the black box is for?

To hold the blank pieces of paper all but the one with black spot that was penciled in by Mr. Joe Summer Paragraph 6

6.       From whose point of view is the story being told?  [Who do you think is telling the story?]

The Narrator-the opening paragraph explains the Day of June 27 the day of Lottery when all the villagers gather in the square to conduct the town ritual.  First paragraph is very narrative Just as the second explaining. The children were first to assemble in the square due being excused from School.

7.       Why didn’t people want to replace the box?

The shabby box represents traditions.  Paragraph 5

8.       How long do you think the lottery has been around for?

In paragraph 5 we know Old man Warner was the oldest man in the village and in paragraph 16 it states Old man  Warner’s age was 77 years old. 

In paragraph 6 Slips of paper where substituted for the wood chips due to the growing population of the village.

The tradition would be at least over a hundred years old.

9.       Who directs the Lottery?

By Mr. Joe Summer Paragraph 4.

10.   What Happened with Mrs. Hutchinson?  Who are two women she talks to?

She was late for the lottery Paragraph 8

Mrs. Delacroix Paragraph 8
Mrs.  Graves

11.   What will happen because Clyde Dunbar broke his leg?

He is excused from participating in the lottery.  Mrs. Dunbar must take his place, because her son Horace is not quite 16 years old.  So regretfully she must take her husband’s place.

Paragraph 10 & 11

12.   Predict:

·         What do you think the lottery is for?

In the Lottery it talks about the harvest.  Paragraph 1

Old man Warner states if the lottery doesn’t go through people will end up eating chickweed and acorns.  Paragraph 16

I believe if the town had one lesson person to feed.  There would be enough food to get through the winter.

·         Do you think it is a positive thing or a negative thing? Why? [3-4]

It’s a negative thing, murder is murder.  The town’s people even though somber, the village tries to make light of the negative and they were all afraid.  Especially the children were not counted out of the lottery.


13.   How does old man Warner respond to talk about giving up the lottery?

Old man Warner who is 77 years old is against the idea of doing away with the lottery and it is a tradition that has been around for a long time.  He feels the young want to go back to caveman times and nobody wants to work.  Paragraph 16

14.   What does he say is the reason or purpose of the lottery?

To prevent starvation—we’d all go back to eating chickweed and acorns.  Paragraph 16

15.   What does he say will happen without a lottery?

Nothing but trouble Paragraph 16

16.   Who got the lottery ticket?

Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson Paragraph 23

17.   How does the Wife respond?

   It isn’t fair Paragraph 26

·         Who does she think should be included in her family?

Don and Eva Mrs. Hutchinson yelled.  ----Eva is her oldest daughter.  Paragraph 19

18.    Predict again:

·         Do you think people want to pick the lottery ticket?

No the people do not want to pick the lottery ticket.  Two fine examples clearly stated:  Mrs. Janey Dunbar regretfully steps in for her husband

Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson makes excuse of being late to the lottery and she says it isn’t fair four times in the story.

·         Why?
Because in the end someone’s life gets taken away because of a bad tradition to sacrifice
a person to secure extra food.

19.    What do all the Hutchinson Kids have to do now?

Bill Jr., Nancy and Little Davis also have to draw from the box.  Even though they are children, they are not excluded from the lottery.

Paragraph 21

20.   What have the Villagers not forgotten?

Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remember to use the stones.

Paragraph 25

21.    What do Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. Dunbar start to do?

Mrs. Hutchinson states it isn’t fair, she is in the center of the Square and Mrs. Dunbar is gasping for air trying to catch up her husband to stone Mrs. Hutchinson to death.

22.   What happens to Mrs. Hutchinson at the End?

A Stone hits her on the side of the head.  Even the village hands her son Little Davis little pebbles to participate in the stoning of his mother.

It isn’t fair right Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.

 Essential Questions:

·         If the majority of the people are doing something, does it make it right?

Depends what it is.  For example: Haiti just had earthquake.  It is a poor country and people assembled together to raise money to help the people in need of assistance.

The Lottery on the other hand doesn’t make it right.  The result is murder, yet this village continues a negative tradition.

·         Can good people do evil things?

Yes, good people can do evil things, in the story of the Lottery, town is filled with wonderful people however, and they have continued an evil tradition of gathering people to see who gets scarf iced.

·         What keeps a society or community together?

The people such as the Postmaster, the Grocer, the school, and the coal business—the jobs of the community

·         What purpose do rituals and traditions serve in a society?

Christmas is example of traditions.  It brings families together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

However, in the Lottery this tradition has a negative effect on the town.  As the Villagers gather they are somber, even the children or frighten

        The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters.

Which states they are just as scared as the adults?  They are not excused from the lottery

Bill Jr. Nancy and Little Davis also had to draw from the Black Box.

·         Why do people sometimes engage in pointless violence and in humanity?

Some People convince it is part of a religion: for example: the radical Muslims convince other Muslims to engage in violence to go to heaven.  If a person is not Muslim they do not have a right to live.   

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Family of Grace Kelly+Father+Mother+Siblings

The Family of Grace Kelly

Family Picture

John Brendan Kelly Sr.

Margaret Katherine Majer

Kelly Children

1.       Margaret Katherine "Peggy" Kelly
Alias: Peggy

2.       John Brendan Kelly, Jr.
Alias: Kell /Jack

3.       Grace Patricia Kelly
Alias: HSH Princes Grace of Monaco

4.       Elizabeth Anne Kelly
Alisa: Lizanne

The Family of John Brendan Kelly Sr. Father of Prince Grace

The Kelly Family





Name: John Brendan Kelly Sr.
Alias: Jack
Born: 4 Oct 1889 Philadelphia;  Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Died: 20 Jun 1960 Drexel Hill, Delaware, Pennsylvania
Spouse: Margaret Katherine Majer
Parents: John Henry  Kelly
                Mary Ann Costello
Occupation: John B. Kelly, Inc., a masonry contracting company
Athlete: Olympics’  Rower
Cause of Death: Cancer
Religion: Catholic
Politics: Democrat
Interment: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Cheltenham Montgomery County Pennsylvania

Grace's parents
John B. Kelly Sr. Born October 4, 1889, Died June 20, 1960 of cancer, age 70.John Brenden Kelly, Sr., also known as Jack Kelly was one of the most accomplished oarsman in the history of the sport rowing. He was a triple Olympic Gold Medal winner, the first to do so in the sport of rowing. He won 126 straight races in the single scull. Grace Kelly’s father was one of ten children of John Henry Kelly (1847-1897) and Mary Ann Costello in an Irish American Catholic family (originally from Kidney Lake, Newport County Mayo, Ireland.). He had been in the ambulance corps in World War I.

SR/Olympic Jack Kelly, Sr.
Full name: John Brenden "Jack" Kelly, Sr. Gender: Male  Height: 6'2" (187 cm)  Born: October 4, 1889 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States  Died: June 20, 1960 (Aged 70) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States  Affiliations: Vesper Boat Club, Philadelphia (USA)  Country:  United States Sport: Rowing Related Olympians: Father of Jack Kelly, Jr.; Grandfather of Albert, Prince Grimaldi; Father-in-law of Mary Freeman. Medals: 3 Gold (3 Total)


Biography Olympics
Jack Kelly is the greatest sculler the United States has ever produced. He began rowing with the Chamonix and Montrose Boat Clubs of Philadelphia, but in 1909 he joined the Vesper Boat Club. Between 1909 and his competitive retirement after the 1924 Olympics, Kelly won every sculling title available to him, including the World Championship in both singles and doubles, the Olympics in singles and doubles, and many national titles in both boats. In 1919 and 1920, he won the national single sculls title over both the sprint distance (¼-mile) and 1½ miles. Kelly never won the Diamond Sculls at the Henley Regatta because he was denied entry. The usual rumor is that he was considered a professional by the Henley authorities, because his trade, as a contractor, gave him an unfair advantage in that it required him to use his muscles for strengthening, but that is false. In fact, all members of Vesper Boat Club were banned for what were considered, to the British, earlier professional activities. Kelly would certainly have won that title had he been allowed to compete and in later years had the last laugh on the British when his "bricklaying" led to a lucrative business as a contractor in Philadelphia. Kelly fathered two very famous children – John Kelly, Jr., another Olympic rower, who became President of the U.S. Olympic Committee, and the late Grace Kelly, the American movie star who later became Princess Grace of Monaco.


World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 about John B Kelly
Name: John B Kelly City: Philadelphia County: Philadelphia State: Pennsylvania Birthplace: Pennsylvania Birth Date: 4 Oct 1889 Race: White FHL Roll Number: 1907761 Draft Board: 38 Age: Occupation: Nearest Relative: Height/Build: Color of Eyes/Hair: Signature: Source Citation: Registration Location: Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1907761; Draft Board: 38.

NO: 24
1. Name: John B. Kelly Age: 27
2. 3665 Midvale Phil Penn
3. Born October 4, 1889
4. Natural
5. Where Born: Phil Penn
7. Foreman
8. P 1st St Percy
9. NO
10. Single & White
11. No.
12. No

Signed: John B. Kelly

37-7-26 A
1. HT 6 1 1/2"
2. BD Medium
3 Eyes Blue Hair Brown
Date: 6/15/1917


Web Source Image:

U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 about John B Kelly
Name: John B Kelly Birth Date: 4 Oct 1889 Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Age: Occupation: Nearest Relative: Height/Build: Color of Eyes/Hair: Signature: Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.; ; State Headquarters: Pennsylvania; ; ; ; ; Microfilm Series: M1951; Microfilm Roll: 159.


Serial Number: U 812
1. John B. Kelly
2. 3901 Henry Ave Phila PA
3. Same As 2
4. TELE Ger 0457
5. Age 52 Date of Birth: 10-4-1889
6. Place of Birth: Phila PA
7. Mrs. Jos Crucie Crittendent MT Airy Ave GTN.
8. Self
9. 770 S. Schuylkill Ave Phila
10. Signed: John B. Kelly

Signed: John B. Kelly

Race: White
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray
Complexion: Ruddy
Date: April 24, 1942

Web Source Image: 1 & 2

1900 United States Federal Census about John Kelly
Name: John Kelly Age: 10 Birth Date: Oct 1889 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Home in 1900: Philadelphia Ward 38, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Philadelphia]  Race: White Gender: Male Relation to Head of House:         Son Marital Status: Single Father's Name: John Kelly Father's Birthplace: Ireland Mother's name: Mary A Kelly Mother's Birthplace: Ireland Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 38, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1479; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 971; FHL microfilm: 1241479.

Date Taken: June 13, 1900

Web Source Image:

1910 United States Federal Census about John Kelly
Name: John Kelly Age in 1910: 20 Birth Year: 1890 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Home in 1910:Philadelphia Ward 38, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Race: White Gender: Male Relation to Head of House: Son Marital Status:                Single Father's Name: John H Kelly Father's Birthplace: Ireland Mother's name:         Mary A Kelly Mother's Birthplace:            Ireland Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 38, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1408; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 0946; Image: 552; FHL microfilm: 1375421.

Date Taken: April 21, 1910

Web Source Image:

1930 United States Federal Census about John B Kelly
Name: John B Kelly [John B Kelley]  Gender: Male Birth Year: abt 1895 Birthplace: Pennsylvania  Race: White Home in 1930: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania View Map Marital Status:           Married Re-lation to Head of House: Head Spouse's Name:  Margaret Kelly Father's Birthplace: Irish Free State Mother's  Birthplace: Irish Free State Occupation: Education: Military Service: Rent/home value: Age at first marriage: Parents' birthplace: Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: 2125; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 1181; Image: 337.0; FHL microfilm: 2341859.  Occupation: Contractor

Date Taken: April 17, 1930

Web Source Image:


U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925 about John B Kelly
Name: John B Kelly Birth Date: 4 Oct 1889 Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Age: 34 Residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Passport Issue Date:           17 Jun 1924 Father Name: John Father's Birth Location: Ireland Father's Residence: Deceased Passport Includes a Photo: Yes SOURCE: Passport Applications, January 2, 1906–March 31, 1925. NARA Microfilm Publication M1490, 2740 rolls. General Records of the Department of State,  Record Group 59. National Archives,  Washington, D.C.




California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1957 about John Kelly
Name: John Kelly Arrival Date: 21 Nov 1937 Age: 48 Birth Date: 4 Oct 1889 Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Gender: Male Ship Name: Santa Elena Port of Arrival: Los Angeles, California Port of Departure: New York Archive information (series: roll number): m1764:82 SOURCE: California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1957


Web Source Image:

New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 about John B Kelly
Name: John B Kelly Arrival Date: 15 Jul 1947 Birth Year: 1889 Birth Location: Pennsylvania Birth Location Other: Philadelphia Age: 57 Gender: Male Port of Departure:             Southampton, England Port of Arrival: New York, New York Ship Name: Queen Elizabeth Search Ship Database: Search the Queen Elizabeth in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database Source Citation: Year: 1947; ; Microfilm Serial: T715; Microfilm Roll: T715_7418; Line: 3; ; Page Number: 137.


Web Source Image:


Grace See’s father:
June 2, 1960


KELLY FUNERAL IS HELD; Mass Offered in Philadelphia for Builder and Athlete


 Married: January 30, 1924 St. Bridget’s Catholic Church  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Grace’s parents, John B. (Jack) Kelly and Margaret (Majer) Kelly met at the Turngemeide swimming pool, located at Broad Street and Columbia Avenue, in 1916. Mrs. Kelly was an athletic coach for coeds at the University of Pennsylvania and was taking part in a recreational swim at the pool. Jack, a member of the swim team at Turngemeide, saw Margaret for the first time and immediately fell in love. The two were married on January 30, 1924, at which point Mrs. Kelly converted to Catholicism- Jack was a devout Irish Catholic.3

Margaret Katherine Majer The Mother of Grace Kelly

Margaret Katherine Majer 
The mother
Prince Grace
AKA Grace Patricia Kelly


Name: Margaret Katherine Majer
Alisa: “Ma”
Born: 13 Dec 1898 Schloss Helmsdorf, Württemberg, Germany
Died: 6 Jan 1990 Linwood Atlantic County New Jersey
Spouse: John Brendan Kelly Sr.
Parents: Carl  Majer; Margaretha Berg
Occupation: Teacher/ Former Beauty Queen/Housewife
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Time of Death: 8:45 AM
Social Security#: 200-36-0752
Issue State: Pennsylvania; Issue Date: 1963
Age at Death: YRS: 91 MOS: Ǿ DYS: 24
Interment: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Cheltenham Montgomery County Pennsylvania

Grace's parents
Margaret Katherine Majer Kelly
Died January 1990, Linwood NJ at a convalescent home. She was 91 years old.
Grace’s mother was born to Lutheran German parents, (Carl Majer andMargaretha Berg). Margaret Katherine Majer was born in Schloss Helmsdorf, Germany. Soon after the family moved to Philadelphia Margaret converted to Catholicism upon marrying Mr. Kelly. Like her husband, Margaret Kelly was a proponent of health and fitness, studying Physical Education at Temple University and later becoming the first woman to head the Physical Education Department at the University of Pennsylvania. She was also a model and cover girl.


Social Security Death Index about Margaret M. Kelly
Name: Margaret M. Kelly SSN:   200-36-0752 Last Residence: 19006  Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States of America Born: 13 Dec 1898 Died:            6 Jan 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (1963) Source Citation: Number: 200-36-0752; Issue State: Pennsylvania; Issue Date: 1963.


Birth:     Dec. 13, 1898, Germany Death: Jan. 6, 1990 Linwood Atlantic County New Jersey, USA  Mother of actress/princess Grace Kelly. She studied Physical Education at Temple University and was later hired as the first woman to head the Physical Education Department at the University of Pennsylvania.  Family links:   Children:   Elizabeth Kelly LeVine (1933 - 2009)* Burial: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery  Cheltenham Montgomery County Pennsylvania, USA   Created by: GraveGirl Record added: Jan 26, 2007  Find A Grave Memorial# 17693755


Nicknames: "Ma" Birth date: December 13, 1898 Birthplace: Schloss Helmsdorf, Württemberg, Germany Death:  Died January 6, 1990 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Member of Philadelphia School Board, Member of Women's Auxiliary and Board of Corporators for Women's Medical College of Philadelphia, Chairperson of Development Program of Women's Medical College of Philadelphia, Board Member of Moss, Instructor in Phys


Web: Obituary Daily Times Index, 1995-2011 about Margaret Kelly
Name: Margaret Kelly Publication Date:                8 Jan 1990 Publication Place: United States Death Date: Abt 1990 Death Place: Philadelphia, PA Age at Death: 91 Birth Date:         abt 1899 SOURCE: Web: Obituary Daily Times Index, 1995-2011


1910 United States Federal Census about Margaruite Mager
Name: Margaruite Mager [Margaruite Mayer]  [Margaruite Majer]  Age in 1910: 11 Birth Year: 1899
Birthplace:  Pennsylvania Home in 1910: Philadelphia Ward 32, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Daughter Marital Status: Single Father's Name: Carl Mager Father's Birthplace: Germany Mother's name: Margaruite Mager Mother's Birthplace: Germany Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 32, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1404; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 0773; Image: 209; FHL microfilm: 1375417.

Date Taken: April 19, 1910

Web Source Image:

1920 United States Federal Census about Margaret Major
Name: Margaret Major [Margaret Majer]  [Margaret Mayer]  Age: 21 Birth Year:               abt 1899 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Home in 1920: Philadelphia Ward 32, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Daughter Marital Status: Single Father's Name: Carl Major Father's Birthplace: Germany Mother's name: Margaret Major Mother's Birthplace: Germany Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 32, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1634; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 1090; Image: 392. Occupation: Teacher

Date Taken: January 21, 1920

Web Source Image:

1930 United States Federal Census about Margaret Kelly
Name: Margaret Kelly [Margaret Kelley]  Gender: Female Birth Year: abt 1897  Birthplace: Pennsylvania  Race: White Home in 1930: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania View Map Marital Status: Married Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouse's Name:  John B Kelly Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: 2125; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 1181; Image: 337.0; FHL microfilm: 2341859.

Date Taken: April 17, 1930

Web Source Image:


1.       Date: Monday, January 8, 1990;  Paper: Register Star Pg 3
                    This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


2.       Date: Monday, January 8, 1990; Paper: Register Star Pg 4
                     This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


Obituary: Left Register Star Pg 4

3.         Date: Monday, January 8, 1990; Paper: Aberdeen Daily News Pg 13 This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


4.         Date: Monday, January 8, 1990;  Paper: Trenton Evening
  Pg 24      Times This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank
                     and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


5.       Date: Monday, January 8, 1990; Paper: Plain Dealer Pg 24
This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


6.       Date: Monday, January 8, 1990;  Paper: Trenton Evening Times Pg 24
This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


7.       Date: Monday, January 8, 1990; Paper: Trenton Evening Times Pg 24
This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


8.       Date: Monday, January 8, 1990;  Paper: Plain Dealer Pg 21
                    This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


9.       Date: Monday, January 8, 1990;  Paper: Marietta Journal Pg 2
                    This entire product and/or portions thereof are copyrighted by NewsBank and/or the American Antiquarian Society. 2004.


Margaret M. Kelly: Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Death Record
Name: Margaret M. Kelly State of Issue:         Pennsylvania Date of Birth: Tuesday  December  13, 1898 Date of Death:            Saturday  January  06, 1990 Est. Age at Death: 91 years, 24 days Last known residence: City: Huntingdon Valley; Bethayres County:  Montgomery State:      Pennsylvania ZIP Code: 19006 Latitude: 40.1319 Longitude:  -75.0635



U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925 about Margaret M Kelly
Name: Margaret M Kelly Birth Date: 13 Dec 1898 Birth Place:       Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Age: 25 Gender:Female Residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Passport Issue Date: 18 Jun 1924 Spouse Name:John B John B Spouse Birth Place: Philadelphia Pennsylvania Passport Includes a Photo: Yes Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington D.C.; Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925; Collection Number: ARC Identifier 583830 / MLR Number A1 534; NARA Series: M1490; Roll #: 2576.


Web Source Image Pg 1

Web Source Image Pg 2 With Photo

MARGARET KELLY DIES - GRACE'S MOTHER: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Orlando Sentinel, The (FL) - Monday, January 8, 1990

Margaret Kelly, mother of the late Princess Grace of Monaco and matriarch of the famed Kelly clan of Philadelphia, died at a convalescent home here. She was 91.
Kelly died at 8:45 a.m. Saturday of pneumonia, a spokesman for the Linwood Convalescent Center said. She had been a resident of the nursing home since 1982 and had suffered several strokes in recent years.
A former beauty queen and magazine cover girl, she was known both for her own accomplishments and those of her husband and children, particularly her daughter, actress Grace Kelly, who later married Prince Ranier of Monaco. Princess Grace died of injuries suffered in an automobile accident in September 1982.
Margaret Kelly's husband, John B. Kelly Sr., was an Olympic rowing champion who parlayed his skills as a bricklayer into a construction empire. He died in 1960.
Born on Dec. 13, 1898, the former Margaret Majer met her future husband at a Philadelphia swimming pool when she was a teen-ager. They married in 1924.
She is survived by two daughters, 13 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
The couple's only son died in 1985.
Funeral services were planned for Tuesday in Philadelphia.


 Married: January 30, 1924 St. Bridget’s Catholic Church  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Grace’s parents, John B. (Jack) Kelly and Margaret (Majer) Kelly met at the Turngemeide swimming pool, located at Broad Street and Columbia Avenue, in 1916. Mrs. Kelly was an athletic coach for coeds at the University of Pennsylvania and was taking part in a recreational swim at the pool. Jack, a member of the swim team at Turngemeide, saw Margaret for the first time and immediately fell in love. The two were married on January 30, 1924, at which point Mrs. Kelly converted to Catholicism- Jack was a devout Irish Catholic.3

Great Excuse HaHA😁