Monday, January 26, 2009

Helen F. Taylor Barnhill: Wife of the Late Rev: Oliver Paul Barnhill

Name: Helen F. Taylor
Born: October 15, 1887 Brooklyn Kings County Kentucky
Died: August 11, 1989 Andover Essex County Massachusetts
Spouse: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr. 1st
Lincoln Barker
Parents: Peter Grinnell. Taylor, Emma Graham
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Interment: South Church Cemetery Andover Essex County Massachusetts

Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003 about Helen Barker
Name: Helen Barker Certificate: 043134: Death Place: North Andover Death Date: 11 Aug 1989 Birth Place: New York Birth Date: 15 Oct 1987 Source of Information: Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: State of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003. Boston, MA, USA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health Services, 2005.

Social Security Death Index about Helen T. Barker
Name: Helen T. Barker SSN: 056-16-0721 Last Residence: 10024 New York, New York, New York, United States of America Born: 15 Oct 1887 Died: Aug 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: New York (Before 1951) Source Citation: Number: 056-16-0721;Issue State: New York;Issue Date: Before 1951.

Helen F. Taylor Barnhill Obituary

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Death Record of Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill

Death Record of Oliver Paul Barnhill
March 18, 1934

Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Born: March 24, 1878 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: March 18, 1934 New York
Spouse: Helen Taylor Barnhill [Barker]
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Pastor in the Faith of Presbyterian
Cause of Death: Acute Cardiac Failure
Date of Burial: March 21, 1934
Age at Death: YRS: 55 MOS: 11 DYS: 18
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, Lot #15 113611 Grave 3 34416
New York

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bronx Pastor Passes Away March 19, 1934 Rev: Oliver Paul Barnhill

Military Funeral For Pastor Rev: Oliver Paul Barnhill

Pastor Falls Dead at End of Sermon

Obituary Kenneth Graham Barnhill Great Great William Barnhill and Ruth Boone of Ballardsville Oldham County Kentucky

The Great Great Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone. Kenneth Graham Barnhill son of late Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill

Widow of John Dinsmore: Reference to her as a Countess Adhemer

Count Raoul d' Adhemer married the Widow of John Dinsmore Barnhill; Mrs. Emaline Barlow Barnhill October 24, 1932 Hot Springs Viginia.

Great Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone of Oldham County Kentucky

The Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone
John Dinsmore Barnhill

La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
New York New York

His wife [Widow] became a countess: She married: Count Raoul d' Adhemer [1932] Her name: Emeline or Emaline Barlow of Chicago.

Click for more information Regarding the Widow Emaline Barlow of Chicago

Three Children: Elizabeth, James J. and Richard Barnhill

Correction: John Dinsmore Barnhill was born in La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

John Dinsmore Barnhill
Alias: Densmore
Born: August 2, 1882 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 4, 1928 New York New York
Spouse: Emeline A. Barler
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane Mc Williams
Occupation: Advertiser Agents
Cause of Death: Pending
Date of Burial: September 17, 1932 [Ashes]
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15 113611

Grave # 2 28206

Great Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone: Publisher William Roy Barnhill

The Great Grandson of
William Barnhill & Ruth Boone
William Roy Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County Kentucy
Wolfeboro New Hampshire
Alice Laura Clark Barnhill

1956--Survivor's Mrs. Ralph Peverley [Julia James Barnhill younger sister], Mrs. Henry Staples of Richmond Virginia [Mary Boone Barnhill] and Mrs. S. Ketih Evans Holderness New Hampshire [Estelle Katherine Barnhill]

Grandson of William Barnhill & Ruth Boone La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

The Obituary of James William Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
February 25, 1927 Manhattan New York County New York
With Burial in the Kensico Cemetery
There are two Errors in the Obituary:
James William Barnhill; Great Grandfather was William Barnhill and his great grand father married Ruth Boone 1810 in Shelby County Kentucky.

Sanford Keith Evan the Son of William Evans and Laura Moffat of Glasgow Junction Barren County Kentucky

Death Record of Sanford Keith Evan

w/ Estelle Katherine Barnhill

Name: Sanford Keith Evans
Born: February 16, 1876 District 9#Glasgow Junction Barren County Kentucky
Died: May 31, 1955 Westport, Fairfield County Connecticut
Spouse: Estelle Kathleen Barnhill
Parents: Father: William T. Evans
Born: January 11, 1838 Monroe County Kentucky
Died: February 15, 1915 Glascoe Barren County Kentucky
Mother: Laura Moffat
Occupation: Advertising Agent
Cause of Death: Ruptured Liver, Crushed Chest Fracture left wrist;
Contusion to the Head; Interval between onset and Death: Sudden
Date of Burial: June 3, 1955
Age at Death: YRS: 79
Interment: Ferncliff Cemetery, Greenburg New York

Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2001 about Sanfo K Evans
Name: Sanfo K Evans Death Date: 31 May 1955 Death Place: Westport, Fairfield, Connecticut: Age: 79 Years Birth Date: abt 1876 Marital Status: Married Spouse: Este State File #: 09077; Residence: Out-of-State, New York Gender: Male Race: White Source Information: Connecticut Department of Health. Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. Original data: Connecticut Department of Health. Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2001. Hartford, CT, USA: Connecticut Department of Health.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

James William Barnhill La Grange Oldham County kentucky

Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 6th ed., 1887,
Oldham Co.

JAMES W. BARNHILL was born in Oldham County, January 23, 1847, and is a son of Hiram and Margaret (Boyd) Barnhill, the latter a native of Shelby County, Ky. Hiram Barnhill was born in North Carolina in 1818, and came to Kentucky with his father, William, who settled in the southern part of Oldham County, participated in the battle of New Orleans, from which field he
walked home. The wife of William Barnhill, and grandmother of James W. Barnhill, was a Miss Ruth Boone, who was a native of North Carolina and a cousin of Daniel Boone. James W. Barnhill was reared on the home farm, and was educated at LaGrange. In 1885 he entered into partnership with George V. Barnhill, and established the LaGrange Woolen-mills. George V. died
August 28, 1886, and in March, 1887, Col. Charles C. Haelfling and Newton W. Ladd took his half interest. These mills have a working capacity of 115 pounds of wool a day, and employ eleven hands, the capital stock being about $4,500. In May, 1876, Mr. Barnhill married Miss Julia McWilliams, of Shelby County, daughter of Samuel and Martha A. McWilliams, and of the children born to this union five are living: Paul, Estelle, Katie, John D. and William Roy. Mr. Barnhill is still engaged in agricultural pursuits, and owns a farm of 110 acres between LaGrange and Ballardsville.

Barnhill Boyd Boone Ladd Haelfling McWilliams
Shelby-KY NC
James William Barnhill
Basic Genealogy Outline

Name: James William Barnhill
Born: January 23, 1847 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: February 25, 1927 Manhattan New York County New York
Spouse: Catherine Katie Massie 1st
Julia Jane McWilliams 2nd
Parents: Hiram Carl Barnhill, Margaret Boyd
Occupation: Farmer
Cause of Death: Arteriosclerosis Fractured 9, 8, 10 Rib
Date of Burial: February 27, 1927
Age at Death: YRS: 80
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot 15 113611 Grave 1 #2667

Name: Catherine Katie Massie
Alias: Katie
Born: March 9, 1851 Henry County Kentucky
Died: August 19, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Jessie Massie, Fredrica Eubanks
Occupation: Housewife
Interment: Scobee Cemetery New Castle Henry County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Age at Death: YRS: 21 MOS: 5 DYS: 9
Interment: Scobee’s Grave Yard Henry County Kentucky

Married: December 22, 1870 Kentucky


1. Mary Massie Barnhill
Born: February 12, 1872 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 30, 1872 Henry County Kentucky
Parents: James William Barnhill, Catherine Katie Meassie
Interment: Scobee Cemetery Henry County Kentucky

Second Wife of James William Barnhill
Name: Julia Jane McWilliams
Born: August 2, 1858 District One Shelby County Kentucky
Died: August 9, 1933 Richmond, Richmond County Virginia
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Wesley Samuel McWilliams
Born: 1816 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: 1891 Shelby County Kentucky
Martha Ann Harrington
Born: September 6, 1827 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: December 26, 1915 Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Myocardial Failure
Date of Burial: August 11, 1933 Shipping the body
August 12, 1933 Date of Interment
Age at Death: YRS: 75
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15 113611 Grave #1 33753

Married: May 10, 1877 Shelby County Kentucky
In the home of her father’s Wesley Samuel McWilliams


1. Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Born: March 24, 1878 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: March 18, 1934 New York
Spouse: Helen Taylor Barnhill [Barker]
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Pastor in the Faith of Presbyterian
Cause of Death: Heart Attack
Date of Burial: March 21, 1934
Age at Death: YRS: 55 MOS: 11 DYS: 18
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, Lot #15 113611 Grave 3 34416
New York

Death: Pending 1-03-09

2. Estelle Katherine Barnhill
Alias: Katie
Born: September 28, 1879 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: December 29, 1956 Holderness New Hampshire
Spouse: Sanford Keith Evans
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death:

Note: According her brother’s Obituary, Estelle last location Holderness New Hampshire. You passed on way on February 6, 1956 in Wolfeboro New Hamphire.
Married: June 29, 1901 ?

3. John Dinsmore Barnhill
Alias: Densmore
Born: August 2, 1882 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: August 4, 1928 New York New York
Spouse: Emeline A. Barler
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane Mc Williams
Occupation: Advertiser Agents
Cause of Death: Pending
Date of Burial: September 17, 1932 [Ashes]
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15 113611
Grave #2 28206

Death Record Pending 1-03-09

4. William Roy Barnhill
Born: July 4, 1884 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: February 5, 1956 Wolfeboro Carroll County New Hampshire
Spouse: Alice Laura Clark
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Advertisement
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Interment: ?

Death Record Pending
Married: ?

5. Julia James Barnhill
Born: December 10, 1888 La Grange Oldham
County Kentucky
Died: August 30, 1973 Alton Belknap County New Hampshire
Spouse: Ralph St. Lawrence Peverley
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death:

Death Record Pending
Married: November 13, 1915 New York New York

6. George Boyd Barnhill
Born: August 28, 1891 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: June 10, 1955 Alameda County California
Spouse: Louis Saxman
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Cause of Death:

Death Record Pending
Married: ?

7. Mary Boone Barnhill
Born: March 8, 1894 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: 1960 Richmond, Richmond County Virginia
Spouse: Henry Lee. Staples II
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death:

Married: October 5, 1915

My Art Work: Dedicated to Oliver Paul Barnhill

AUGUST 18, 1918

Dedicated to Rev: Oliver Paul Barnhill of La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Reverend Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr. Family Genealogy Outline

Rev: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Genealogy Family
La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Bronx New York
Name: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Born: March 24, 1878 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: March 18, 1934 Bronx New York
Spouse: Helen Taylor Barnhill [Barker]
Born: October 15,1887 Brooklyn Kings County New York
Parents: James William Barnhill,
Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Pastor in the Faith of Presbyterian
Cause of Death: Heart Attack Date of
Burial: March 21, 1934
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot # 15 Grave 3 113611

Name: Helen F. Taylor
Born: Oct 15,1887 Brooklyn Kings County New York
Died: August 11, 1989 North Andover Essex County Massachusetts
Spouse: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr. 1st
Lincoln Barker 2nd
Parents: Peter Grinnell. Taylor, Emma Graham
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Interment: Death Record Pending

Obituary Pending from Massachusetts

Social Security Death Index about Helen T. Barker
Name: Helen T. Barker SSN: 056-16-0721 Last Residence: 10024 New York, New York, New York, United States of America Born: 15 Oct 1887 Died: Aug 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: New York (Before 1951) Source Citation: Number: 056-16-0721;Issue State: New York; Issue Date: Before 1951.

Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003 about Helen Barker
Name: Helen Barker Certificate: 043134 Death Place: North Andover Death Date: 11 Aug 1989 Birth Place: New York Birth Date: 15 Oct 1987 Source of Information: Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: State of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003. Boston, MA, USA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health Services, 2005.

Married: June 6, 1910 Brooklyn Kings County Kentucky


1. Dorothy Taylor Barnhill
Born: August 11, 1911 Staten Island New York
Died: November 1, 1971 Los Angeles County California
Spouse: Ivan Sawyer Gardiner
Parents: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Occupation: ?
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Age at Death: YRS: 60
Interment: Death Record Pending

Married: October 24, 1936 Bronx New York

2. Oliver Paul Barnhill Jr.
Born: 1914 Staten Island New York
Died: October 6, 1959 Mineola Nassau County New York
Spouse: Paquita Sotomayor
Parents: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr., Helen F. Taylor
Occupation: ?
Military Service: United States Air Army
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Date of Burial: July 2, 1960 Ashes Spread over grave #3
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot # 15
Grave 3 113611

Married: October 12, 1941 Presbyterian Church Madison Avenue New York

3. Kenneth Graham Barnhill
Born: March 26, 1917 New Jersey
Died: October 11, 2003 Andover, Essex Massachusetts
Spouse: Margaret J. White
Parents: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr., Helen Taylor
Occupation: ?
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Date of Burial: May 19, 2004 Grave 3 was re-open to place ashes
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot # 15
Grave 3 113611

: June 20, 1948 New York New York
The Family of Rev: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Records are still pending 1-14-2009

In Honor of the Late Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill THE BARNHILL TRIANGLE

The Barnhill Triangle Entrance

More information

This triangle honors Reverend Oliver Paul Barnhill (d. 1934) who led the congregation at the Fordham Manor (Dutch) Reformed Church

Barnhill Triangle
This triangle honors Reverend Oliver Paul Barnhill (d. 1934) who led the congregation at the Fordham Manor (Dutch) Reformed Church from 1924 to 1934. Reverend Barnhill was born in LaGrange, Kentucky and attended, in succession, Poplar Grove Academy, Center College, and Princeton University, where he received an M.A. He served as an assistant at the Memorial Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn for twelve years and as associate pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church from 1916 to 1923. Based on his credentials and what the New York Evening Telegram described as ¡§an exceedingly agreeable personality,¡¨ he was asked to serve as pastor of the Fordham Manor Reformed Church; he started on October 7, 1923.

Reverend Barnhill proved to be an able pastor. He was a moving and eloquent speaker, and had a knack for social organization. The church expanded with the purchase of the nearby Clarke house for use as a parsonage. The cost of this acquisition, however, drove the church into financial troubles. Reverend Barnhill led his congregation through the trauma of the Great Depression, but it proved to be his final task as a pastor. On Sunday, March 18, 1934, Reverend Barnhill gave what was reported to be a beautiful communion service, and subsequently died of a heart attack.

Barnhill Triangle sits on what was once a right-of-way for the Old Croton Aqueduct. The construction of the Old Croton Aqueduct was one of the greatest engineering feats of the 19th century. The Croton river was dammed and a forty-one mile tunnel and bridge structure was erected for the project; it opened in 1942. The aqueduct allowed for further growth and development of New York City by alleviating two of the city¡¦s worst problems: fire and cholera. The abundant supply ensured that enough water would be available to put out fires, and stop the epidemics caused by contaminated water. Although it was built to last for centuries, the Old Croton Aqueduct served the City for less than 50 years. It was doomed not by its engineering or construction, which were both superb, but by its own success: the aqueduct enabled New York to expand so rapidly and so successfully that it was unable to provide enough water for the exploding populace.

In 1890, the New Croton Aqueduct opened (essentially a tunnel blasted through rock), which eventually replaced the Old Croton Aqueduct. The old aqueduct continued to deliver water to Manhattan, gradually decreasing flow until 1955. While the aqueduct itself is no longer useful, its right-of-way was turned over to Parks and remains some of the city¡¦s oldest parkland. The transfer of right-of-way was made under the condition that the land be used only for ¡§park and playground purposes.¡¨ To that end, shrubs and trees, including Callery pears and London planetrees, have been planted in Barnhill Triangle and benches invite passersby to sit and enjoy the greenery.

Recently, Barnhill Triangle was renovated as part of the Greenstreets program. Initiated in 1986 and revived in 1994, Greenstreets is a program that plants trees and shrubs in some of the city¡¦s smallest parks, squares, and traffic islands and triangles.

Famous Paintings of Bart John Blommers:

Famous Dutch Artist
Bart John Blommers
Landscape Artist
The Son of
Bernardus Johanna Blommers


Title: Playing Jacks on The Door Steeps

Baby Sitter

Visit: My Art

These Portraits replica's maybe purchased through this site

The Wedding of Bart John Blommers

Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill of La Grange Oldham County Kentucky Performed the Wedding Cermoney. The Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone Ballardsville Oldham County Kentucky. Performed the Wedding Cermoney: May 4, 1920 Marble Collegiate Church New York New York

Another Famous Marriage Performed by Rev Oliver Paul: Bart John Bloomers a famous Dutch Landscape Painter marries Miss Vivian Shaw Kennedy

May 20, 1920 at The Marble Collgiate Church In New York Officiating the Wedding
Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
The Great Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone
GrandSon of Hiram Carl Barnhill & Margaret Boyd
Parents: James William Barnhill & Julia Jane McWilliams


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obituary of Dorothy Taylor Barnhill Gardiner The Spouse of Ivan Sawyer Gardiner

Dorothy Taylor Barnhill Born: August 11, 1911 Staten Island New York Died: November 1, 1971 Los Angeles County California Spouse: Ivan Sawyer Gardiner Parents: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr. Occupation: HOusewife
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Age at Death: YRS: 60
Interment: Unknown

Death Record Pending 1-09

California Death Index, 1940-1997 about Dorothy T Gardiner
Name: Dorothy T Gardiner Social Security #: 561-56-7285 Sex: FEMALE Birth Date: 7 Aug 1911 Birthplace: New York Death Date: 1 Nov 1971 Death Place: Los Angeles Source Citation: Place: Los Angeles; Date: 1 Nov 1971; Social Security: 561567285.

Full Page of Comedian Larry Semon and Dorothy Dawn Wedding 1923

Comedian Larry Semon and Hollywood Actress Dorothy Dawn Married by Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill of La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

Learn more about Oliver Paul Barnhill and his family.

Hiram Carl Barnhill Oldham County Genealogy

Join and see the soul Searching of researching Family.

Burial of James William, Julia Jane, Rev Oliver Paul, John Dinsmore, Oliver Paul Jr, and Kenneth Graham Barnhill in Kensico Cemetery Valhalla New York

Kensico Cemetery
Valhalla NY
Fordham Manor Reformed Church
Lot owened by the Church.

Name: James William Barnhill
Born: January 23, 1847 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: February 25, 1927 Manhattan New York County New York
Spouse: Catherine Katie Massie 1st
Julia Jane McWilliams 2nd
Parents: Hiram Carl Barnhill, Margaret Boyd
Occupation: Farmer
Cause of Death: Arteriosclerosis Fractured 9, 8, 10 Rib
Date of Burial: February 27, 1927
Age at Death: YRS: 80
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot 15 113611 Grave 1 #2667

Obituary Pending 1-09-09

Name: Julia Jane McWilliams
Born: August 2, 1858 District One Shelby County Kentucky
Died: August 9, 1933 Richmond, Richmond County Virginia
Spouse: James William Barnhill
Parents: Wesley Samuel McWilliams
Born: 1816 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: 1891 Shelby County Kentucky
Martha Ann Harrington
Born: September 6, 1827 Shelby County Kentucky
Died: December 26, 1915 Louisville Jefferson County Kentucky
Occupation: Housewife
Cause of Death: Myocardial Failure
Date of Burial: August 11, 1933 Shipping the body
August 12, 1933 Date of Interment
Age at Death: YRS: 75
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15 113611 Grave #1 33753

Name: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr.
Born: March 24, 1878 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: March 18, 1934 Bronx, Bronx County New York
Spouse: Helen Taylor Barnhill [Barker]
Born: October 15, 1887 Brooklyn Kings County New York
Died: August 1989 New York, New York
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane McWilliams
Occupation: Pastor in the Faith of Presbyterian
Cause of Death: Heart Attack
Date of Burial: March 21, 1934
Age at Death: YRS: 55 MOS: 11 DYS: 18
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, Lot #15 113611 Grave 3 34416 New York

Death Record Pending 1-05-09

Name: John Dinsmore Barnhill
Alias: Densmore
Born: August 2, 1882 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
Died: 1929 New York New York
Spouse: Emeline A. Barler
Born: Nov 1884 Illinois
Parents: James William Barnhill, Julia Jane Mc Williams
Occupation: Advertiser Agents
Cause of Death: Pending
Date of Burial: September 17, 1932
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot #15 113611 Grave #2 28206 [Death Record is Pending 1-03-09]

Name :Oliver Paul Barnhill Jr.
Born: 1914 Staten Island New York
Died: October 6, 1959 Mineola Nassau County New York
Spouse: Paquita Sotomayor
Parents: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr., Helen F. Taylor
Military Service: United States Air Army
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Date of Burial: July 2, 1960 Ashes Spread over grave #3
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot # 15
Grave 3 113611

Son of Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr. and Helen F. Taylor Barnhill Barker

Death Record Pending

Kenneth Graham Barnhill
Born: March 26, 1917 New Jersey
Died: October 11, 2003 Andover, Essex Massachusetts
Spouse: Margaret J. White
Parents: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr., Helen Taylor
Cause of Death: Death Record Pending
Date of Burial: May 19, 2004 Grave 3 was re-open to place ashes
Interment: Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York Lot # 15
Grave 3 113611

Death Record, Obituary Pending 1-03-09
Due to bad weather and conditions of the Cemetery where the Barnhill's were located where covered in Snow and Ice.

I will return in July o9 to Photograph the Cemetery. I will post the Photo's the day I visited so keep checking my blog for further Information.

Jeannette K. Rook

Kensico Cemetery Vahalla New York

James William Barnhill
Julia Jane McWilliams
Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill
John Dinsmore Barnhill
Oliver Paul Barnhill Jr.
Kenneth Graham Barnhill

Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr. marries Comedian Larry Semon to Hollywood Actress Dorothy Dawn

2nd Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County
Comedian Larry Semon
Hollywood Actress Dorothy Dawn

Name: Oliver Paul Barnhill Sr. Born: March 24, 1878 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky Died: March 18, 1934 Bronx New York marries another Celebrity Couple by the name of Larry Semon a Comedian most notably with his work with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy and Dorothy Dawn.

Larry and Dawn married: January 23, 1923 by the Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill of La Grange Oldham County Kentucky the Geat Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone a Cousin Once remove from the famous Daniel Boone.

Larry and Dawn appeared in the very movie the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy Dawn played the character that Judy Garland played in the most popular version of the Wizard of Oz. The Character Dorothy.

The Wizad of Oz first notable to please children 1st edition appear 1900 written by L. Frank Baum.

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Oliver Paul Barnhill

Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill of Oldham County Marries two Major Celebrities

1st Enrico Caruso Married Dorothy Park Benjamin August 21, 1918
By Rev Oliver Paul Barnhill
La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

Oliver Paul Barnhill who was born: Born: March 24, 1878 La Grange Oldham County Kentucky Died: March 18, 1934 Bronx New York. Married Enrico Caruso and Miss Dorothy Parks Benjamin. In a Cermony August 21, 1918 in the Marble Cogate Church in New York .

Enrico Caruso was the one the Greatest Opera Singers and Just think he was married by the Great Grandson of William Barnhill and Ruth Boone.

His Grandparents were Hircam Carl Barnhill and Margaret Boyd of La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

More about his father James William Barnhill

Monday, January 12, 2009

La Grange Oldham County Kentucky

Lagrange Oldham County Kentucky
Summer of 2008
What you see in my photo's is
What I got from La Grange Oldham County Kentucky
A plain simple Stress Free Vacation

Taken facing West on Main Street Lagrange Oldham County Kentucky

Blue Belle Ice Cream
114 East Main Street
Lagrange Oldham County Kentucky

Best time to take photo's of this nice little town is on a Sunday morning
No traffic

Watch the train run through town while eating at a local eatry
The Main Road will shut down

Norma Jean's Family Style Resturant

Lagrange Oldham County Kentucky
A Simple Vacation with no stress
This the place to Vaction
It's not that Expensive.

The Oldham County Court House


Chose of Hotel

Best Western Ashbury INN
1005 New Moody LN
La Grange KY

Tel: 502 222 5500

PS Call for your Gold Crown Card to save money

Also Walmart is right next to the Best Western for your shopping convince



Saturday, January 10, 2009

Titanic Sitting in Branson Missouri
The official Tour Guide Site

Dixie Stampede Branson Missouri

Sheperherd of The Hill

Hey Mom having fun in Branson

Hey Mom I found Elvis

Branson Missouri is a great place to visit. However, have patience for the traffic.

Great Excuse HaHA😁