Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ford F-150 Bad Shift Motor

If you own a Ford F-150 and they vehicle may experience a vibration sound. The Cause is a bad shift Motor. My husband and I purchased the Vehicle in 2006 at Jenkins & Wynne Ford Lincoln Mercury Honda Truck 328 College St. Clarksville TN 931-647-3353

I have one thing to say to the General Manager Murry Kieter; you should get fired; and I hope all soldiers and DAV Americans stop buy from your dealership. Ford needs to be put out of business.

This dealer ship did not take our complaints seriously My husband and myself had to hire attorney from Kahnan Associates Lemon Law Firm http://www.kahnandassociates.com/

We complained very seriously about the Vehicle. For a brand new vehicle we had Numerous problems with this Vehicle Ford F-150 it is a 2006. So for the past year We have going after Ford.

Ford has a history of lying and covering up bad products. I will never buy another Ford Product.

Saturday, November 17, 2007



September 11-November 17 2007

You are in Gods Hands

For the short time you were with us; you gave us many laughs. You were a beautiful cat. So beautiful God called you home. You will always be in my heart.

This is my dedication to my cat Pharaoh. Love you always.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Branson Missouri Branson.com


Branson.com is everyone's link to a great town.

Komodo Dragon

OCTOBER 31, 2007

My next door neighbor ask my son to look in the green box. Naturally it being Halloween he was a little nervous. So he opened the box up and said Holy S--T.

He said mommy come here and take a look. Well someone the let pet out of the house. We were told it was Komodo Dragon. That is grows to 8 to 9 feet in length. I said my cats would become its snack.

So we called 911 and though we were joking. So I had to call the police department directly. The police officer said he is a nice size. I said you need to take it to the zoo were he /she belongs.

You can also view this on Youtube.com Also see what it can do to a deer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaglpFkDgvw Baby Komodo Dragon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ1vbKm7BnE Full Grown Komodo Dragon

Daisy & Elvis its a dogs life