Friday, August 27, 2010

The Marriage Record of Estelle Kathleen Barnhill the daughter of James William Barnhill and Sanford Keith Evans

Married: June 29, 1901 Presbyterian Montrèal Quebec Canada

Burial Information of the Family of James William Barnhill I

Kensico Cemetery
273 Lakeview RD
Vahalla Westchester County NY 10595

Forham Reform Church Plot own under the time of Presbyterian Church.

Lot 15 113611 Grave 1 & 2

1. 2667 2. 33753

Lot 15 113611 Grave 2


Lot #15 113611 Grave 3 34416

Photographs by

Jeannette K. Rook

July 31, 2009


The Vital Statistic
On the
Family of
James William Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County


The Vital Statistic: Page of James William Barnhill of La Grange Oldham County Kentucky. He migrated to New York in 1907. He lived in New York City for 20 years with his family.

The Information:
1. Family Bible
2. Death Records
3. Cemetery Records
4. Obituaries
5. Marriage Records
6. United States Federal Census 1850-1930
7. Directories
8. Travel Records
9. Social Security Records
10. Military Records

New Hampshire
New York

James William Barnhill
Oldham County


Name: James William Barnhill
Born: January 23, 1847 Ballardsville La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: February 25, 1927Presbyterian Hospital, Manhatten New York County New York
Spouse: Catherine Katie Massie 1st
Julia Jane McWilliams 2nd
Parents: Hiram Carl Barnhill, Margaret Boyd
Occupation: Farmer/Mill Owner/Stock Clerk
Politics: Democrat
Religion: At birth Methodist
Religion: Joined the Presbyterian Church of La Grange Oldham County KY March 27, 1892
Cause of Death: Arteriosclerosis Fractured 9, 8, 10 Rib
Date of Burial: February 27, 1927
Patent Holder: Yes –For Gates to Drive Way 1903-1904
Age at Death: YRS: 80
Certificate #: 5144
Military Services: Unknown
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot 15 113611 Grave 1 #2667


Catherine Katie Massies
1st Wife
James William Barnhill
Henry County Kentucky

Name: Catherine Katie Massie
Alias: Katie
Born: March 9, 1851 Henry County Kentucky
Died: August 19, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Jessie Massie
----------Born: March 27, 1820
----------Died: December 22, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
----------Frederica Eubanks
----------Born: September 14, 1820
----------Died: October 4, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
----------Occupation: Housewife
----------Interment: Scobee Cemetery New Castle Henry County Kentucky

Occupation: Housewife
Age at Death: YRS: 21 MOS: 5 DYS: 9
Interment: Scobee’s Grave Yard New Castle Henry County Kentucky

Married: December 22, 1870 Henry County Kentucky


James William Barnhill
Catherine Kate Massey

Mary Massey Barnhill


1. Mary Massie Barnhill
Born: February 12, 1872 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 30, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Parents: James William Barnhill, Catherine Katie Meassie
Interment: Scobee Cemetery New Castle Henry County Kentucky


Second Wife
James William Barnhill
Shelby County Kentucky



Name: Julia Jane McWilliams
Born: August 2, 1858 District One Shelby County Kentucky
Died: August 9, 1933 Richmond, Henrico County Virginia
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Wesley Samuel McWilliams
======= Born: 1816 Shelby County Kentucky
========Died: 1891 Shelby County Kentucky
=========Martha Ann Harrington
========Born: September 6, 1827 Shelby County Kentucky
========Died: December 26, 1915 Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Presbyterian
Politics: Democrat
Cause of Death: Myocardial Failure
Date of Burial: August 11, 1933 Shipping the body
August 12, 1933 Date of Interment
Age at Death: YRS: 75
Certificate #: 17479 1571
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15 113611 Grave #1 33753

James William Barnhill
Julia Jane Mc Williams
7 Issues
Plus Spouse:


Oliver Paul Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County


1. Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Alias: Hall /Olwen
Born: March 24, 1878 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: March 18, 1934 71 West Kingsbridge Road Bronx, Bronx County New York
Spouse: Helen F. Taylor Barnhill [Barker]
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Pastor in the Faith of Presbyterian
Religion: Presbyterian
Military Service: United States Army
Cause of Death: Acute Cardiac Failure
Date of Burial: March 21, 1934
Death Certificate #: 20424-1931: Registered: 2637
Age at Death: YRS: 55 MOS: 11 DYS: 18
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, Lot #15 113611
Grave 3 34416 New York

Helen F. Taylor
Oliver Paul Barnhill
Brooklyn Kings County New York


Helen F. Taylor Barnhill [Barker]
Born: October 15, 1887 Brooklyn Kings County New York
Died: August 11, 1989 North Andover Essex County Massachusetts
Spouse: Dr. REV Oliver Paul Barnhill 1st
Lincoln Barker 2nd
Parents: Peter Grinnel Taylor,
--------Born: September 1852 Louisiana
======-Died: Before 1930
----------Emma G. Graham
----------Born: March 1952 Brooklyn Kings County New York
----------Died: May 13, 1941 Community Hospital Manhattan New York, New York County

Occupation: Housewife/ Seceretary for A Doctor Office
Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest
Death Certificate #: 43134—744139
Social Security #: 056-16-0721
Military Service: None
Date of Burial: August 14, 1989
Age at Death: YRS: 101 MOS: 10 DYS: 4
Interment: South Church Cemetery 41 Central Street Lot 508 Andover Essex Massachusetts Lot #508


South Church in Andover
41 Central Street
Andover, Massachusetts 01810
(978) 475-0321

Married: June 9, 1910 Brooklyn Kings County New York
Issues: Dorothy Taylor, Oliver Paul Jr., and Kenneth Graham


Estelle Kathleen Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County



2. Estelle Katherine Barnhill
Alias: Katie
Born: September 28, 1879 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: December 28, 1956 Holderness Grafton County New Hampshire
Spouse: Sanford Keith Evans [Death Record Yes]
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Age at Death: YRS: 82
Date of Disposition: December 31, 1956
File Number #: 1956005860--1529032
Note: She was cremated at the Cemetery in Cambridge Massachusetts However, buried
In Plymouth, Massachusetts . On January 2, 1956
Age at Death: YRS: 82 MOS: 3
Interment: Private Property Alton Belknap County New Hampshire



Sanford Keith Evans
Glasgow Junction
Barron County
Husband of
Estelle Kathleen Barnhill


Sanford Keith Evans
Born: February 16, 1876 District 9# Glasgow Junction Barron County Kentucky
Died: May 31, 1955 Merritt Parkway West Port Fairfield County Connecticut
Spouse: Estelle Kathleen Barnhill
Parents: William T. Evans
=======Born: January 11, 1838 Monroe County Kentucky
-----------Died: February 15, 1915 Glascoe Barren County Kentucky
-----------Laura Amanda Moffett
=======Born: February 10, 1849 Macon County, Illinois
=======-Died: Before 1915 Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky
-----------Married: August 24, 1866
Occupation: Retired Advertising Business
Cause of Death: Ruptured Liver, Crushed Chest, Fractured Left wrist, Contusion Head
Note: Sudden Death due to a Car Accident
Cremation: October 3, 1955
Age of Death: YRS: 79 MOS: 3 DYS: 15
Certificate #: 43
Date of Burial: October 3, 1955
Religion: Presbyterian
Politics: Democrat
Military Service: No
Interment: Fern-cliff Cemetery, Greenburg Westchester County New York

Pursuant to you email dated August 12, 2010, our records indicate the Sanford Keith Evans was cremated at the Ferncliff Crematory on June 3, 1956 and his cremated remains were interred in Locker 4, Columbarium Room 2, Unit Five (5) in the Ferncliff Mausoleum on August 5, 1958. The locker is for many cremated remains and there are no inscriptions permitted.

If I can be of further assistance, please contact me.

Jane Marsek
Assistant to General Manager
Ferncliff Cemetery Association
P.O. Box 217
Hartsdale, NY 10530

Married: June 29, 1901 Presbyterian Montrèal Quebec Canada
Issues: N0


John Densmore Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County


3. John Dinsmore Barnhill
Alias: Densmore
Born: August 2, 1882 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 3, 1928 55 Summit Avenue. Bronxville Westchester County New York
District #--5922 Westchester County New York
Spouse: Emeline Alice. Barler
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane Mc Williams
Occupation: Advertiser Agents
Cause of Death: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Date of Cremation: August 5, 1928
Date of Burial: September 17, 1932 [Ashes]
Military Service: No
Religion: Presbyterian
Certification #: Registered No. 58 52167
Age at Death: YRS: 46 MOS: 0 DYS: 1
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15
113611 Grave #2 28206


Emeline Alice Barler
Chicago, Cook County
Wife Of
John Densmore Barnhill


Name: Emeline Alice. Barler
Alias: Emmeline
Born: November 7, 1884 Chicago Cook County Illinois
Died: December 1, 1971, Cazenovia Madison County New York
Spouse: John Densmore Barnhill 1st
Count Raoul d’ Adhemar 2nd
Parents: Richard O Barler
---------Born: April 1861 Chicago Cook County Illinois
---------Died: April 23, 1923 Chicago County Illinois
---------Rose Isabelle Tarrant
=======Born: July 14, 1862 Brooklyn Kings County, New York
=======Died: August 8, 1936 Long Beach New York
=======Married: September 10, 1883 Chicago Cook Illinois

Occupation: Housewife/ Countess
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Social Security #: 578-66-4763
Date of Burial:
Certificate #:
Age a Death: YRS: 87 MOS: 1

Married: June 20, 1917 Chicago Cook County Illinois
Issues: Elizabeth “Betty”, Richard Boone and James John

William Roy E. Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County



4. William Roy E. Barnhill
Born: July 4, 1884 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: February 5, 1956 Wolfeboro Carroll County New Hampshire
Spouse: Alice Laura Clark
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Advertising/ United Nations Counsel
Cause of Death: Coronary Arteriosclerosis
Age at Death: YRS: 74 MOS: 7 DYS: 1
Date of Cremation: February 8, 1956 Mt Auburn Cemetery Cambridge Massachusetts Date
of Disposition: February 9, 1956
File Number#: 1956000500
Social Security Number#: 119-07-7939
Military Service: Unknown
Interment: Riverside Cemetery, Row N, 124 Suncook Valley Road Row N: Alton, New Hampshire 03809

Alice Laura Clark
Chester Middlesex County
Wife Of
William Roy E. Barnhill

Name: Alice Laura Clark
Born: November 30, 1879 Chester Middlesex County Connecticut
Died: January 3, 1968 Alton Belknap County New Hampshire
Spouse: William Roy E. Barnhill
Parents: John Howard Clark
=======Born: 1850 Chester, Middlesex County Connecticut
========Died: 1907 Chester, Middlesex County Connecticut
========Ethel Amelia
======= Born: August 15, 1855 Connecticut
========Died: 1892 Chester, Middlesex County Connecticut

Occupation: Housewife/Spokes Woman for Better Homes and Garden
Cause of Death: Myocardial Decomposition
Religion: Presbyterian
Political Party: Democrat
Age at Death: YRS: 88 MOS: 1
Date of Burial: January 4, 1968
Social Security: 133-03-7785
File #: 196800001 159034
Interment: Riverside Cemetery, Row N, 124 Suncook Valley Road Row N: Alton, New Hampshire 03809

Married:? 1912-1920 Manhattan
Issues: None


Julia James Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County


5. Julia James Barnhill
Born: December 10, 1888 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 30, 1973 Alton Belknap County New Hampshire
Spouse: Ralph St. Lawrence Peverley
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Coronary Thrombosis
Social Security Number#: 105-36-7327
Religion: Presbyterian
Date of Disposition: September 4, 1973 Concord Crematorium New Hampshire
Place of Disposition: Concord Crematorium, Concord
New Hampshire
Age at Death: YRS: 84 MOS: 9 DYS: 11
File #: 1973005574:
Interment: Private Property in Alton Belknap County New Hampshire


Ralph St. Lawrence Peverley
Wilmington Delaware
Julia James Barnhill

Name: Ralph St. Lawrence Peverley
Born: February 28, 1885 Wilmington New Castle County Delaware
Died: June 16, 1950 New York Manhattan County New York
Spouse: Julia James Barnhill
-------Parents: Ralph Pevelery
----------------Born: July 20, 1859 Porte Neuf Quebec Canada
----------------Died: March 3, 1912 Quebec Canada
----------------Occupation: Book Keeper
----------------Religion: Church of England
----------------Caroline Lodge Veale
===========Born: 1863 Delaware
--------------- Died: After 1930 Brookline Norfolk County Massachusetts
---------------Married: December 23, 1880 Wilmington New Castle County Delaware
---------------Religion: Church of England
Occupation: Civil Engineer/ Inventor /Death Record Management of Roofing
Military Service: Unknown
Patent Holder: Yes
Date of Burial: June 18, 1950
Cremated: June 18, 1950
Cause of Death: Heart Attack
Age at Death: YRS: 66 MOS: 3 DYS: 19
Certificate #: 156-50-113491
Interment: Fern-cliff Cemetery, Greenburg Westchester County New York

Pursuant to you email dated August 12, 2010, our records indicate the Ralph St . Lawrence Peverley was cremated at the Ferncliff Crematory on June 18, 1950 and his cremated remains were mailed to John Graham & Son Funeral Home on June 21, 1950.
If I can be of further assistance, please contact me.

Jane Marsek
Assistant to General Manager
Ferncliff Cemetery Association
P.O. Box 217
Hartsdale, NY 10530

Married: November 13, 1915 Staten Island Richmond County New York
By her brother Oliver Paul Barnhill
Issues: Ralph Wylie, and Juliet Estelle Evelyn



George Boyd Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County


6. George Boyd Barnhill
Born: August 28, 1891 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: June 10, 1955 Oakland, Alameda County California
Spouse: Catherine Louise Saxman
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Inspector/ Inventor
Military Service: Army—Served During WWI
Religion: Presbyterian
Politics: Republican 1920-1935
Politics: Democrat 1936-1955
Cause of Death: Cardiac Failure
Social Security #: 0
Cremation: June 13, 1955
Date of Burial: June 20, 1955
Age at Death: YRS: 63 MOS: 9 DYS: 13
Patent Holder: Yes; Source:
Interment: Mountain View Cemetery Oakland Alameda County California



Name: Catherine Louise Saxman
Alias: Louise Saxman Barnhill
Born: November 20, 1890 Westmoreland County Pennsylvania
Died: October 2, 1968 Good Samaritan Hospital Kearney Buffalo County Nebraska
Spouse: George Boyd Barnhill Sr.
Parents: Charles Wesley Saxman
----------Born: March 23, 1851 Salem Township
----------Westmoreland County Pennsylvania
----------Died: April 20, 1922 St. Joseph Berriar County Michigan
----------Roxanna Markle Lloyd
======Born: December 16, 1861 Pennsylvania
----------Died: May 25, 1932 Ridge Avenue Main Street Latrobe Westmoreland
Occupation: Housewife
Political Party: Republican 1921-1935
Political Party: Democrat: 1936-1968
Religion: Methodist: 1890-1919
Religion: Presbyterian: 1920-1968
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Certificate #: 68 11245
Cremation: October 5, 1968 Forest Lawn Cemetery Omaha Nebraska
Social Security #: 555-28-3571-D
Date of Burial: December 3, 1968
Age at Death: YRS: 77 MOS: 9 DYS: 12
Interment: Mountain View Cemetery Oakland Alameda County California

Married: 1919 Westmoreland County Pennsylvania
Issues: George Boyd Jr. Katherine Louise

Mary Boone Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County

7. Mary Boone Barnhill
Born: March 8, 1894 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: December 10, 1965 Richmond, Henrico County Virginia
Spouse: Henry Lee. Staples II
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Advertiser Staples & Staples
Religion: Presbyterian
Politics: Democrat
Age at Death: YRS: 71 MOS: 2 DYS 24
Date of Burial: December 11, 1965
Social Security#: 225-12-5337
Certificate #: 65 034281 -4181447
Cause of Death: Cardio Vascular Renal disease
Date of Burial: December 11, 1965
Interment: Riverview Cemetery Richmond, Henrico County Virginia


Henry Lee Staples II
Richmond Henrico County
Spouse of
Mary Boone Barnhill



Name: Henry Lee. Staples II
Born: September 22, 1889 Dumbarton Richmond, Henrico County Virginia
Died: May 5, 1938 Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia
Spouse: Mary Boone Barnhill
Parents: Henry Lee Staples I,
=======Born: 1841-1847 Virginia
-----------Died: Before 1900 Richmond Henrico County Virginia
========Sarah Norwood Dudley
=========Born: August 4, 1850 Philadelphia, Philadelphia County Pennsylvania
-------------Died: November 13, 1938 Wilmington New Hanover County North Caroline
Occupation: President of Staples & Staples Advertising
Religion: Presbyterian
Politics: Democrat
Cause of Death: Bronchial Pneumonia & Myocarditis
Certificate#: 10873 1010- 4132992
Age at Death: YRS: 48 MOS: 7 DYS: 13
Date of Burial: May 6, 1938
Interment: Riverview Cemetery Richmond, Henrico County Virginia

Married: October 5, 1915 Staten Island; Richmond County New York
By her brother Oliver Paul Barnhill

Family Notes maintain by Dr. Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill
Issues: Mary Boone, and Henry Lee III

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fahrenheit to Celsius

℉ 212

Fahrenheit to Celsius
[℉ -32] × 5/9 = ℃

1. 212 -32 x 5/9 = ℃
2. 180 x 5/9 = ℃

3. 20 x 5 = ℃
4. 100 ℃

Let say I know Celsius? However, I am given the Fahrenheit. Formula. How do I answer ℃ ? ?
[℉ -32] × 5/9 = ℃

1. 212- 32 x 5/9 = ℃

2. 180 x 5/9 = ℃

3. 20 x 5 = ℃
4. 100 = ℃

Celsius to Fahrenheit

℉ 212
℃ 100

Celsius to Fahrenheit
[℃ × 9/5] +32 = ℉

1. 100 x 9/5 + 32 = ℉

2. 20 x 9 + 32 = ℉

3. 180 + 32 = ℉

4. 212 ℉

Let say I know Fahrenheit. However I am given the Celsius Formula. How do I answer ℃

[℃ × 9/5] +32 = ℉

1. [℃ × 9/5] +32=212

2. ℃ x 9/5+ 32-32=212-32

3. ℃ x 9/5 ÷5/9 = 180 ×5/9

4. 20 x 5= ℃

5. 100 ℃

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Dr. REV Oliver Paul Barnhill

Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Oldham County Kentucky
Bronx New York
The Son of James William Barnhill & Julia Jane Mc Williams

NOVEMBER 2, 2010

NOVEMBER 2, 2010










26th Amendment
Amendment XXVI
Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age.


Women Get out and Vote To.

Every One Vote its time to send a Message to Washington D.C.

If American is Not Working. Well all those in D.C. should be without a job. Its time to put in New Blood and Flush the old Blood Out.


Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life